Saturday March 23rd, 2016 “Wh-wha-what the hell are you doing?” Richard sputtered when Sophia appeared, butt naked in the doorway. His eyes flittered everywhere but at her even though he'd gotten a good enough look when she first came out. Then she grabbed him by the foot and started swinging his body around like he was a golf club. “Hey, would you cut that out?” he snapped when she suddenly spun him around and her hand flashed out, slapping him hard across the face. “OW! Dammit Sophia would you cut that out?” he cried. It was about the same time that she noticed when Richard realized that their neighbor was staring at them. Sophia grabbed him and started dragging him into the house, “Bye, Mrs. Abney,” he called out, just before the door swung shut. With a foot planted against his shoulder, Sophia gave Richard a kick and he started floating through the air toward the living room. He kicked and flailed, arms swinging wildly like a swimmer trying to get traction in the water. Since he wasn't in water, and wasn't much of a swimmer either, this really didn't do him much good at all and just caused him to start slowly rotating on the horizontal. When before he had been lying on his back, floating in the air, he was now starting to turn so he was staring down at the hard wood floor beneath him. “What the hell is going on Soph, and could you please put some clothes on already?” While your average fifteen year old male might have a different reaction when confronted with a nude girl, Richard had been friends with Sophia for far too long to get tripped up by the sight for more than a few minutes. His panic had pushed him far past normal teenage boy reactions and into full blown freak-out mode as well, so he was able to shelve the fact that she was naked and focus more on the fact that he couldn't get down. “Why the hell am I floating?” he muttered irritably, choosing to ignore his naked friend. “I can't move.” He took a deep breath and closed his eyes, focusing on the idea of moving through the air. Side to side, up and down, anything but just floating on his stomach staring at a dust bunny. Nothing. No reaction of any kind. “Grrrr....” he growled and started flailing ineffectually again. “How the hell do I get down-” It was at that precise moment, that whatever effect had been holding him aloft suddenly cut out, and he fell, landing hard on the wooden floor he had wanted so desperately to be in solid contact with just moments before. “Ok,” he groaned, face still pressed against the polished boards. “Someone is fucking with me. Or maybe I was a tyrant in another life and this is someones idea of punishment?”