[h3][i]The Capitol of Barcea[/i][/h3] Once more, Alasa jumped backwards as one of the assassins again surged towards him. In the same movement he drew another arrow, firing it off through the throat of his closest attacker. Normally it would have been a fatal blow, but the archer already knew that the most he was doing was buying himself a few seconds at most. It was the job of someone like Sampson, who came in from the side, to truly knock the assassin away, which the former soldier did by crushing him against the wall with his shield. Alasa had been roused by the very first scream, and had leapt to his feet wide awake. He had prepared himself in a matter of seconds, and was out in the hall when the first wave of attackers came through. At first, it had seemed like the fight, though brutal, would be quick... and then those that they had been certain were killed began to get back up again. With the guards that remained Alasa beat a quick retreat, and soon happened to join up with a group of survivors that Gortul and Sampson had already joined up with. With no idea where any of the other Sentinels were, the three quickly got to work doing their jobs, leading the men around them and fighting the hardest they possibly could. Despite how many Gortul crushed beneath his axe, Sampson sheared through, or Alasa filled with enough arrows to make even a porcupine jealous, they just kept coming. With the most recent one crushed to the wall and still for a moment, Sampson pulled away and brought up his shield to block a blow that came from another who had tried to strike while he had been distracted. There was no time for a counterattack, but Alasa was free to move, rushing forwards and aiming his bow over Sampson's shoulder, past the Sentinel's shield and into the attacker. Sent reeling back by the arrow that tore through his face, the assassin regained his footing just in time to receive a heavy blow to the chest with Gortul's axe, the normally jolly man for once quite grim faced considering how he knew such a devastating blow would only have so much of an effect on these opponents. The situation continued to worsen. Though the numbers of the enemy didn't waver, and if anything at all grew, the numbers of Barceans in fighting shape were rapidly dwindling. Even the sharp mind of Alasa couldn't see a way out, at this point; it was one thing to have the idea to hack the enemy to pieces, another thing to actually do it. The guards of Barcea were no slouches, but they were only human- Yet perhaps there could be a little hope, considering those that the Prince had begun to ally himself with. As suspicious as Alasa may have been towards many of the newcomers, though he would never voice it unless in private with the Prince, he had to admit they had their uses. Doubly so when they kept him from getting gutted, like Calypso did when she suddenly swung down to crash through the window into the hallway, kicking an assassin though the window on the other side of the hallway in the process. She landed close to the ground, hands held forwards against it to keep her from collapsing down onto it entirely with one leg out, looking up to Alasa with her trademark airy smile, though the red in her eyes made it look positively manic. [b]"Where's Etsuko...~?" "No idea."[/b] Even as he said this Calypso's eyes began to drift away, and the last thing he wanted to do in that moment was to just let her go. He stepped forwards, hand waving out to catch her attention, and keeping it as he said, [b]"Hey! Stay with us, and we'll find her. Splitting up won't do anyone any good here."[/b] She seemed to consider his proposal for a moment, before she agreed by suddenly turning to the side, dashing and leaping onto one of the assassins to take him to the ground, beginning to stab repeatedly as she did so. With one new ally of strength gained, even Alasa felt like they could maybe pull through this, at least long enough to find others to join up with, but once again someone else came to them. Suddenly, a voice boomed through the hallway, sentences punctuated with the heavy cracking of hammers pulverizing bone: [b]"THE STRINGS OF DANMUN REST HEAVILY UPON YE, YE POOR BASTARDS. STAY STILL FOR A MOMENT, SO THAT I MIGHT SEVER THEM FROM YE AS MANY TIMES AS NECESSARY."[/b] The unstoppable juggernaut that was the Divine Paladin made his entrance by sending no less than three attackers crashing through the doors that connected one hallway to the next. The Paladin himself then entered, continuing straight into the thick of the attacking forces, saving the lives of several guards at a time with each swing. Alasa said nothing; he had no need to, not with the Paladin. Despite even the Paladin's addition, more and more assassins continued to come, perhaps because of the size of their group. This meant that more and more continued to get up, even those that were being smashed into paste by the Paladin. [hr] All of the relaxation and self-care that Diane had oh so carefully indulged in that day had been ruined in just a few seconds. It was frustrating to think that all of the time spent in the bath, all of the time indulging in pleasure reading for once, and all the time avoiding the people who made her blood pressure spike now meant nothing, but that was the way life seemed to be going the past couple of days. Then again, only Diane could think so nonchalantly about the horror going on around her. She was first alerted to it by a scream, one that woke her from her sleep. Quickly she wrapped a robe around her in order to cover the much lighter nightgown she wore to bed, and the next thing she grabbed was her current staff before slipping on her night