Blackwatch Floor 4 / Mountain Reach / Level 26 / Afternoon Blackwatch fell into the familiar embrace with abandon, aware of his opponents identity the moment he performed this oh so normal routine. His mask slipped up with a deft flick to lock lips with his secret passion. Though likely he would not ever admit to such a thing it gave blackwatch a thrill to find his friend on the field so frequently. Even if they didn't know what the other looked like from time to time, thanks to constant gear changes. Disentangling from the embrace was one part combat and two parts dance. Slipping his dagger away and wrapping the free arm around Zans back, the other grasped his shirt and pushed back from the kiss with a firm grasp, tossing Zan into a controlled tumble to land on his back. Blackwatch nestled in on his chest with the dagger back out and pressed against his neck. [color=f7941d]"My mother taught me never to steal a kiss. You of all should know of the consequences."[/color] Blackwatch purred gently. With a stifled laugh he stood up and sheathed the dagger, offering his hand to Zan and helping him to his feet before pulling his own mask down to cover himself once more. It was also a way to prevent Zanuka from seeing the amused and playful expression cross his face. No sense making the game easy.