Signups and rules [url=]HERE[/url]! ---- The City of Karstberg… One of the largest cities on the continent of Almara, Karstberg has a huge population. It lies in the warm southeast, where spring and summer are pleasant, and fall and winter are mild. Within, there lay many opportunities, drawing in people by the hundreds. Karstberg is renowned for its vast market district, which has sprung up around the Noble Quarter, a massive ring around the center of the city filled with shops of all kinds. Within that ring is the Noble Quarter itself, the section of the city for the wealthy and the noble. Only the very finest of homes lie in this district. It is here that visiting nobility and even royalty stay, as well. In the very center of the city lies Tessilay Tower, where the Lord Mayor Arlai Tessilay resides. The tower stretches to the skies, visible from almost everywhere in the city. Outward from the market district, to the west, lays the Theater District. Popularly known as the ‘Dream District’, it is here that elaborate plays are preformed. While they aren’t cheap, the fee to see such plays is not out of the grasp of most citizens of Karstberg. The Dream District also holds the massive Carail Theater. Named for the famous playwright Farthing Carail, the biggest and most elaborate of plays are staged here. The Dream District is filled with the often-eccentric actors and playwrights, who make their homes there as well. To the east, opposite of the Dream District, lays the Guild Quarter. The Guild Quarter is, rather self-explanatorily, home to the various Guilds of Karstberg. Rumor has it that the fabled Thieves’ Guild… does not work out of this district at all, but most official guilds of the city inhabit this district. Neighboring the Guild Quarter is the Temple District, a vast district filled with religious temples and worshippers. It even posts the greatest Temple to Reon in Almara. Northward, the city’s magic academy resides. Almagest’s Academy of Arcane Arts is a vast building, with a huge library and a massive number of teachers and students. It is equipped perfectly for the study and practice of magic. Some people come from other continents to learn magic at the Academy. To the south lies the Karstberg Port. Airships carrying goods across the country, even across oceans, and here the drop goods and passengers, or pick them up. Within the city also lies the Karstberg Museum, exhibiting artifacts from all across the world. Surrounding all of this lays residential areas, scattered taverns and inns, shops, and a vast spiderweb of alleys and tunnels. Many of the tunnels lead below… It’s a well-known fact that a vast network of catacombs occupies the space beneath Karstberg. It is very difficult to guard or monitor this place, and it has come to house various, often dangerous, creatures. Dealings of dubious legality often occur in the catacombs beneath Karstberg… Surrounding Karstberg is a sturdy wall, built to defend the city from any possible attack. However, it is not the only wall. As the city grows, new walls are constructed, causing Karstberg to have rings of walls moving outwards from the center, expanding larger and larger as more are needed to protect it. The oldest has stood for years upon years, and has never shown one sign of faltering. Beyond is the fields and wilderness of the world outside, a place only for the adventurous to brave. Welcome to Karstberg. ---- [b]Player Characters[/b]: [url=]Emi Demmric[/url] [url=]Tanya Palayen[/url] [url=]Tsubasa[/url] [url=]Ibiza[/url] [url=]Stephen "Spades" Donner[/url] [url=]Jace Dragov[/url] [url=]Alena Carthenwald[/url] [url=]Ezel Pard[/url] [url=]Lakan Ting[/url] [url=]Aoika Mizuko[/url] [url=]Ysabelle Hajna[/url] [url=]Thane Cress[/url] [url=]Captain Morgan[/url] [url=]Sniggit[/url] [url=]Sven Mirdryke[/url] [url=]Karin Wallatz[/url] [url=]Little Zee[/url] [url=]Dalvorin Silvershield[/url] [url=]Harmony[/url] [url=]Nox[/url] [b]Important NPC's[/b]: [url=]Arlai Tessilay[/url] [url=]The Not-Head of the Not-Thieves' Guild[/url] Franziska von Ramstein Grand Magus Morganite Angelwÿche [b]Races[/b]: [url=]Nem[/url] [url=]Granock[/url] [url=]Beastkin(General)[/url] [url=]Beastkin(Squid)[/url] [url=]Vampires[/url] [url=]Humans(Airborne)[/url] [url=]Ratkin[/url] [url=]Mermaids[/url] [url=]Elemental[/url] [b]Magic[/b]: [url=]Summoning Magic[/url] [url=]Fire-arts[/url] [url=]Innate Illusory Abilities[/url] [url=]Spatial Distortion Magic[/url] [url=]Necromancy[/url] [url=]Golem Enchantment[/url] [b]Guilds[/b]: [url=]The Alchemist's Guild[/url] [url=]The Coven of Thornes[/url] [url=]The Artisan's Guild[/url] [url=]The Grey Council[/url] [b]Religions[/b]: [url=]The Church of Reon[/url] [url=]Akitsushima Traditional Beliefs[/url] [url=]Necrotheism[/url] [url=]The Church of Mayon[/url] [url=]Temple of Avian[/url] [b]Creatures[/b]: [url=]Skywhales[/url] [url=]Dragons(Western)[/url] [url=]Kaiser Lizards[/url] [url=]Mammoths[/url] [url=]Skysharks[/url] ---- The IC will be up soon, as well!