shoes. Out into the hallway she stepped, and did the thing any healer would; she followed the screams. She arrived in time to see one assassin finish off the third servant in a row, and her eyes narrowed. Diane wasn't that good of a fighter, and yet she showed no fear simply because she had one trick that, if she pulled it off, it always worked. When the assassin turned towards her next, she brought her staff up with both hands, hopping back one step to avoid the swipe of a dagger, before planting both feet firmly on the ground and swinging. The staff crashed against the assassin's head, shattering and sending him tumbling to the side and crashing into the wall. Giving a slight disdainful sniff, the healer turned, beginning to walk away calmly as she kept a hold of the base part of her staff... But then she froze, eyes widened in angry confusion as she turned to look over her shoulder, seeing the assassin rise once again. Despite the situation, she wasn't scared; she was extremely irritated. [b]"You have got to be kidding me! That always works!"[/b] Sword found assassin swiftly, cleaving it through its torso horizontally. If there was one person she could say she liked from this place, it was Diane. She wasn't going to stand by and watch the poor woman be killed because she couldn't fight. It was normally strength that caused Thuraya to draw closer to others, but with Diane, it was almost like a debt. She'd healed her well enough that her recovery was much more hasty than any other had been, that was enough for Thuraya to trust her. Hand rose and brushed silver locks from in front of her eyes and she gave the smallest of smiles. [color=coral][b]"Loved the idea, though I've got to say, the fact he got back up..."[/b][/color] she paused, and allowed her lips to form a bit of a smirk, [color=coral][b]"Could've been executed a little better, don't you think?"[/b][/color] Thuraya motioned then, for Diane to come with her. The look in her eyes was a tired one. She hadn't slept yet at all that night and barely did the night before, opting instead to lay outside, looking up at the stars. Unfortunately, the sound of screaming had interrupted her stargazing session that night and she wasn't in a good mood for it in the slightest. [color=coral][b]"I'm sure others around could use your skills. I, on the other hand, offer my assistance in protecting you."[/b][/color] The angry, irritated look in Diane's eyes was completely replaced by confusion as the assassin fell into two pieces, though it faded some as she looked to Thuraya. For a moment she didn't know what to say, and then she bristled as Thuraya's tease came through. Once more, she gave a sort of disdained sniff, looking to the side as she said, [b]"Hmph, it normally works..."[/b] And then her gaze snapped back to the assassin on the ground. Even in half, something that would have easily killed a man, the... thing was beginning to move once again, crawling forward. Giving a displeased hiss Diane stepped forwards, before swinging up what was left of her staff to begin hammering it down onto the thing's head again and again. [b]"Speaking of executing things better, HMPH!"[/b] Emerald gaze dropped to the assassin as Diane hit it's head again. She snarled and let her blade drop onto it's neck, then arms, detaching them. [color=coral][b]"On the up hand.. It's in pieces now~!"[/b][/color] her smirk returned and she turned then, motioning for the healer to follow. [color=coral][b]"We should find the survivors though. Make sure they stay that way."[/b][/color] eyes shifted around, trying to notice if anything in their immediate area was off, to give a lead of some sort for them of where to go. She still didn't know the place very well yet though and instead, decided to indirectly admit that; [color=coral][b]"Lead the way..."[/b][/color] her body language showed, however, that even if Diane lead, Thuraya would not get too far ahead or behind, keeping all sides of the healer in her blade's range if anything decided to pop up around her. With the attacker dealt with quite brutally by both the healer and warrior (though Thuraya's strategy and weapon was certainly more effective for the situation at hand), Diane quickly straightened with another huff. Briefly she reached up to make sure the bows in her hair were still on properly, before her eyes widened as she turned. She knew immediately where she wanted to go; to Ayano, and the other royals, but most importantly towards the direction of the room of the Princess. [b]"Fine then. Come with me."[/b] [hr] The Wanderer had gotten his hour of sleep early on in the night, and when he woke up to see his travelling companion passed out in the room with him he quietly made his exit. He began his time awake that night simply following the circle of the castle, sometimes switching between the outer and inner circles, and other times passing through the gardens. He enjoyed how quiet the castle was, how few were travelling throughout the space like he was; it gave him a chance to think. He realized something was wrong before the screaming began, coming to a stop in the middle of the garden. He slowly looked over to his shoulder, one hand going to gently hold his sheathed blade before he quietly and very politely said, "He knows that you're here already. Please, come out so that we may get started." He didn't receive a verbal response, but four assassins shifted to easily be seen, dropping from trees and emerging from behind thick bushes. He smiled almost ruefully, looking at the one who stood directly in front of him before briefly looking to both sides. His hand remained where it was, still, but then he asked, [b]"Is there anyone who wishes to leave now? He will let you go without violence."