Thursday March 21, 2016 As soon as Mina stepped into the ship, she felt uneasy. Extremely uneasy, actually. It was like that feeling she had right before she got a call from Max about her mom's death. While Richard and the group of people were having a talk by themselves, Mina leaned against the wall. She had suddenly gotten light-headed, and didn't want to hit her head on the ground if she ever fainted. Not that she ever has, but she didn't want to take any chances. When Richard announced that the ramp was gone, Mina's heart began to race. Would she be able to return to her brother? Would she be able to utter one word to him ever again? She tried to keep her face calm so no one would ask her about it. She was sure that she would break out crying if she even said one word. [i]I can't leave Max. He already lost so much...[/i] Mina was so worried about her brother that she only heard the last word of the announcement. As soon as one tear rolled down her cheek, a blinding light reached her eyes. She felt a little bit of pain, which surprised her. She was so used to blocking out pain that it took a lot for her to actually feel it. Mina let the pain take her body as she crumpled to the ground. ________________________________________________________________ Saturday March 23rd, 2016 Mina woke up to Max hovering over her. "Max!" she cried out, reaching for a hug. "Whoa there, buddy. Did you have a nightmare or something?" "No, I'm just so happy you're here!" Mina said into his shoulder, tears rolling down her cheeks. "Hey, hey, are you okay?" Max asked, pulling back from the embrace, "It was just yesterday you wouldn't wake up." "Wake up?" she asked, confused. "Yeah. You had a terrible fever when you got back from detention. You totally passed out for the whole day yesterday!" "Oh, really? I don't remember anything..," Mina trailed off. "Well, you're awake now, and that's all that matters. Let's get you some breakfast. I'll be in the kitchen when you're ready." Mina rolled off her bed and walked to the mirror. She checked out what she looked like. She did look pale, but it seemed like nothing had changed. [i]Hmm... I guess sleeping for an entire day doesn't really do anything to your body.[/i] Mina stepped away from the mirror to make her bed. After she was done, she turned around and saw another girl standing in front of the mirror. " Why are you here, and how did you get in?" Mina asked the girl. The girl turned around. Mina fell to the ground, shocked. The girl was an exact version of herself. A clone, if you will. [i]I must be going crazy. This isn't possible. This is all a dream![/i]