Although BlackRabbit refused to wear a dress it seemed like it had the opposite effect and kind of motivated Nenatalev [color=#4E78A0]"Did... you even listen to Black Rabbit?"[/color] Then Nenatalev mumbled somethings about materials, but he couldn't quite hear what it was exactly. [color=#4E78A0]"Wait, so all Black Rabbit needs to do to repair his weapon is to use a repair hammer on the weapon... that's it?? Well at least Black Rabbit knows now..."[/color] Nenatalev suggested that he accompanies her on her farming outside the walls, so she could eventually even craft him a new weapon. Which was a tempting offer, especially when there is a high chance that the new weapon will be better than his current one. [color=#4E78A0]"Really? You would do that for Black Rabbit? If you are willing to have Black Rabbit, he will gladly accompany you!"[/color].