[/b] Once more the response he received was not verbal, but through action, as all four assassins leapt forwards to try and cut him down before he could move. If they had been fighting a normal soldier, it would have been a good strategy.... But Joachim was no normal soldier. The moment before they reached him he leapt upwards, shooting up and out of their reach, high above. On his descent he drew his blade, spinning and swinging it around to bring it down upon the first assassin he landed upon, crushing him to the ground; it would have been a lethal blow if the Wanderer had used the bladed edge, but instead he had used the blunt backside of the blade. This meant bones were crushed, rather than sliced through. As he rose Joachim brought his sheath up with his left hand, using it to block a strike from the next assassin. Even as the blade clashed upon the smooth metal with a heavy noise, the screams began to sound out throughout the castle. Briefly, Joachim winced, but in that moment he had to focus on himself... Which was why he sent the hilt of his blade into the stomach of the opponent he had just blocked with more than enough force to cause the assassin's body to curl in as he was sent flying off his feet. Running steps would be heard before who owned the feet would be seen, along with the sounds of blade entering and exiting body. First seen would be one such body being flung from the ground past the corner of a wall followed by a slender woman on her feet. Steps were slowed when her eye caught sight of more of the assassins around Joachim. She looked toward her previous path and sighed, shaking her head. Long strides took her closer to him and his opponents, twirling her halberd-like axe to have it smash into one of the assassins, only to lift out of them and swing into the next knocking them away. [color=82ca9d][b]"Quickly now."[/b][/color] was all she said, as she looked back toward the location she'd come from. The assassins she'd struck down, after her once more. [color=82ca9d][b]"I cannot count the number I've struck down nor tell if they are but the same ones as at first."[/b][/color] Axe at the ready, her mind was on the wellbeing of Kori, Ayano and Cyril, yet could not simply leave others to die as so many she'd seen within the castle. [color=82ca9d][b]"Though one would say it may not be worth to fight if they simply stand once more; surely it will slow their advances."[/b][/color] eye shifted to see if he agreed or not, then shifted back to the assassins, axe twirling once more, tightening in her grasp, as her other hand hovered above a knife at her hip. Joachim blinked at the sight of the elf, briefly glancing over to her. The elf had taken care of the last two assassins, at least she should have... But then they began to rise once again, and more were coming from where she had come from. Even the ones that Joachim had delivered crippling blows to were getting back up, though they moved with jerky, uncertain movements. His brow furrowed slightly, before he brought his blade over to sheath once again, sliding his foot back. [b]"So they get back up when killed, hm...? Well, so long as he isn't the one killing them..."[/b] He shot forwards then a blur moving low across the ground. Straight towards the group that were entering from the direction that Krissandra had come from he went, before suddenly drawing his blade and slicing in the same motion. Easily his weapon cut through the assassin, cutting through it in a diagonal slash that sent both parts spinning away from one another. Joachim left the ground as he too spun, lashing out with both sword and sheath as he shot through the middle of the group. Cracks sounded out as the sheath hit multiple times, and limbs and body parts were sent flying as he carved through with frightening ease, the cut edges burning with a deep purple energy. She watched his movements only for a moment before Krissandria's attention was taken by the sound of movement close-by. Her eye shifted downward as the one she'd cleaved down with her axe started standing again, as did the others. She took a few steps backward to give herself some distance then, right foot's toes pointed toward her opponent left back, to the side. Her posture straightened and her right hand grasped the long handle of her axe before she shot forward with incredible speed. She turned to her left to have her axe fly horizontally with great power and little effort. It caught its target mid-torso, she flung him around and into the next target. They collided and she drew the knife at her hip as axe pulled to the right, letting the targets free of its grasp before she swung even harder, the axe cleaving through one cleanly and having to be pulled harder through the second. Her left hand moved to slightly behind herself and shoved the knife upward through the gut of the third. Eye shifted, looking for the fourth. The three around her fell, and she caught a glimpse of the movement heading in Joachim's direction. She took her knife back from the third assassin's body and made way quickly toward her ally, axe swinging, the spike at its top barely missing Joachim's head as she caught the neck of her target with its main blade. [color=82ca9d][b]"Suggestions? We cannot simply stay here. If our enemy continues to rise after being brought down we will not last. And if more arrive, in time we will tire and become overwhelmed."