[sub]in collaboration with[@Meiyuki][/sub] [h1][center][i][u]"Lorelai's Secret"[/u][/i][/center][/h1] Elina woke up with a grace that had been unknown to her for eternity, for her slumber had been peaceful. Regrets and what-might-have-beens always swam within the chaotic, thorny realm that was her dreamworld - what if Vespa had taken a step to the left instead of right, what if she had just killed Fenros; her mother shouting indignancies at her - but for that day, she awoke with her eyes lazily opening instead of shooting awake from a nightmare. Such a simple tranquility was so alien to her that she was startled anyway. She sat up almost immediately, finding out that she was also very naked. Her silver hair and porcelain skin alike glowed in the morning light. Someone had parted away the curtains of her canopy bed. [color=#DBFFFB]"Ah,"[/color] she sounded, as a realization came to her. She brought a finger to her lips, blushing meanwhile. Her touch was still there. [color=#DBFFFB]"Lorelai..."[/color] She looked around, from her bookshelf to her sword rack to her desk, but the demon-binder wasn't there. She looked to the doorway of her washroom, but heard no sound of its use. Elina remembered something else. [color=#DBFFFB]"Servitor,"[/color] she called, and the demon promptly appeared from the washroom. [color=#DBFFFB]"Help me dress."[/color] The last Ruvina opted for something simple - a simple silken gown that allowed her to move quite easily. She decided then, so early in the morning, that she would wear more pompous clothing after she had washed. Perhaps she'd spend time in the gardens again today. Maybe she'd drink tea in some secluded gazebo. Maybe she'd do so with Lorelai. Where was she, anyway? Preparing for the upcoming schism? Hopefully it wouldn't come to that. Her life was stressful enough as it was. She couldn't even walk on her own. But she couldn't help but notice that there was something different about her today. The servitor had brought her standing mirror to the bed on her command, and she examined herself with those blood-red eyes of hers as she sat on the bed. What was different? She angled her face here and there and posed. Was it just vanity speaking, or did she suddenly get just a bit prettier? No, she dismissed herself - it was probably just vanity. It was her breath, she realized. It was warmer than usual. Good heavens, was she sick? She brought a hand to her neck, and she was indeed quite warm. Yet, she didn't feel ill at all. On the contrary, she was feeling slightly more vigorous than normal. She noticed that it was warmer around her chest area and guided her hand down appropriately. Her fingers followed the heat till they reached the source: her womb. [color=#DBFFFB]"Huh,"[/color] Elina sounded, suddenly blushing furiously. Lorelai's demonic seed yet lingered within her, doing God-knows-what. She was confused last night, but even more confused that morning. The ways of demons were strange indeed. No doubt that her body and soul were being defiled, and changed so that she could properly learn Lorelai's art, but she didn't till now fully comprehend the gravitas (and sillinesss) of the notion that the corruption had to enter through her vagi- [color=red]"Mistress Ruvina,"[/color] the servitor suddenly said. It was unusual for the beast to address her so directly. It spoke in a deep, rumbling voice that inspired images of erupting volcanoes within Elina's mind. [color=red]"Mistress Von'Strauss left a note on your table."[/color] [color=#DBFFFB]"Alright. Take me there, then."[/color] The servitor hefted her up and rested her comparatively small frame on its broad shoulder. Perhaps Lorelai was really worried about her to provide such a monster of a servant. Elina thought that if it would decide to punch her with full force, she'd probably explode. But it was thrall to Lorelai. Such was that woman's power. Elina smiled, despite herself. Someday she'd be able to do the same things, maybe even have a legion of such servitors in the near future if she played her cards right. What's a thousand nights of getting dominated by Lorelai's demonic tool for the promise of such power? Well, not that she minded the former notion. The servitor set her down on the chair, and Elina promptly began to read the