Cyrendil walked into the small town, his green eyes glancing around from under hood at the various comings and goings of the town. Children playing in the snow, forging done, a leatherworker skinning outside. He pulled his hood from his head, and looked towards the inn, half of the crew had already made way and he was sure would be deep within their cups by the next few moments. He thought about taking a small walk, but the small growl in his stomach warned against it. Many of the townsfolk had looked towards the odd group entering, but turned their gazes shortly after. But one man kept his gaze on Cyrendil, the Breton with a heavy beard watched him silently. And Cyrendil met the man's gaze. He had hoped this town would be less difficult than the last but by the look of the man he was already wrong. Cyrendil turned his gaze to the inn and made his way past the heavy wooden door and stepped inside. finding a small corner mostly by himself and sat down, his heavy plate boots clunking on the floor as he walked, many stopped to look at him then turned back to their drinks and food. Sitting down heavy in the wooden chair much to small for him, One of the haggard waitress moving to his table “What will you have stranger?” He looked up at the women and gave her a small smile [i]“Whatever is boiling in the hearth smells wonderful, I’ll have some of that and some bread please. And wine, if you have a bottle. If not just for a mug of well water.” [/i] She nodded and moved off to the next table, he took the time to look around at faces carefully checking for any that he could remember on the posters for unknowns but found none. When he heard the door open and turned his eyes to the man who walked in. He was the same one giving him the hard stare outside; The Breton glanced around the inn eventually spotting Cyrendil and moving towards him. Cyrendil's hand slipped under the table to grasp the hilt of his blade and he leaned forward as if bored. The man came to the table, he was dressed in fine enough clothes warm more than fashionable and he smelled of sawdust and wood. “You one of the Vigilants?” Cyrendil bristled a little, and looked up at the man's face expecting hate in the eyes, but in them was a softness and a hope. He released his white knuckled grip on his blade’s hilt and brought the hand back to the table and visibly relaxing [i]“I am, why do you ask?”[/i] Cyrendil took the moment, as the man went to answer to start the removal of his gauntlets, setting them beside him on the table and clasped his hands together and watched the man. The Breton smiled softly “May I take a seat?” And he gestured to the seat across from him, Cyrendil gave him a polite nod and the man sat down. “I won’t take too much of your time, I promise.” Cyrendil smiled [i]“It’s fine, I’m not too terribly busy, what is it you wanted?”[/i] “I wanted to say thank you, for the Vigilant...My…” The man paused for a second and looked down at the crude wooden table “My wife, was killed about two seasons ago by werewolves while she was out gathering.” The man spoke offhandedly as if recalling something. “She used to make the sweetest wine.” The man chuckled and then swallowed hard, Cyrendil assumed it was the thought of never seeing his wife again. He knew that pain. “Vigilants like yourself came through about a week or two after, and I heard from the Innkeeper that they had slain a den of werewolves.” “I never got to say thank you to them, from me, and my daughter. Thank you for what you do, making people safer.” The man look relieved as if a great weight had suddenly thrown itself off his shoulders. Cyrendil listened to the man, and at the end gave him a small smile, but his eyes showed the glint of compassion. [i]“I am sorry, that you lost your wife. Many of us in the Vigil know the pain of losing a loved one to monsters... “ [/i] He reached out a golden hand to the man which the man shook and returned Cyrendil’s smile [i]“How old is your daughter?”[/i] Cyrendil asked offhand “She just turned ten last month, spitting image of her mother she is.” The man's eyes became suddenly sad for a moment and Cyrendil reached forward and patted the man's shoulder. [i]“I am sure she will turn out to be wonderful, you care very much… I’m sorry I didn’t ask your name.”[/i] “Greggart.” the man replied and continued “I saw you walk in town and had to say thank you, and if you were not busy maybe you could join me and my family for dinner? If it is not troubling you." The man looked expectantly at Cyrendil, who smiled but shook his head. [i]“For such kindness Greggart, I am honored. My name is Cyrendil.”[/i] he replied and shook Greggart’s hand again[i]. “I have not been thanked, or offered a hot meal in a very long time… I appreciate the sentiment, but I cannot possibly ask of you to share your home and your food with an old elf.”[/i] Cyrendil smiled, and wished for something to give to the man. So long had it been since any had thanked or offered a home to sleep in or a bowl of warm food freely.[i] “Greggart, if you and your daughter are ever in need of any help, a place to stay, coin, a place for sanctuary. Anything at all, or if your daughter ever needs help of the same.”[/i] Cyrendils’ voice lowered to a whisper so that only him and Greggart could hear.[i] “Near the city of Wayrest, there is a Vigilant headquarters, you can travel there yourself, or send a message. Mention my name, they will know of me in the records. Say that you wish the Shield of Stendarr to assist you. And they will help however they can.”[/i] Cyrendil leaned back and gave the man a smile. [i]“This is a boon you may only use once, so do use it wisely. Of course nothing illegal, but I do not think you’d do that… So when you do use it, use it wisely. Do you understand Greggart?”[/i] And Greggart nodded his understanding. [i]“I wish you and your daughter everything you could both ask for, keep safe the both of you.” [/i] Cyrendil said before stood as the man did as well, and was about to bow before the man suddenly approached and hugged him, tears in his eyes “Divines bless you sir, you can’t imagine how much that offer means to me.” Cyrendil stiffened but then gave the man a few pats on his back [i]“The Vigil repays its debts and remembers it’s friends. It was nice meeting you Greggart. I will remember you, the next time I am around town I might take you up on that offer for a home cooked meal.”[/i] The man pulled from him and smiled up at the elf “See that you do.” And with that he made his way towards the exit and out the front door, many of the patrons nearby heard and saw everything. The hard gazes he had received from some of the locals softened towards him and they turned back to their meals. As Cyrendil sat back down, and took a deep breath in and let out a contented sigh before the waitress came back with the bowl of stew and a mug of water. Cyrendil gave her a small smile, the look must have been terribly odd for the people he traveled with. [i]“Thank you very much.”[/i] He replied to the waitress. And set about the task of eating.