[/b][/color] She kicked the body of the assassin away, and its head the other direction, choosing to stand with her back to Joachim, watching the bodies she'd taken down as they twitched, threatening to get back up again. Even as Krissandria came to a stop against Joachim's back he also came to a stop, holding his blade up above his head to block another attack from an attacker that came at the side with a blade, easily disarming the weapon with a twisting movement and then disarming the attacker as well. Briefly he glanced back to her, and even in the middle of battle his attention seemed to drift away slightly, as he began to think. [b]"Yes... We must keep your energy in mind..."[/b] For a little he was silent, before he shook his head slightly, and then straightened. [b]"During the God King War, he and his allies were often outnumbered. In his case it happened almost every day, as he rarely didn't work alone. The strategy that he and his allies often adopted was to turn our back to our opponents if we were certain we could outrun them, letting them chase us until the fastest eventually reached us, separated from their allies, before we cut them down. Do you think you are fast enough to outrun these?"[/b] Krissandria thought of the movements of each one she'd seen thus far. She thought of their initial speed, and then that of those which had been struck down and gotten back up. Of course, she had no idea if the ones she'd met with on her way to this location were unharmed or if they'd risen from after combat, but with the knowledge she did have, [color=82ca9d][b]"Yes. I believe I will be able to without much if any difficulty."[/b][/color] A quick nod of confirmation that she could, and that she understood what he had explained. [color=82ca9d][b]"Shall we then? We haven't much time before they get back up."[/b][/color] her posture dropped slightly and she slid the knife back into its sheath, her axe twirling downward so the point on top barely touched the ground, and the handle came up behind her, between herself and Joachim. Slowly, the Wanderer nodded. [b]"Very well then."[/b] He shifted some, foot going back as he lowered himself to the ground, blade spinning once before he brought it down, beginning to slide it home into its sheath... And when it clicked home he suddenly spoke, voice raised as he ordered, [b]"Move!"[/b] Like a dark flash eh was off. Before she could truly begin moving he had already reached the doors that led from the courtyard, which he kicked open easily despite his small size. Even if it would have been easy for him to shoot down the hallway there he turned, facing her and swinging his free hand towards the doorway, saying, [b]"Come! We must find all we can!"[/b] She felt him move from is place behind her, and she was close to follow. As the doors were opened and he turned back to her, she nodded. Axe lifted slightly from its graze along the ground as she came closer to him. Honestly, she wasn't too much slower than him, and when starting down the hall she kept up quite well. Her thoughts still with Kori and the other royals, she'd sworn her life to protect all, and surely they were being protected by now by the others. He was right, they had to find the others and make sure everyone was safe. Eye closed for only a moment, before opening with a look of much more determination. The Wanderer's careful eye had watched her in these moments, before looking back forwards as he once more put on the speed, leading the way with carnage against the assassins who lunged in front of them. [hr] It was in that moment that the world went sideways for Drosil. It happened quite suddenly, and then something thin snaked around his ankle in an instant, coiling tightly around him. With a sharp sudden yank before he could react, his foot was harshly yanked backwards, before he was taken off his feet entirely. Away from Dalious he was dragged, past the gore that had been left behind by the rampage the mage couldn't remember. Into the dark hallway he went, disappearing around a corner as he was dragged away. It would be soon after that the world would go dark for Drosil, and he would simply disappear. When Drosil awoke, it was probably because of the cold night air that cut by in a sharp breeze. Clearly he was no longer inside, but just where outside would take a bit of looking around. Only then would he realize that he had been taken, somehow, to the top of the outer wall of the castle, and more importantly he wasn't alone. The woman who had introduced herself as the Advisor at the confrontation in the Great Cracks stood a few yards away, turned towards the inner wall. She stood with her arms crossed, and though the stone of the inner walls blocked any normal vision, with the way her eyes gleamed above the half mask that covered the lower half of her face it was almost as if she could see the carnage going on. The way her fingers twitched ever so often, hands moving almost as if she were resisting the urge to conduct music then and there... Slowly though, she looked over and down to Drosil, her eyes slowly narrowing. Her hands kept twitching and moving, but otherwise she remained completely still as she looked over, saying, [b]"You're finally awake, hm? Certainly took you long enough." "Yes… I think I'll join you in th-"[/b] was all Drosil managed to get out before he sudden felt something coil around his ankle, thin yet strong, his foot coming out from beneath him as the tendril dragged him away into the darkness. So sudden and violent was the event that his staff fell from his hands, and even as he tried to grab at it, he was already much too far away to do so. The gore painted the bottom of his cloak ever further in red as he was taken away. He attempted to grab at the corner, trying to hold on and pull himself away from whatever held onto him. He reached out towards Dalious, his eyes wide with fear. [b]". . .Help."