note: [hider=Lorelai's Note][color=00aeef] Elina, I apologize for not being here to greet you upon waking. As you know my duties are many, pressing, and rarely leave enough time for the direly needed comforts I could use in these times. While last night's passion was to serve a purpose, it was done with no small amount of affection from myself. Do not let my absence suggest anything less than that. When you read this please come find me. Yours, Lorelai Von'Strauss[/color][/hider] [color=#DBFFFB]"Hmm,"[/color] Elina hummed. The note was endearing indeed. Lorelai was so emotional for so powerful a woman. Something about the wording made her raise a brow, and brought to question Lorelai's conduct over the past two weeks. It was as if the demon-binder had something to prove to Elina. Then there was last night. Could it be that... Lorelai [i]liked[/i] her now? She turned her gaze upward, to meet the metallic visage of her servant. [color=#DBFFFB]"What are the chances of your master suddenly falling in love with me?"[/color] [color=red]"I don't know,"[/color] the beast growled. [color=red]"I am not privy to such information."[/color] Well, what else was she expecting? [color=#DBFFFB]"Alright,"[/color] she said, with mild disappointment in her voice. [color=#DBFFFB]"Take me to bed, and serve me my breakfast."[/color] The beast grunted its acknowledgement and immediately began about its tasks. After the meal, Elina planned to wash and dress appropriately before meeting with Lorelai. [hr]Lorelai sat in one of the lesser frequented gardens ensconced within the sprawling Castle Bloodrose. Servitors busied themselves seeing to her needs. Retrieving documents pertaining to her ongoing research, delivering reports from her 'eyes' and 'ears' scattered throughout the region both above and below, and seeing that her drink remained freshened. Her work was currently both bane and boon. There was something chilling about methodically planning the horrific demise of a woman she'd once called family. Yet it served as a haven for the remainder of her thoughts which, while arguably more pleasant, were just as dangerous. If not more so, Alexina's heart had made the first casualty of her own frail and fluttering heart. She'd need to tread carefully, but boldly, if she intended to avoid becoming its second. She paused a moment, setting the large stack of notes she'd been perusing to the side. It was a beautiful day. The sun was out in force, its rays filtering through the apple trees to dance lightly over her skin. The gentle breeze ferried the scent of flowers and raw earth to her nose. She closed her eyes, stretching her will across her servants listlessly. Her eyes opened in strange places. Each kissed by the same sun, and enjoying the same gentle breeze. [color=00aeef]"At least the storm is just in my heart then."[/color] Lorelai muttered, amused suddenly at her dour mood. Melancholy served no purpose after all. She smiled, opening her own eyes again. [color=00aeef]"That's enough of that Lorelai, smile on."[/color] Elina emerged through a tall, arched doorway, serenely sitting on the shoulder of her servitor as it ambled along the cobbled path, crushing flagstones along the way. Lorelai appeared to be hard at work within the shade of a gazebo, looking stressed despite the small platoon of servitors standing at attention to cater to her every need. It seemed that the demon-binder hadn't noticed Elina yet, so the latter spoke first, [color=#DBFFFB]"Hello, Lorelai."[/color] When Lorelai finally met her gaze, she continued, smiling brightly. [color=#DBFFFB]"I must say thank you again for this magnificent servitor. I don't think I'll be able to do anything myself even if I get my leg back. You've spoiled me."[/color] Lorelai laughed. [color=00aeef]"Excellent. It will be much easier then to chase you should the need arrise."[/color] Lorelai collected the stack of documents from the other wicker chair that she'd been using as a makeshift table and handed them to one of her attendants. [color=00aeef]"Think nothing of it. Come sit, free me from the banality of my responsibilities, if even just for a while."