[h1]♥ - Eeeeeeeeeeee[/h1] 'oh wow, thank you. youre both very helpful, and kind. and winkey. okay, ill do those things, then.' I'm sure I'll be able to keep that in mind, so long as I don't get too excited. [hr] [h1][color=yellow]♥ - Rodney Colton Smith[/color][/h1] And then, with little warning, everything goes back to normal. Normal colours, normal (low, rather- and it's quite noticable, come to mention it) lighting, and the ghost- oh. That's still entirely black and white, then. Literally, now that I think about it, its outside edges and the edges of its eyes are coloured black, and as I noticed before, its entire body is weirdly pixellated. Strange. But I guess at least its colour makes sense, in some weird cartoon-derived manner? Still... I suppose I should be civil, now that it's not being somewhat lethal. I put the empty gun back in its bag, sealing that up as needed, then try to recall the layout of the cave... I think it was only Skylar who was in trouble if she sidestepped? With that in mind, I begin shuffling forward, toward the ghost. "Eeeee", I think Skylar called it? [color=yellow]'So, uh, look,'[/color] I say, awkwardly scratching the back of my neck, [color=yellow]'I'm real sorry that I took shots at you... uh, maybe you noticed, maybe not, but we're not that capable of seeing in the dark or anything... um. Do you think you could lead us somewhere with more, uh, light, Eeee? Please?'[/color] 'oh yes, i can do that,' the ghost responds, heading toward what I presume is an exit. 'anything for two helpful people like you humans! but i need to say, my name is eeeeeeeeeeee, with twelve eeeeees. it needs to be that long.' [color=yellow]'Right...'[/color] I respond. I kind of understand why the other... hang on, it said something about other people. That bears being topical about at some point, if they're all as non-human as him... why they don't like him much. Aside from his unintentional verbal violence and all. I sigh, then begin shuffling in the appropriate direction, turning back for a moment to say cheerfully [color=yellow]'Well, no time like the present. Let's get going, Sky. Don't forget about the hole next to you.'[/color] [hider=OOC Footer] [@Guardian Angel Haruki] [/hider]