[/b] And then his grip gave out, his head clipped of the edge of the stone as he was pulled away, and once more the mage knew only darkness as his mind faded into the void, except this time, nothing came to take his place. For however long that he was out, he spent his time in dreamless sleep, seeing and feeling nothing. In this moment, he couldn't help but wonder, was this what happened when he and Shadar switched bodies. Nothingness that seemed to go on for both an eternity and a second. He wondered this thought for many a second long century, until his body finally began to stir. His body felt stiff, and the cold wind cut through his blood-stained clothes like a knife. As he rose up, he took a look around, taking in the sights of the castle walls, the night sky, and city beyond, before turning around to see the Advisor that Shadar had spotted at the Great Cracks. [b]"Well . . . I guess we know who to thank for tonight's horrors. That being said, would you mind telling me how you managed the feat of making immortal soldiers like that? Along with the whole shadowy-tendril-teleportation thing, which I must say, is a terrible way to travel."[/b] Drosil said, rising up slowly with a nervous smile on his face. His knees were shaking slightly from the strain of it, but he managed to keep himself up well enough. While he tried to hide it, Drosil knew he was in a bad spot. He was missing both his staff and his pistol, not to mention he was likely facing what was obviously a powerful magic user. He could switch to Shadar, but since he didn't know who he was facing . . . it was likely that he could be sending him to his death. Right now, he has to stay calm and try and bide fortune until he figured out a plan. [b]"And now that you're awake, you're talking too much. How typical."[/b] To begin with, the questions of the Jasian mage were completely ignored, and for a few more moments he was ignored entirely as her gaze once more turned towards the inner wall. Though he couldn't see the lower half of the face, the way her eyes both narrowed and gleamed told him that underneath her mask there was undoubtedly some sort of satisfied smile, or perhaps a satisfied smirk. The moment passed though, her looking back towards him once again to speak. [b]"Both of your questions have the same answer, and I'm surprised you don't know it already. Then again, this is undoubtedly your first contact with a known and unhidden Divineborn, so perhaps you don't know the extent of the power we can obtain."[/b] Slowly, the Advisor gave a simple shrug. [b]"You assume too much, though; simply because they are moving does not mean they are still alive. To you, though, that doesn't matter in the moment. What matters is that the only reason why I'm keeping you alive is because you are a Divineborn, and therefore you have potential. I'm going to give you my offer once, and only once. If you say something other than yes when I am finished, then I will simply kill you. If you say yes, then you will survive. These are the only two outcomes."[/b] Slowly, she continued to turn towards him, finally. [b]"I am a part of a certain organization of Divineborn. Together we make up the most powerful and influential force that has existed for millennia. If you join us, then you will become a part of us, and we'll teach you things you couldn't dream of learning otherwise. If you do not join us, then it is of no consequence; we have more than enough to complete our objective. So then, will you join us, or will you choose to die here?"[/b] To say that Drosil was a bit shocked by what this woman had told him would be a bit of an understatement, as it halted all thought processes and left him thrown for quite the loop. He thought he'd go his entire life without seeing another Divineborn, and yet one stood before him now. He didn't know what to say, but then the woman had the decency to make it easy for him with an ultimatum that boiled down to 'Say yes or die, most likely in agony'. [i]At least she knows how to keep things simple,[/i] Drosil thought, his mind racing as he tried to think of a way out of this, but not only could he not come up with anything solid . . . but the woman's offer was quite tempting. He wanted to know what she knew, learn how she was able to make these walking corpses and what not. The amount of draw she had on him was intoxicating, as his very essence was one that strived to take hold of every morsel of knowledge they could find. No source had been too dark or dangerous for him to turn too, and while that had led him to many a predicament, he was relatively unharmed, unchanged by his ventures, wasn't he? He could simply learn what they wanted of him and go on his way, right? In the back of his mind, he heard a voice screaming at him not to join this woman, to die here rather than entangle himself in what could only be something dark and evil. But, as has always been the case, his hunger for knowledge and power that had been inside him ever since he was a young orphan looking up at the noble palaces in the heart of Jasi was stronger than the noble heart he had been born with. Ambition gleamed in his eyes as he took a step forward, his mind having been set in this direction. May the Divines have mercy on his soul. [b]"If you can truly give me what you offer . . . then I'll join this organization of yours. It would be nice to learn more about what it truly means to be a Divineborn and what I can do."