[/color] [color=#DBFFFB]"Of course,"[/color] Elina nodded. The servitor settled her down on the proffered wicker chair and adopted a rigid, military-like posture beside it. Even while lacking a leg, Elina sat with proper posture and noble arrogance. [color=#DBFFFB]"So, whatcha up to?"[/color] [color=00aeef]"Looking over some plans for a solution to your missing leg actually."[/color] Lorelai smirked at Elina's sudden descent into vernacular. It was strangely refreshing. [color=00aeef]"Amidst other, impossibly boring, work."[/color] Elina's eyes widened. Incidentally, her already brilliant irises also became just a tad brighter. [color=#DBFFFB]"Indeed? How?"[/color] Feeling strangely cheeky, she also added, [color=#DBFFFB]"And will the procedures involve you growing a demonic tool?"[/color] Lorelai's eyes widened as her cheeks color a light pink. She chuckled almost involuntarily. Infected by Elina's irreverant mood she quickly quipped back, [color=00aeef]"Any penetration involved will be strictly at your option and descretion."[/color] Elina chuckled. Once she'd manage to regain a small measure of her composure, although the color in her cheeks wasn't going anywhere anytime soon, she continued, [color=00aeef]"The bones of Saint Gertrude. Currently held by the Knights Hospitallers on the island of Malta. It will be more than enough to restore your lost leg."[/color] With one blink, hope had gone from Elina's eyes. [color=#DBFFFB]"So far away. And forgive me if my geography is incorrect - but isn't Malta an indomitable fortress surrounded by nothing but sea?"[/color] [color=00aeef]"Not so far away for a creative and cunning cadre of witches. Alphonse can get us there in less than a week."[/color] Lorelai smirked. [color=00aeef]"And Phagora said the same thing, but there's a reason men fear the sea. I'm currently working through a pact with Dagon, Lord of the Depths. Perhaps it's time the Knights learned what truly lies in the abyssal planes beneath the waves."[/color] Elina frowned. [color=#DBFFFB]"You're doing all of this for me?"[/color] Lorelai averted her gaze briefly. [color=00aeef]"Not [i]just[/i] for you. Securing the relic would serve me well throughout the rest of my career."[/color] Her eyes returned to Elina's. [color=00aeef]"Rather your predicament largely informed my timing, and interest in its aquisition."[/color] The frown had gone. [color=#DBFFFB]"I see,"[/color] Elina said neutrally. [color=#DBFFFB]"So what do the bones do, exactly? How will her skeleton help me grow back my leg?"[/color] [color=00aeef]"They're a spontaneous reflection of divinity. Capable of channeling positive emotions into restorative magics. The feats credited to them makes restoring your leg pale in comparison."[/color] Lorelai explained. [color=00aeef]"To be honest I haven't the faintest idea of the full extend of its power, but am confident that restoring your body would be well within its capabilities."[/color] Elina nodded, digesting the information. [color=#DBFFFB]"And how will we get to Malta? Will it even be there; I'm certain you implied sinking the entire island under the sea."[/color] Lorelai laughed shaking her head. [color=00aeef]"No, I'm sorry. Believe it or not sinking an island that size is currently beyond me."[/color] [color=#DBFFFB]"Oh, of course."[/color] Elina blushed, feeling faintly foolish. Lorelai grinned brightly. [color=00aeef]"Storming the island with Dagon's army of twisted souls, however, is not. We don't need to defeat the knights so much as provide enough of a distraction for Phagora and Alphonse to infiltrate the vault and retrieve the corpse. Then we make good an escape."[/color] [color=#DBFFFB]"When will it happen?"[/color] [color=00aeef]"I'll be departing within the week, and should return before then end of the next."[/color] Lorelai sighed. [color=00aeef]"It really depends on how long Dagon can stand against my demands, but its will wavers already, it won't be long now."[/color] [color=#DBFFFB]"Hmm,"[/color] Elina hummed. [color=#DBFFFB]"I thought I was going with you. Well, I'm no use in a fight."[/color] [color=00aeef]"Would you like to come?"[/color] Lorelai asked, surprised. [color=00aeef]"I'll be avoiding the fighting myself, serving as the conduit for Dagon's incursion into our world. I'd love your company if you elected to join me."