[h2][center][color=D4E9FA][b]Julia Winters Gadget[/b][/color][/center][/h2] Gadget got onto her bike, [color=D4E9FA]”Get on and hold on tight to my waist. I’m going to get us there fast which means using my powers to create roads of metal. Which is going to be a bumpy ride.”[/color] She then tore off once she was certain Agent had a good hold. Just like she said sparks of energy sparked off the metal guardrails making them move to create a very narrow ramp to jump off to get to the ground below. Then quickly reverted back to the way they were once they were off. Gadget was able to use her powers in such an insane way because she’d been given intense training in how to use them since she was ten. When they got to the bank Gadget parked in such a way the back wheel skidded them into a perfect parallel park behind a police barricade.[color=D4E9FA]”Tell me what we’re dealing with.” [/color] Gadget looked to the officers who quickly informed her, “We have three hostiles armed with body armor, fully automatic Ak-47’s, and grenades. They’ve moved several hostages into the bank vault, and had them load money into bags. They’ve demanded a fully fueled plane, and ride to the private airport on the south side, and have threatened to kill one hostage every thirty minutes it takes to get them what they want. So far twenty eight minutes have passed. They’ve already killed several of the hostages at the deadlines. They are going to kill someone else soon.” Gadget saw the body bags of the poor victims her hand balling into a fist of rage. [color=D4E9FA]”We aren’t going to let that happen. Come on Agent, let’s go take out some scum.”[/color] She turned fully metal, but it was different she had turned her arms into shields. Then she ran at the door fast, and hard bursting in. When the men opened fire the bullets were stopped cold. Gadget shifted her arms back to normal making her pant, she was tired. She needed Agents strength to help take these maniacs down. One of the men threw a grenade, and Gadget grabbed it covering it with her body to stop the blast. She was thrown into a wall hard knocking her unconscious. “YES! We took out Gadget now they don’t have a choice,” one of them hollered.[hr][h2][center][color=9400D3][b]Zero Cross Arsenic[/b][/color][/center][/h2] Arsenic made his way to the local humane society, and asked for Adam Prince. Seeing as he was the scout he’d sent to Treaft city to scope it out, and was the one that told him of Julia. He wanted to get information pertaining to both Diane, and Julia. As he waited he walked to the kennels holding the dogs, and looked down at the pitiable animals. He looked at one in particular a small tube shaped thing with white fur, and black spots along with an antenna length tail. It made him smile behind his mask. [color=9400D3]”Dawww so cute.”[/color] Then turned to look over at Tiger sticking his hands into his pockets. The usual cover story for their private conversations was Arsenic looking at an animal because he was an “animal trainer”. Usually he ended up adopting the animals, and sending them to a compound that trained in one use or another. A very rare select few were chosen as his actual pets, which was an incredibly posh existence. [color=9400D3]”I’d like to take a look at this little sausage please.”[/color] He pointed at the white, and black dog as it panted, and wagged its incredibly long tail. In a hushed voice Arsenic said, [color=9400D3]”I met another little dog Diane. She doesn’t seem to pose any sort of trouble to train, but I feel she’s still hiding something. Though the little runaway Julia… I’ve been looking everywhere for her, even sent some friends out. They got close to her, but she got away before we can lasso her.”[/color] He crossed his arms sighing deeply shaking his head. [color=9400D3]”I swear if it’s not one thing getting in the way it’s another.”[/color] [hr]