[/b] Drosil said, before looking around at his surroundings, wondering a few things, hoping the others would be all right. He considered asking the woman to call off her nightmarish soldiers, but thought better of it, knowing that in all honesty, she was unlikely to listen to him, and he didn't want to make the situation worse for them. [b]"So, what happens now? Do I stay with my companions here or are you going to take me away to your base of operations? And do you allow pets, cause I'd be heartbroken if Sir Mauls was to be left behind."[/b] Slowly the Advisor's gaze narrowed, as if she were trying to make absolutely certain he meant what he said, before she slowly nodded. [b]"Very well then. It's beneficial that yo have already begun striking a rapport with the Serios; we'll take advantage of that and-"[/b] She never finished what she was saying, instead whirling to face towards the inner circle once again. Her eyes had widened sharply, and then suddenly she looked over towards the direction of the main entrance. Whatever it was she had sensed, it had set her on edge, before she hissed; [b]"Damn, the Demoness has sent her Hunter..."[/b] Without another glance to Drosil, her hand shot back. It suddenly came to a stop as if it struck something hard, and then there was a sound like glass shattering. The very air behind her seemed to crumble, falling to pieces in shards like something physical, revealing a gaping maw of darkness. Through this she stepped, and even as she stepped through the "pieces" of the air that had "fallen" surged back up and into place, sealing as if she had never been there at all. [hr] What had made the Advisor decide to make this sudden retreat wouldn't be apparent, at least not immediately. For a full thirty seconds the fighting below continued uninterrupted... But when the change happened, it happened in a moment throughout the entire castle. What Alasa saw was the same thing that happened through the entire castle. The assassins were continuing their relentless attack, carving men and women down left and right even as they suffered what should have been mortal wounds time and time again. However, in one instant they all stopped, all at once. It didn't seem to be a willing stop on their part, because even as they suddenly surged to a stop they strained, as if they were being held back... and for a second, Alasa could see what the cause was. They shone brightly, wrapped around all of the assassins at critical points like the joints or the meetings of limbs. Coiled tightly, the substance seemed to be some sort of wire... And then, suddenly, it tightened ever further. In that moment the assassin's came apart, simultaneously not just dismembered but sliced into pieces. The carving made by the wires were surprisingly smooth, but that did little to prevent blood and gore from flying in all directions. The wires waved back and forth through the air, loud hisses made by their quick movements. Where they came from wasn't apparent, as they seemed to be continuous with all of its strands that looped back and forth. However, suddenly they lunged by, passing by almost terrifyingly close towards all of the Barceans in the hallways as they made their way through, disappearing from sight around corners. For the most part, things in the castle were silent once again, at least for a brief moment. However, Alasa was one of the first While nearly all the assassins throughout the entire castle were decimated in an instant, in one area they lingered for a while longer. Those near Kori's room continued their assault, and the Prince was beginning to get tired. He had no choice but to hold the door, and keep the attackers from surging through, but keeping even this chokepoint held was beginning to take its hold. Relief came suddenly as these assassins too were brought to a halt before cut to ribbons. The Prince was able to thankfully leap away even as the gore splattered inwards into the Queen's room, making the floor both slick and sticky. For a moment the Prince had no idea what happened, but then he looked up as he heard footsteps decisively clicking through the hallway. The man who emerged from around the corner was the one who Etsuko had met a few days ago, and yet the spark of recognition entered the Prince's eyes as well at the sight of him, his voice crying out, [b]"Richard!"[/b] The butler continued his approach at the same speed, hands held behind him. He was clearly the source of the wires, as they waved and curved through the air around him. Very rapidly they began drawing in towards and around him, assumedly going to his hands behind his back. When they were gone, he brought one hand up, adjusting his monocle slightly as he observed his handiwork, noting how despite their total destruction twitches still went through the pieces that had once been assassins, before finally going still. [b]"My, my, my. It seems like you've let the castle go a little, Prince Serio."[/b] He walked through the blood calmly, but he blinked some in surprise as the relieved Prince stepped forwards, gripping the old man's arm. [b]"It's good to see you, my friend! Especially now, of all times."[/b] When he released Richard's hand the butler straightened his sleeve some, giving a nod. [b]"Think nothing of it, Prince Serio. Simply doing my duty as a servant of my mistress. Come, let us go speak with the Queen."[/b] Richard led the way, entering the room fully with Cyril behind him. At the sight of him Kori relaxed, dropping her weapons onto a nightstand as she made her way over at a brisk pace. [b]"Thank you, Richard, for once again helping us."[/b] The Queen came to a stop and only then did Richard bow, smiling politely as he straightened once more to his full height, one hand resting lightly upon his chest from his bow. [b]"Of course, Queen Serio. It is good to see you alive and well." "Do you know-?" "Princess Serio is fine, as are all of your Sentinels, and your guests. I managed to arrive in time before anything could happen to them, but I am sorry I didn't arrive sooner to save more. Please, forgive this old servant." "I'm glad you did as much as you did, Richard. Thank you, truly."