[center][img]http://67.media.tumblr.com/2e5b0d7f15824c5cc5283dcdf4cd69c9/tumblr_nc5saxypxj1qlfjv8o1_400.jpg[/img][/center] Gerti Brimrad stepped off the ship, her furred boots making big impressions on the sand. Tall, beautiful, and strong, the auburn haired warrior gazed around with sea blue eyes. Old Grimbold followed her off, yelling for the men to be careful with the cargo. Gerti herself spotted the Queen Kashar approaching, and made her way over. She stopped merely a few feet from the Queen, her head high and proud like a stallions. "Greetings" she said humbly, and bowed. "I am the daughter of Thane Brimrad, here at his behest. It is our honor to bring gifts to our age long friends." "Indeed, it is our honor." a voice said behind them. A man, just as tall as Gerti with grey eyes and dark hair strode over. "As the son of the High Thane Dormgard, it truly is an honor to be here." He knelt down before the Queen quickly, before standing up to his full height next to Gerti. If the Queen looked closely, she'd see there was some tension between them. Behind the man was a being that looked almost like a Kashar, only head and shoulders taller than even Gerti and the High Thane's heir. With Red scales, huge plate armor and a powerful tail, Kane the Drabarian gave a bow of respect to the Queen. "I am Aldred Dormgard. We bring gifts. Both weapons and metal, to you and your people." the Heir said. "And to celebrate in fellowship!" The men behind them, even the ones at work hauling, gave up a cheer. They then began to pass the leaders with weapons, metal, and cargo. [@Lauder][@Natsucooldude] ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Branimir DĂ©orhidh stumbled into his meadhall with two hearty warriors holding him aloft by his arms on either side. His trusty Storm Wolf loped beside him, caked in blood. His wife and sons ran to him, and after a few minutes of embrace and explanation, he called to gather the entire clan together outside of his hall to announce the return of an ancient enemy.