Aoi quickly turned back around when she noticed the drill instructor coming their way. [i]Aw hell. Now he's gone and attracted attention to himself.[/I] She thought to herself with an annoyed eye roll before focusing on the solider in front of her, though her ears were busy listening in on the conversation behind her. When the guy, who she soon found out to be called Cesare, responded to the old man in such a way, she wanted to turn around and hit him in the head. Didn't he know that such a response could get him punished? Then he had the audacity to laugh afterwards! Aoi sighed. This boy would probably end up on the old man's bad side before their training even started. However, the most she could do now was sit and wait until he finished with Caseare and move on to the next person so she could get something to eat. As if on cue, her stomach decided to rumble loudly but she never removed her hand from her salute.