[/b] The Queen was slowly but surely relaxing, sighing gently as she turned to head towards one of her chairs. As she did so Richard's gaze passed towards the last person in the room, giving the Diviner the same polite smile he gave the royals, bowing his head. [b]"And good evening to you, Ms. Tanaka."[/b] Etsuko looked up her lap where she had been wringing her wrists and biting her lip nervously. She was trying so hard not to shake, but the entire situation was absolutely terrifying and being unable to do anything just made it worse. She gave Richard a shaky smile, trying not to burst into tears. [b]"G-Good evening, M-Mr. Richard."[/b] The butler's gaze then turned back to the royals, watching as Cyril went to Kori. After a moment he stepped forwards to say, quite calmly, [b]"I think it's clear from tonight that the Capitol is no longer as safe as it once was. Fortunately, part of the reason why I'm here tonight is that my mistress is offering you sanctuary in her home." "I see..."[/b] Kori said this quietly, looking down briefly. Cyril watched her, and his eyes widened especially as she kept silent, before he sat up straight. [b]"No, Kori. No, no, no, don't you dare-" "I can't leave now, Cyril. If I leave now, after an attack on the castle, it would show the people just how dire the situation is. If I have no faith in my own defenses... It would cause a panic, Cyril. Who knows what might happen, and how Gartian will take advantage of it. I can't leave so soon..."[/b] Her hands went over, gently grasping her brother's. [b]"But you and Ayano can, and should. Leave tomorrow, and go to Lady Renata. Do it for me, and do it to protect Ayano. I will leave once the situation in the Capitol has calmed after the spreading of the news tomorrow."[/b] When Cyril tried to speak, Kori gave a light shake of her head to silence him, saying, [b]"No arguing, Cyril. I need you to do this."[/b] Seconds passed in silence, before Cyril slowly nodded. [b]"Fine... We'll go. But you better be right behind us."[/b] Kori gave a small smile with her nod. [b]"Of course, Cyril... Go, find your Sentinels, and let them know. They will need to get as much rest as they possibly can between now and the morning... And we need to speak tomorrow, before you leave." "To the Lady of Demons, then?"[/b] The voice was new, and belonged to the Direwolf as he entered, followed closely behind by Christopher (Chikako, meanwhile, remained outside). While Christopher seemed focused on the amount of gore that he saw not just here but on the way as well, Alsius only looked towards the Queen as he asked, [b]"And what would you have me do, my Queen?" "Please, go with them Alsius. I'd feel much better if you were with them. I have the Queensguard to protect me." "Very well then."[/b] The Direwolf gave a nod, before turning to make his exit, already pulling out a cigarette. Upon seeing a familiar face, one that she was quite comfortable with, Etsuko immediately stood up and ran to Christopher. Her arms wrapped around him tightly as she buried her face in his chest, the tears that were threatening to spill earlier doing so now. [b]"O-Oh thank the Divines you're okay!"[/b] Christopher jumped in surprise, almost staggering back thanks to Etsuko. However, he brought one hand up, awkwardly patting it on her back as he said, [b]"Yeah, I'm fine, I'm fine. Are you okay?"[/b] She nodded her head a little, her eyes shut tight. Etsuko didn't want to look up, but she held onto him, hoping that her body would stop shaking. Even as Christopher continued to awkwardly pat her back, Cyril's gaze was stony as he looked towards the doorway, considering even now the decision that was made. As he stepped forwards once more Kori's hand went up, stopping him again briefly. [b]"Wait, Cyril. Another thing; take some others with you, people like Marco Maxwell. They'll definitely be safer as well." "It'll be done."[/b] [hr] [i][h3]The Road East[/h3][/i] To some it may have been confusing that both Cyril and Kori trusted not just Richard immediately, but the offer of the Lady of Demons as well. Many would not have even heard of her, and more than likely those that did would have been somewhat wary. Indeed, the attitude of the Serios towards her hospitality was perhaps unique in comparison to everyone else, especially other royal families when thinking in regards to the rest of the East... And yet they still trusted her, for all that she had done not just for them, but their family throughout the generations. Whatever she did the Serios didn't reveal, but apparently it was enough for her to be trusted as a stalwart ally, and one to seek refuge with. This was the reason why the group woke early the day after the horrific attack, preparing quickly and making their way east. They left early for two reasons; the first to make good time, and the second to have two of the three royals leave before most of the population was awake to see. Before leaving, the Queen and Prince had one last meeting before joining with everyone who would be making the trip, where the brother would part from his older sister. Once more, Kori gave her siblings a personal farewell, before bidding goodbye to the others and returning to the castle. With Richard Leto leaving the way, the group quickly but quietly left the Capitol on horseback, turning and making their way east. The trip would take two days, and Cyril already had a stopping