"With all due respect Ambassador, but I cannot believe nobody in the Secretariat of Foreign Affairs thought to find somebody who knew some of the Hyu'min language," the Captain of the Diplomatic ship said, gazing over at Ambassador T't't as they received the message from the USS USS Guard Post. The Ambassador was currently sitting down, one of her feet tapping on the ground and her hands fidgeting in her lap. "No offense taken Captain," she responded, clearly exasperated, "Honestly, I can't believe it either. Maybe somebody did, and it was just lost in all the bureaucracy." The message had been directed to the four warships as well, but at the moment none had come forward as having any idea what it was saying. Though, on the bright side, it didn't sound like a threat. But they were dealing with an alien species, and so naturally that meant very little. But nonetheless they were on a diplomatic mission and so the warships still had their weapons down and had slowed to a stop once the Federation ships had been detected. The Ambassador's smaller ship, however, had traveled slightly forward of the warships and began transmitting another message. "I hope they're equipped to receive these," T't't said as the message played. This time it was a visual message; hence the Ambassador's worries, as there was no guarantee that the recipient ship would be able to play the message. It was, simply, a series of short videos one after another. But all of them were the same subject: records of political delegations peacefully talking things out. They ranged considerably in age, with the very earliest in grainy black and white, but those aboard the ship hoped that it got the message across to the Federation ships. All the while, the Command Staff of the [i]Guard Post[/i] anxiously awaited the alien response, and several updates were now provided by Oriana. "Captain." The AI spoke. "Upon closer scans, the alien vessels have begun to slow to a halt." "So...they're either playing and testing us or are sincerely not here for a fight." Captain Maku said, rubbing her small chin. "Either way, they understood us, a good sign if any." such a reaction had lifted some of the tension from the captain and her staff, but the language barrier was all that stood in the way of any proper communication. "Orders ma'am?" one of the ship coordinators asked. The Captain did not hesitate to ponder and gave the order. "Maintain intercept course." "Aye Aye, Ma'am." he replied and complied with the order. All the while, Jadasi once again picked up the small comm device, pressing down the same sequence of buttons to connect to Interfleet Communications. "All ships are power down engines and maintain cruising speed until further notice." With that, she placed the device down as her ship maintained its current course. "Captain, the lead vessel has sent another transmission, it seems to be a record of sorts." "Go ahead, play it." Jadasi walked over to the holo tabel once more to view whatever the aliens had sent. A series of videos playing in a loop, all sharing a common theme, a theme that left a smile on her face and no doubt in her mind of the aliens intentions, peace and diplomacy. "I think we got our answer." Jadasi said. "Oriana, help our guests the best you can, they're to follow us back to Arcanis III." --------- "Well, this looks like it's going well," the Captain said, as he watched the new data received from the Federation ships materialize into a map that appeared to show the ships heading towards the system's one inhabited planet. "And we can all be thankful for that," T't't said, though secretly thoughts were going through her mind of almost everything that could go wrong. She knew her thoughts were irrational; even from the scant rumours they had of the Federation it didn't seem like that kind of society. But the thoughts were still there, and T't't pushed them as far back into her mind as she could. "Alright Captain, send this to our escorts and let's head out," she said gesturing to the holo-map, "The sooner we meet in person the sooner we can actually start the mission." She didn't give voice to her thoughts of 'and the sooner I can stop worrying'. Then the Captain nodded in acknowledgement, and quickly sent the holo-map to the four small warships escorting them. After a short back and forth between the various Captains and the group's nominal Admiral they started to move along the course towards the world they didn't know was known as Arcanis III, doing their best to do absolutely nothing that may cause any of the Federation ships to jump the gun. ------ [i]Shortly before[/i] "As you wish, Captain" Oriana complied with the order, and uploaded a rather simple-looking starmap program of the Arcana System, it was simpltsic in that, there was very little detail of the system, what had been mapped were only the five worlds of the system and nothing else, on the map, Arcanis III was the only world to be brightly colored in a shade of green, all others remained dimly blue like the rest of the holo-map. Also on the may were eight arrow shapes, representing the two group and a dotted path leading to Arcanis III. With that done with, the AI sent to map to the alien vessels. "It is done." The AI spoke. "Good." The Captain said, then scanning the room, looking to her crew. "Alright people, set a course back home." Jadasi paused a moment before she had realized she had forgotten one important detail. "Oh! And Orinana, alert the bosses back at Arcanis III, they'll want to know and prepare for this." ------ [i]Some Time Later[/i] Ambassador T't't spent much of the flight towards the planet in her personal room, doing her best to get over her nerves. And she was, for the most part, rather successful. This seemed like a lot of effort to go through just to capture or kill them, and she started to feel kind of embarrassed about her previous concerns. Though she did still feel a gnawing sense of apprehension and nervousness; after all, she was the first Ch'ak'ii to make official contact with the Federation. And T't't sincerely hoped she didn't make any mistakes and screw anything up. As the ship and its escort neared Arcanis III, she made her way to the front lounge once again. This time it wasn't to be alone, which was good since every member of the crew