[B]MATSUOKA MINORU[/B] In a development that I'd utterly failed to see coming, the faculty had chosen me as a candidate for the annual Academy Tournament. It was surprising really, because it speaks a lot about their confidence in me, a newcomer to this entire Ritual Technology business. Given that the majority of the other participants in the shindig all have experience that dwarfs mine, I hope that I can do the bigwigs justice ... and avoid carking it by accident. Some warning would have been appreciated before they selected me. If I make a mistake during the tourney, then that'd be seen by everyone - my classmates, folks from other schools, the viewing public - everyone, and the shame would linger on me even after graduation, like an odious smell that can never be washed out. Yes, giving me the chance to prepare would have been nice. I feel like I've been thrown into the deep end. [color=00aeef]Have some more faith in yourself, young Matsuoka.[/color] Contrary to Cloacina's belief on the matter, I have the utmost faith in myself. In my first year level of abilities, that is, with the precedent that I only developed my powers a year ago. Compared to the majority of participants in the tournament, I probably have a long way to improve. [color=00aeef]Come on, we shall be [i]fiiiine[/i], Matsuoka.[/color] Hence the reason why I'm traipsing down the hallway, in search of one of the battle simulators. Even if I didn't catch up to the levels of my peers, I need to give a good show, at least. My future reputation is at stake, after all. If I want to avoid giving a terrible first impression to everyone, then I better get a lot of training in. The early worm catches the bird, as my dad had always told me, and if I want to do the worm (and the bigwigs - couldn't forget them) justice, then the logical choice of action would be to test myself against the sims. Find out where I have flaws, practice, et cetera et cetera. [color=00aeef]That's right, Matsuoka! Let's show them that Rome's still relevant in today's age![/color] The Roman Empire, unfortunately, hasn't been relevant in any form since Moscow and Istanbul stopped pretending to be the "Third Rome". I instinctively place a hand over my neck, the sudden crick immediately sending a jolt of pain down my body. It's still admittedly eerie, having someone who can puppet your body- [color=00aeef]You make it sound so nefarious![/color] -around, but it's one of those new things I need to deal with these days. I let out a sigh that I didn't realise I had been holding in, rubbing my neck again to soothe the dulling pain. The simulator room's in front of me now, so that should get Cloacina off my back for a while. [color=00aeef]Hey, I'm going to help you out in battle too![/color] I clasp my hands together, feeling my muscles relax, tension draining out of them like steam dissipating into the atmosphere. It's time to start training. I take one solid step into the room before I freeze. It's occupied. By two people in fact, but the short white girl (is she American? English? Some form of European?) wearing a cap isn't the one who's caught my attention the most. That would be the owner of the incredibly intense amber stare. The even shorter, Japanese girl. With a ... cape? I can't tear my own eyes away, awkwardly meeting her look with my own brown eyes. I feel much like, to use the American expression, a deer caught in the headlights beneath her highly-determined gaze. [color=00aeef]You should give your greetings![/color] "[color=00a651]Eh, 'ello there?[/color]" I offer hesitantly.