[/color] Elina allowed herself to lean even further into the backrest, and closed her eyes for a moment. They opened shortly after, paired with an answer: Elina shrugged daintily, smiling in a carefree manner. [color=#DBFFFB]"It's better than sitting here and doing nothing. Yes, I think I'll join you. Also,"[/color] her expression turned solemn then. [color=#DBFFFB]"I have a question."[/color] [color=00aeef]"Ask it then."[/color] Lorelai replied simply. Elina brought a hand to her midsection, gazing at it with an ambivalent expression. [color=#DBFFFB]"I feel so warm down here. Ever since last night my belly's been hot."[/color] She turned her gaze upwards, meeting Lorelai's eyes again. [color=#DBFFFB]"You didn't... impregnate me, did you?"[/color] Lorelai's cheeks passed from pink to a light shade of red. [color=00aeef]"That... I..."[/color] Her voice caught as she looked away briefly. [color=00aeef]"I'm barren. So that shouldn't be possible. Although I haven't had occasion yet to test the fertility of my... appendage."[/color] [color=#DBFFFB]"That's not the answer I was expecting,"[/color] Elina said, eyes wide and more than just a bit fearful. [color=#DBFFFB]"At this point, I really don't know if that was a real initiation ritual, or if you just wanted to make love."[/color] Lorelai's eyes returned to Elina's. A low anger made its way into her voice. [color=00aeef]"What answer did you expect? And what, precisely, are you accusing me of? I'd never deceive you into that, surely you can believe that right?"[/color] [color=#DBFFFB]"You never lied to my sister,"[/color] Elina said diplomatically, [color=#DBFFFB]"so I know you wouldn't lie to me. I'm just thinking that maybe we were thinking differently last night - I thought the whole act was symbolic,"[/color] Elina paused, not quite finding the right words. [color=#DBFFFB]"So I know we made love, but what exactly is happening to me?"[/color] Lorelai closed her eyes and calmed herself. [color=00aeef]"My essence is twisting the fertile fabric of your soul, while my seed corrupts your body. I've imparted a portion of myself into you, and consigned a piece of you to the abyss."[/color] Her eyes opened and found Elina's. [color=00aeef]"Soon you'll begin to see things, shadows at the corner of your vision, you'll hear them whispering. Shortly after that you'll be able to see them long enough to make contact. Then, with discipline and training, you'll take your first real steps along my path."[/color] [color=00aeef]"And the price was lovemaking, that most intimate of acts. To draw us close enough to allow the tansference."[/color] Lorelai leaned back in her chair. [color=00aeef]"And close enough to allow other, more dangerous things to take root."[/color] Elina was silent for a moment. [color=#DBFFFB]"Like... a child?"[/color] [color=00aeef]"Amongst other things yes, but I still don't think you're pregnant. If you are I'll do my best to... do whatever it is you'll need me to do."[/color] Lorelai smiled reassuringly. Elina didn't smile. She looked down and rubbed her stomach. So much warmth. [color=#DBFFFB]"Well. If I'm not pregnant, good news. And if I am - well, isn't that why girls are here?"[/color] She looked up then, smiling now. [color=#DBFFFB]"I... guess I am alright either way, but I am more alright if you didn't impregnate me."[/color] [color=#DBFFFB]"You know, you surprised me,"[/color] Elina said. [color=#DBFFFB]"Suddenly making such a... bold advance like that. Were I a month younger I'd be accusing you of having taken advantage of me. But I'll be honest - I enjoyed it like nothing else. Making love, I mean,"[/color] Elina blushed. [color=#DBFFFB]"And if I must mother your child to become as powerful as you..."[/color] Elina leaned back, and made a dismissive gesture with her hand. [color=#DBFFFB]"... so be it."[/color] [color=00aeef]"I'm glad you've made peace with that much."[/color] Lorelai smirked. [color=00aeef]"Elina...?"[/color] Lorelai tilted her head back against the wicker of her seat. [color=#DBFFFB]"Yes?"[/color] [color=00aeef]"I'd decided earlier that I wouldn't tell you this... but now I'm struggling not to."[/color] Lorelai laughed wryly, her eyes closing. [color=00aeef]"So I'll leave it to you... should I burden you with what may be an uncomfortable truth about me? Or shall I bury it?"[/color] Elina's brows perked up. [color=#DBFFFB]"Better to know than not to know. Go ahead."