who wasn't needed elsewhere was currently there for the same reason she was. It was to watch the planet slowly drift into view on the great dome. The world was a beautiful one, and aside from her home of Ka'ak it was the first natural planet she'd ever laid her eyes on. And as the ship slowly followed the determined course down through the atmosphere, she and much of the small crowd was enthralled. But when she saw their destination, a city nestled in the mountains, getting larger as they descended she was forced to tear her eyes away. She needed to go get ready and prepare, after all they'd land soon and then her mission would begin. It didn't take very long for her to prepare, however. She simply made sure she looked presentable and had her small holographic tablet for any notes she may want to take. After a few minutes she was prepared, dressed in a long blue skirt alongside several loose blue strips of cloth wrapped around her torso and arms, and made her way to the airlock to prepare for landing. There she was greeted by her personal guard, lead by Guard-Master Av'ku'sha. They were all dressed in rather basic full body armour and armed with long laser rifles, and all but Av'ku'sha themself were already wearing their full-face helmets. Two of the soldiers were Uy, whilst the other was a T'kai and it was plainly evident even in armour thanks to the size and shape differences between the two species. And even besides that the T'kai, including Av'ku'sha, were standing stock still while the two Uy were constantly checking their armour and weapons and borderline twitchy. "So, we're finally here" Av'ku'sha said as T't't took her place next to them, "Are you ready?" "As ready as I'll ever be," T't't said, then after a short moment added, "Yeah, I'm ready for this." Av'ku'sha simply nodded their head before putting their helmet on, and doing a final check of their weapons before holstering it on their back. And it wasn't long before it was time to enter the airlock, and it seemed like no time at all before the large doors were opening and a ramp extending down towards the ground. And when T't't got her first look of the planet from the surface, she was in awe as it hit her. She was on an alien planet, and actual alien planet Gods knew how far from her home. As the group made their way down the ramp, T't't looked around at the crowds of people she saw. They were strange looking people, and she recognized most of them as Hyu'min from the images she'd seen of the rare example to make it to Ch'ak. She stared at the crowds, and the city, and the sky, and everything for a long moment as everything sunk in. But in no time at all she was over it, since she couldn't stand there forever even if she had any desire to. And finally, the first Ch'ak'ii Ambassador set her first foot on Federation soil. [b][u] Arcanis III Capital City of Unilos [/u][/b] [img]http://i136.photobucket.com/albums/q173/sigma830/RP%20Characters%20and%20Stuff/Rp%20stuff.._zpszsksm2lc.png[/img] The Ch'akii Ambassadorial ship made its landing in the Unilos Nation Park, a small crowd of several dozen people of various species forming near the landing site, all eager to be among the first to make contact with the aliens. From behind the crowd, a squad of SDF troopers came marching though the crowd, followed by the System Governor and his personal entourage, the governor was a human male in his early forties. Not too long after their arrival, members of the local media soon arrived to capture this moment, and soon share it globally and later, the entire Federation. Silence fell on the crowd as the same made landing, the boarding ramp lowering down to the ground as the large doors open, smoke escaping the room as they slide open. Several alien figures stepped out of the ship, facing the crowd before them. The Governor stepped forward, walking calmly towards the alien delegates, extending his hand out. "Welcome! I'm am Governor Khalid of the Arcana System, on behalf off everyone present, we all welcome you to Federation Space." Ambassador T't't looked at the alien in front of her, the Hyu'min who had stepped forward to greet her. She wasn't certain of his position, but she assumed he was a diplomat or someone in the Federation government. She had no idea what the man was saying but it didn't seem threatening in the slightest, though his gesture confused her. T't't assumed it was a greeting of some form, but the Hyu'min seemed to be waiting for her to reciprocate. And so she slowly extended her hand as well, mimicking Khalid's gesture but not comprehending that he expected her to grasp his hand. The Governor initiated the handshake, no doubt to much to the Ambassador's confused motions. once he loosened his grip, made some hand gestures and motions. "Let's head to my office." He said, making sure to signal the Ch'akii to follow him. All the while he had placed two fingers over the right side of his head. "We're gonna need some top notch translators stat." Though she wasn't as nervous as she had been on the ship, when the Governor grabbed T't't's hand she nearly wrenched her hand away in surprise; Like many Uy she could be just naturally jumpy at times, and she hadn't been expecting any actual physical contact. But she managed to keep the grip, though she worried that perhaps she'd pulled her hand back too quickly once the man had loosened his grip. And though she still could only guess as to what Khalid was saying, she understood his gestures quite well. T't't was more than happy to follow the Governor, followed by her four soldier escort. As they made their way forwards she made some notes about hand-to-hand contact and Hyu'min greetings on her holographic tablet, while looking around at the city and the crowds itself. She knew it was only because it was first contact with an alien civilization, but it still made her feel nice to have so much attention focused on her. Some time much later, the group finally arrived to the Arcanis Capital Building at the heart of the city. Passersby taking notice of the new and strange visitors, some civilians even recording their movements or taking pictures with their mobile devices. Upon reaching the end of the steps leading to the building's doors, a Aldzur woman and a pair of human men in black suits awaited them from the