Copen was waiting in a designated area nearby his bed and breakfast, his blue suitcase waiting next to him. The day was bright and clear - fresh, he reflected, like the start of his new life today. The Avengers were famous all around the world, including Europe and even Denmark; people gasped at the stories in the newspaper and the one time that Tony Stark had flown overhead on a whim, social media had gone crazy. He ran a hand through his unruly blond hair, tilting his head back to stare at the sky. They'd told him that a small aircraft was coming to pick him up, but he couldn't see anything yet... The handsome young man had to wait a few minutes more, and used them up by scrolling through Facebook. There were messages on his wall, wishing him luck - and he smiled to himself, albeit a little sadly. He'd miss his family. Hell, he already did. The vegetation around him started to wave, and he felt a strong gust of wind lifting up tendrils of his hair. He glanced up from his phone, mouth dropping open slightly at the sight. "Woah." That wasn't any ordinary helicopter, that was for sure. Suddenly smiling, he picked up his suitcase with ease and walked confidently over to the aircraft. After a moment's hesitation, he walked up the runway to be greeted with the sight of three other young guys. At least two looked friendly enough. "Hej," he greeted them, his Danish accent coming through perhaps a little too strongly. Copen grinned his usual charming smile, putting his suitcase down and glancing around with no small amount of awe before returning his dark blue gaze to them. "This is... pretty cool. I'm Copen." It was an announcement to both of them, his loud voice carrying through the room. He could see from the windows that the helicarrier was lifting itself off the ground again - impressive, seeing as he'd felt nothing. Deciding that it would be safest to sit, he plopped himself down on one seat and looked at them all expectantly.