[/color] [color=00aeef]"Not always the case, but I see your point."[/color] Lorelai continued with her eyes closed, not quite ready to meet Elina's gaze. [color=00aeef]"You must be wondering why I was so hesitant to... initiate you, seeing as the process was so mutually enjoyable."[/color] [color=#DBFFFB]"The corruption of my body and soul wasn't enough?"[/color] [color=00aeef]"Believe it or not, no. 'Corruption' isn't so dark and terrible as one might think, but then again I might just be a mad old witch."[/color] Lorelai smiled, shaking her head as she had drifted from the point she needed to get too before she lost the resolve. [color=00aeef]"No, rather I knew what it would cost me. You see Elina, my heart is a frail and whimsical thing. Capricious and often malicious towards me it seems."[/color] Lorelai's eyes opened, her head lowering so they could meet Elina's. [color=00aeef]"I've been asking myself all morning if it is acceptable for me to fall in love with you, but I fear I may have little choice in the matter. I don't think I have the strength to crush the blooming feelings you stirred within my chest last night."[/color] [color=00aeef]"So... my secret is that I love you."[/color] She sighed contentedly. Pleased that she'd finally found the answer to her inner conflict, for better or worse. It was as if Elina was struck by lightning. [color=#DBFFFB]"Oh. Uhh..."[/color] her cheeks adopted a pink color. [color=#DBFFFB]"I see... um. Wuh-why do you love me?"[/color] [color=00aeef]"Ever since you stood with me against the betrayer, I've seen you grow. I've seen your resolve strengthen. You certainly aren't the most powerful witch I've met Elina, but I believe that you could be."[/color] Lorelai leaned forward. [color=00aeef]"Your eagerness, your struggles, are endearing to me. I want to see you shining, and I want to stand atop all we've managed to accomplish with you."[/color] [color=00aeef]"Because you, like me. Are faced with securing your legacy anew, I want to forge a new terrible dynasty."[/color] Lorelai hesitated, her mouth opening and closing silently several times before she continued. [color=00aeef]"There are more reasons I don't have words for, but hopefully I've made myself clear enough. I love you because I see in you what I once saw in myself. A will to become strong enough to claim and keep what you deserve."[/color] Elina was unsure of what to say. Her head was screaming at her that it was diplomatic suicide, but she went along and said it anyway, [color=#DBFFFB]"What about Alexina?"[/color] [color=00aeef]"I've already informed Alexina that my heart is not my own."[/color] Lorelai spoke sadly. [color=00aeef]"She did not take it well, but it's better than extending false hope."[/color] [color=#DBFFFB]"I, um,"[/color] Elina hesitated. [color=#DBFFFB]"I don't know if I love you back. Not right now. But, um,"[/color] she gulped, [color=#DBFFFB]"are you... free, tonight?"[/color] The smile that graced Lorelai's face was the first one since Vespa's death to reach her eyes. She'd expected less, and had made peace with that. [color=00aeef]"Of course, and I have something I'd love to show you."[/color] [color=#DBFFFB]"No,"[/color] Elina said.[color=#DBFFFB] "I said that I don't know whether I love you back yet."[/color] She breathed in and out. It was hard to keep eye contact with someone who was expecting only greatness from her. [color=#DBFFFB]"Come to my room at midnight. When we kiss... I'll know the answer."[/color] [color=00aeef]"As you wish dear. Midnight it is."[/color] [hr]When darkness came, the moon rose, and rain fell, only a few certain windows that dotted the stony expanse of the castle walls were still lit. Elina's room was among that peerage, and inside, Lorelai was treated to the sight of the usually reserved girl boldly wearing scandalous lingerie. Elina, within the shadowy recesses of her canopy bed, beckoned the demon-binder with a crook of her finger and soon enough they were sharing a kiss. When they parted, the two were staring into each other's eyes. [color=00aeef]"Do you have the answer now?"[/color] Elina nodded, but soon the tears came running down her fair cheeks. [color=#DBFFFB]"I'm so sorry, Lorelai. I don't love you back."[/color]