[h1]Mitis Forest.[/h1] Kosara’s mobility was no doubt impressive, she may have dashed towards the cyborg earlier, but she still kept an eye on the other half demon. As Gideon fired 4 shots at her, she was barely able to evade them with a highspeed side step and a move of her sword to block a bullet. Still two of the bullets grazed her arm, leaving a small blood trail. She smirked as the cyborg actually sprung in action and came to cover her for a moment. “Don’t get overwhelmed… I will leave the riffraff for you to deal with…” She said to Kyle and to a step back behind further and turned in the direction of Gideon. She full well understood they needed to press the bigger targets. Wrath was dealing with the gorgon so he may need some help, but Gideon was already her dancing partner. Not even a few seconds after she came in cover behind the cyborg, Kosara was already dashing back towards Gideon from the side. She was fast enough to evade and outrun the phantom guards. She had just halved the distanced between them as she muttered something to herself with a huge grin. If Gideon could read her lips he would understand what she said full well – “I’ve been waiting for this!” In a moment violent energy waves burst out of Kosara. Everything around her filled with bluish and orange energy as her body transformed under the effects of her devil trigger, unleashing her demonic form. Her skin turned light blue, and her hair turned into hundred of long flexible blades blowing in the wind. Her body frame changed a little as her muscled grew a little, making obvious her strength grew. Big burning red scaled covered her arms up the the elbows and a magma red core was visible on her chest above her heart, spreading burning veins across her torso. A pure white helmet covered her head, showing no visible openings. Her legs had transformed also into slightly more beast like feet, with big claws where her fingers were and a blade extruding from her heel forming well natural deadly sharp heels. [hider=My Hider] [img]http://pre03.deviantart.net/0e96/th/pre/i/2016/099/3/0/dmctrigger_by_rivaan-d9y9now.jpg[/img] [/hider] The whole transformation took a moment, but when it was done, her world perceptions shifted. Using her Lighting dash move from her trigger transformation she headed straight at the demon general at speed a lot greater than anything she had showed before. Once in range she started to unleash a simple flurry of slashes at her opponent, making full use of her boosted abilities. There was no need to fancy techniques at this moment in her mind as she had switched to her Cascade style to build up power.