Oliver looked up when he heard someone entering the lounge. It was Sanguine, wearing a surprisingly casual dress, and looking like she hadn't bothered to perfect her appearance. Or perhaps more likely was that she'd fended off the servants who insisted on making her look ridiculous. He grinned as the Guild Master suggested that she would likely take him up on his offer of cuddles, and he nodded in agreement when she observed on the fatiguing and stressful day they'd had so far. He wasn't sure how inclined she was to stick around, since she still had work to do, and the Paladin decided that he wasn't going to let the vampire toil alone. So he gestured for two drinks from the bar, and then beckoned the beautiful woman over to him. "Why not cuddle now?" he offered, figuring they could get some in prior to her working, and they should have plenty of time for more afterward, too. "Is there anything I can help with?" even if she didn't want to cuddle yet, the warrior figured he could pitch in with the stuff she wanted to accomplish before properly relaxing. Something about taking notes and playing with zombies. Not the most pleasant of things, but Oliver wasn't going to protest. They were going to need her powers if they were going to end up at war with the people they'd pissed off earlier. He'd just have to see if he couldn't guide her toward less malicious pursuits with her necromancy. There had to be some possibility of such a thing, he'd just have to dig deep enough...