point in mind. Etsuko was one of the few, probably the only one besides the Serios, who didn't seem wary of going to the Lady of Demons. In fact, it was a welcome diversion from the horrific attack. She was happy to see that Calypso had come out of the attack unharmed and even happier that most were alright. The stopping point that Cyril had in mind was a circular village. In the center of this circular village was a large building where a lot of people were coming in and out. Upon entering the building, there would be a woman at a podium, chatting rather happily with customers. She was leaning against the podium, her chin resting on her gloved hand and she had a constant smile on her face. Her hair was long and a platinum blonde, an olive green cap covering her head. When the door opened and she heard guests enter, she looked up and stood straight, her smile becoming a grin. [b]"Cyril! You're back! And you've brought so many new faces!"[/b] When the group entered the inn, which it so obviously was, the Prince relaxed for the first time since the night before. So at edge he had been that seeing him calmer was a surprising sight. He smiled in the direction of the platinum blonde woman, approaching as he spoke, saying, [b]"Hello, Kasumi. Yes, we're passing our way through. We might need a whole floor to be entirely honest, if you can manage it. We'd appreciate the privacy."[/b] The woman named Kasumi left the podium, thus revealing the rest of her outfit. She was dressed mainly in olives and blacks, her open jacket and very short skirt being olive green and her bra and knee high boots being black. [b]"Of course, of course~ Just give me a few minutes to get everything all set! Meanwhile, you're all free to head into the dining room, where the food is hot and the beer is cold. Unless, of course, you'd rather have me provide you with some other items~"[/b] She winked--mainly at the females of the group (something that made the ever airy Calypso seem brought back to reality briefly)--before giggling and turning to head up a staircase by the podium. The dining area was to the left of the podium, where villagers and guests alike were gathered around tables. Finding an empty spot would be difficult, but everyone seemed friendly enough to move over a few spaces. The bar was located towards a far right wall, also crowded with guests and villagers. The woman tending the bar had long black hair and was wearing a more feminine version of a suit. She looked up every once in a while and, having caught Cyril's blue hair, smiled to herself before going to serve more drinks. The Prince, meanwhile, looked back to the group. After a moment of being silent he gave a nod, gesturing towards the direction of the dining room as he said, [b]"We're safe here, everyone, so feel free to relax a little. Chiyo and Kasumi are good people, good friends, and they'll take care of us. Just be ready to leave tomorrow morning."[/b] Though what Cyril said was a dismissal of them all, it was really just a way to excuse himself. He turned, making his way into the dining room himself, moving as if he knew where he was going, and straight to the bar he went. However, the Prince wasn't intent on indulging in any alcohol that night; instead, he went to go sit in front of the barkeep herself, smiling some. [b]"Good evening, Chiyo. It's good to see you."[/b] Those who were directly in front of the barkeep at the time started to leave, giving her grins and whistling encouragement; those came from the villagers, the guests simply followed suit, not understanding why there was a sudden migration away from the pretty barkeep. Chiyo smiled when the Prince seated himself directly in front of her. [b]"Good evening Cyril. Always making sure to keep us busy, aren't you." "I do my very best to support small, family owned businesses whenever I can."[/b] At her smile Cyril's grew a little bit more, before it began to slowly fall. It didn't quite disappear though, the Prince just sighing as he looked to the side for a second, thinking before saying, [b]"Really, we're just passing through. We're going to keep heading east tomorrow morning, to visit... a friend of the family in the mountains."[/b] She giggled a bit as she started shaking a drink for a patron. [b]"Well we do appreciate your business."[/b] Even while she mixed the drink, she noticed his body language, looking up as she poured the drink and then slid the glass down the bar (she already knew it would make it into the patron's hand). [b]"Something tells me this is very serious."[/b] He just gave a slight nod, gaze down on the bar in front of them, one hand tapping ever slightly against the surface. [b]"... Yes. Very, very serious."[/b] She placed a hand on top of his, her eyes showing clear concern. [b]"Tell me later?"[/b] For just a moment he was still, and then his other hand went over hers in return, looking up as he nodded slightly. [b]"Yes, I will."[/b] She smiled as she nodded, going back to mixing drinks. [b]"Anything to eat? You must be hungry from your journey."[/b] He gave a slight not, but even as he did so he gestured slightly behind him, not even looking to see who had followed him into the dining room, and who didn't. [b]"Yes, but please attend to everyone else soon. My night is probably going to be later than theirs, so I can wait a little."[/b] She nodded slowly, knowing full well that the Prince would say something like that. [b]"As long as you don't starve yourself."[/b] Kasumi had come back down the stairs, smiling at those who hadn't gone into the dining room. [b]"Everyone who wants a bed now, follow me~"[/b] It was the eighth day since the slaughter along the western borders.