front doors, the aldzur carrying a collar-like device. "Weclome back, sir." She greeted him. "Are these our guests?" "That they are miss Uakj." he replied. "Is the translator ready?" "Yes, sir." She replied. "However, it may take quite a while for it to fully decipher their language." "That won't be problem, we can certainly wait." "Very well." she said as she turned to the Ch'akii ambassador. "This device will help us understand one another." She extends her arms, gifting the device to the Ambassador. "Just place it around your neck and soon you'll be able to understand us and us you." T't't took hold of the translator, and with some instructional gestures was able to quickly figure out that she was meant to stick it around her neck. She had a moment of slight difficulty getting the device over her chin and the crest on the back of her head and the device didn't sit particularly well on her, but it was particularly uncomfortable and at least it fit. "What is this thing?" she said to herself, shifting it to a more comfortable position on her neck. "A very good start!" the Aldzur Secretary said in excitement, understanding the Ch'akii Ambassador. "That is what we call the Xeno Vocalizer MKX. A long line of translator devices. As long as you wear that, the device will analyze your language, and eventually we'll able to fully understand you." The Governor stepped up the stairs to their left, facing the two. "It'll take a while of course, but nonetheless, something that pleases me." He looked to his Secretary. " If you'll please, miss Uakj, we have bushiness to attend to with our guests." "Oh yes, of course, very sorry about that, sir." "Great! Carry on." he then faced the Ambassador. "Follow me, miss. We can discuss further topics in my office." Though the sentences were riddled with what she assumed were errors and missing translations, presumably because of the scant samples it had to go on, T't't was able to understand what was being said. And it shocked the Ambassador for a moment; it was an incredible piece of technology and one she's have to see if she could take back to Ch'ak. Her people relied on much more old-fashioned techniques, though their relative isolationism likely had something to do with that. Though as she followed the Governor, a thought came to her. "You said something about analyzing while I wore it," she said, hoping more complicated messages would be successfully relayed, "If I were to speak in another language while I was wearing it, would that interfere?" As they continued down the hallways leading his main office, although not facing the Ambassador, the Governor responded to her question. "I would say so, yes, however I'm not exactly an expert on these things." he said as they arrived, the entrance to his office was very old-fashioned, a set of tall wooden doors. "Ah! We're here." His two bodyguards moved ahead, standing on opposite ends of one another as each guard gripped onto the door handles, opening the doors and revealing the office, a brightly lit room, with a wide window at the back, and a large desk at the front. The Governor was the first to step into the room, taking a seat in front of his work desk. "Come in, we have much to discuss. First off, I'm quite curious as to why you had arrived to our little colony." Ambassador T't't made her in after the governor, followed by her four bodyguards, quickly taking the offered seat. She understood the basics of what the Governor was saying and she wasn't entirely sure, but it seemed as though there were marginally less errors already. But she'd been asked a question, and a rather important one at that. Luckily, it wasn't a particularly difficult question to answer. "Well, I am T't't is'Oya es'T'zoh'lan, an Ambassador sent on behalf of Ch'ak to establish diplomatic ties with the Sol Federation, and to gather more concrete information of the nations and peoples living here," she told the Governor, hoping the important bits got through translation unscathed, "And I'm sorry, but did you introduce yourself earlier? I do not recall hearing your name since I received the translator." From what was understood from the device, the Governor gave his response. "Oh yes, most of what was said probably didn't go through. Allow me to reintroduce myself, I am Daamir Khalid, Governor of the Arcanis III Colony." He leaned forward onto his desk, getting more comfortable. "As for your mission. While we would accept opening diplomatic channels with your people, we were mostly unaware of your arrival, which unfortunately means I can't do much, I have little authority regarding these things. However, what can be done is this, we provide you passage to Earth, where our leadership is located. However, we will have to alert them ahead of time, for preparations to be made and all. In the mean time, your people can relax under our care, take in the sights." "Well I must thank you for your hospitality Governor Khalid," T't't said, hoping she managed to not only pronounce his name correctly but had actually said his name, "And that is understandable for a nation such as the Federation. I am certain the crewmen would enjoy seeing more of your world. It is quite beautiful, and most have probably never been on a natural planet for any length of time before." The Governor raised an eyebrow at her choice of words, now a bit curious and just needed to know. "Natural?" he asked. "Did something happen with your homeworld?" Ambassador T't't looked at the Governor in confusion over his question before responding. "No, there is nothing wrong with Ka'ak. But not everyone gets the chance to spend long periods of time there," she replied, not realizing that Ch'ak's ability to manufacture artificial worlds would surprise an outsider. For her it was a simple and mundane fact of life; most Ch'ak'ii did live and grow up on them, after all. The thought that the Federation didn't have anything comparable hadn't even crossed her mind. "Hmm...I see." Gorvenor Khalid replied, still a bit perplexed from the answer Ambassador T't't had provided to him, but he best not dwell on the subject for too long. "Well, I'll have my people begin arrangements for your departure to Earth, as said, it'll take a good while, so enjoy your stay here on Arcanis III." He ended his words with a wide smile.