At first, he was just confused. [color=0076a3]“Uh, lunch? That’s great and all but you do realise it’s just a game, right? It's not that big a deal.”[/color] His demeanor did a kamikaze as soon as he noticed the fat wallet. So these bastards were the kind of spoiled brats that bought their way out of everything. He despised these sorts of people, the kind who trampled on others to get what they wanted. The kind that abused their power and escaped the consequences of their actions with a swipe of their credit cards. The kind of people like his step-dad. They were starting so young now. These kids were using their money to win a game of freeze tag of all things. Luis shuddered to think of what they would do in the future with this sort of attitude, the things they would try to get away with. To say Luis was pissed would be an understatement. He was fucking livid. It took everything he had not to dropkick his way through those gutless barricade bastards while Pablo was attempting to negotiate. Frankly he was pretty glad that his offer was turned down. Now no one would hold it against Luis if he gave those pampered brats what was coming to them. He grit his teeth and spoke tersely. [color=0076a3]“Of course. The Nishka Manoeuvre. Let’s go.” [/color] He interlocked his fingers and lowered his hands to knee level, intending to launch Pablo over the barricade. Luis had regularly bench pressed much more than Pablo’s weight, so it wouldn’t be very difficult to lift him. As soon as Pablo was in the air, Luis would take a few steps back from the barricade and make a running tackle towards the human wall. It would serve as both a distraction and an attack. If it was a contest of strength Luis would undoubtedly make a worthy opponent, even if it was 6 against 1. [@Letter Bee] [@TheHangedMan]