[@Belle] [center] [h3][color=Yellow]Feoras[/color][/h3] [/center] The summer King stood in front of a large hearth and seemed to be staring into the fires. What he could see was the meeting place. Seeing as no one arrived yet he dissipated the flames and noises to the piled up salamanders relaxing within. He walked out of the room, through the throne room and into the halls. He went from servant to servant ensuring that things were going smoothly from the levels of fruit available to supplies he wanted to keep his court running as smooth as possible. He waved over a guard. [color=orange]"Begin patrol. Take whom you feel skilled enough then begin training the new ones."[/color] as he spoke the guard held eye contact and only broke it when Feroas was finished speaking. The guard nodded and moved on to do as was asked. Feoras then found one of his head servants and nodded to them. [color=orange]"anything needed?"[/color] the fae...whom appears to be a humanoid salamander with yellow slited eyes shook his head and regained eye contact. "No my lord. do you require anything this morn?" Feroas tilted his head. [color=orange]"No, but I am sure that little one may need someone to keep an eye on her while I leave. Ask of one of the messengers to do so. I think I shall leave early for the meeting today."[/color] the servant nods and bows before going to do so. Feroas makes it back to the throne room in time for Lyra to be dropped in front of him. His eyes make contact with the guard and before he could utter a word of his disapproval, his little one spoke to him. [color=orange]"I understand..but I need you to stay inside today."[/color] he picked her up and studied the girl. [color=orange]"I believe you also will need to be cleaned up a bit...but no matter for right now. I will be back with haste and when I return you will be clean."[/color] he put her on a cushion next to the throne before looking at a black salamander that seemed to appear out of no where. This one was the size of a medium dog with bright red eyes. [color=orange]"ah ember. Please watch little one and ensure she is safe and clean."[/color] the salamander gurgled and waddled to Lyra. It stated at her with an expectant expression. Feroas then nodded to Lyra before stopping in front of the guard. [color=orange]"Do not mistreat the small one again. I will not overlook poor treatment a second time"[/color] with that he walked past the guard and went to the meeting place. Once there he stood with his hands behind his black clad back. He knew the others would be watching.