[centre][img]http://orig01.deviantart.net/e4a6/f/2016/083/1/2/ardos_by_fenixking13-d9w8yq4.png[/img][/centre] [centre][color=6ecff6][b]Artos Bane[/b][/color][/centre] [@Cottonmouth][@Prodigal Son] Artos felt dizzy the moment he was transported but did his best to wait for the disorientating effects to fade away. Looking around at the ruins around them was awe inspiring. Having been raised in an undecorated town built more for purpose than vanity it was interesting to see other structures. Silently he lamented on not taking the time to view Master Felix's home thoroughly to get a good sense of the architecture. Stringing the bow took a mere moment of his time, his first canteen flowed from its confines and into 8 thick icicles. With a bit of willpower they shaped themselves similarly to an arrow in length and appearance. Satisfied with the work, the arrows were scooped up and held in his free hand. When the time came they would find their place and their mark. Returning his attention to the group and it's two leaders, the scowl took his face automatically as they began their light hearted bickering. This attitude was not helpful to the morale of the party and Artos had had enough in the short time they had been in the lead. [color=00aeef]"You are both acting like children. Especially You,"[/color] He pointed to Raiya, [color=00aeef]"For not bothering to wait for your group. How long has it been since Master Felix warned us of a the individuals who leveled a whole city? It is lucky one of our party had the means to transport us or you would have been here almost entirely alone with the unknown on the horizon for hours. Put a little more thought into your position."[/color] Artos held up his hand before any comments could return. [color=00aeef]"When this is done, we will talk. We have a job to do."[/color] Their leadership was a joke, to say the least. [i]These people are no warriors.[/i] He reminded himself. Without another word, Artos turned his attention outward to their surroundings and made for the nearest vantage point. His role was to be spotted first, if the need arose, and buy the rest a chance to find cover and prepare a defense. To be away from these two was welcomed. The chilling aura he surrounded himself intensified with his anger to leave a patch of slippery ice with every footstep.