[center][h2][color=silver]Argentglade[/color][/h2][/center] [@samreaper] Evergreen placed a finger on the side of her lips, crooking the end and leaning into it as Derrik spoke. Her pupils wandered to the upper right corner of her cornea, and she seemed to be muttering under her breath. Her eyelids rose quickly and she cocked her head, a grin growing on her face. [color=silver]“I’m snowed under, but I can still handle these dills.”[/color] Her pointed finger traversed to her cheekbone as it tapped lightly. Her eyes were coy and tongue in cheek. She gazed into your eye and bandage to gauge a reaction. Had she spoken correctly? Or, perhaps, there was an error or a skip in her accent that only a native might detect. [color=silver]“Autrio, right? It’s a shame we don’t get more literature from your region, but I’ve read all I can.”[/color] She placed both of her palms face down onto her skirted lap, closing her eyes and smiling widely. She bowed her head down in response to Derrik’s introduction. The wind being blown from the room ruffled her hair in a playful sort of way. Her head rose and she shifted in place and her wheelchair began to turn, as if by non-physical command. [color=silver]“Well, I suppose. It doesn’t change all very much in Argentglade. But the snow is always beautiful.”[/color] The thick-mustached fellow who had previously insulted Evergreen awoke from his stupor, gathering his senses and flailing about. He adjusted his thick-framed glasses and hoisted his pants. Muttering some incoherent babbling, the round fellow was just about to saunter away when Derrik addressed him. At the mention of violence, the man’s face grew pale as silvery diamonds. He fell backward, the back of his palm on his forehead, but gravity took him too quickly this time. An indentation of snow furcoat was created in the Earth as his assistants attempted to dig him from the snow with their woolen hands. [@Turbine] [color=silver]“My tongue will tell the anger of my heart, or else my heart concealing it will break.”[/color] She paused, as if in memory, clasping her hands together in a sphere and resting upon it. She had not a look of pain nor happiness, but of neutral intent. Her momentary glimpse to the floor was soon interrupted, holding out her sleeved arms and expressing her glee in an open smile. [color=silver]“But, never mind that, Garret it’s so wonderful to see you again! You will have to thank your mother for me for this beautiful outfit. I love it.”[/color] She embraced you all the same, reciprocating your hug. She smelled of a subtle perfume that had not been known to Garret. It was pure, simple, yet intoxicating and alluring. It sent your conscience to happier times, your vision fading to memories. Evergreen had turned in her chair, and motioned you further into the lab with a wave of her hand. [color=silver]“Well…”[/color] Her neck craned over the back of her chair to check how closely the crowd had approached. Her voice was just as quiet as yours, if not more so. [color=silver]“There is a pattern in the density, shape, and molecular composition of ice crystals in Argentglade. None of the researchers have noticed it. Studying wind currents, if certain ice crystals were aligned to their source of origin…” [/color] Before she continued, a researcher in fur coat was fast upon the door, quickly treading snow about the interior of the lab. The frozen material quickly turned to liquid and evaporated, thanks to some overhead vents you’d just now noticed. [color=silver]“Well, that’s a discussion for another time, hm?”[/color] [@Turbine] [@samreaper] You both marveled the interior of Evergreen’s lab. It was decorated as a modern, cozy home, but somehow also functioned as a lab. Wooden, polished tables and beige carpets were placed amongst stark white counters and glassware. Terminals, monitors, and switches covered the cream walls at about stomach level. There was a kitchen and a centrifuge room. There was a den and a microscopy lab. For every modern living element, there was a scientific one. You admired the design and how it all somehow mixed, despite how different the two were. The carpet quickly absorbed any liquids or chemicals that were spilled onto the floor. Any residual liquid quickly evaporated as powerful ceiling vents twisted their teeth and revealed themselves. They inhaled deeply before returning to their slumber, hidden in the off-white ceiling. Elements and furniture of the interior seemed to be able to move itself if needed. If ever an object was in your way, it was able to shift along a horizontal or even vertical plane in some cases. Other, larger pieces were transfixed to a section of the wall. The wall was capable of flipping about, hiding the obstacle until it was no longer in your path. It appeared that nearly everything was made universally accessible within Evergreen’s lab. A system of drones flew precisely above you in all directions. They were each carrying supplies of varying quantities and qualities. There were few furcoats around, and none seemed to have any remote to control them with. [color=silver]“They’re automatically piloted by my assistant, ERIC.”[/color] Just after mentioning the name, a nearby black orb on the wall emitted a triangular, bright blue beam in front of you. It loaded a series of dots and lines. First, in the shape of feet, then legs, torso, arms, and finally a head. Before you stood a primitive outline of a man, bald and about six feet tall in stature. Weight unknown. [color=6ecff6]“IT IS A PLEASURE TO MEET YOU.”[/color] [hider=ERIC][img] https://eclosure.com.au/wp-content/uploads/2014/12/Hologram_body.jpg[/img][/hider] [color=silver]“He will be taking you into the terminal room. I'd do it myself, but it's a bit crowded at the moment... see you soon!”[/color] Evergreen waved to the both of you once again before turning about in her chair. She appeared to be greeting those who were entering at the door. She took extra care and time to meet the children and those who were younger. You could overhear her asking about their favorite Pokémon and what they wished to accomplish in the future. [color=6ecff6]“RIGHT THIS WAY, GENTLEMEN.”[/color] The blue hologram was connected to the black sphere on the wall by a thin, wavering beam of light. The sphere shifted on the wall as ERIC began to walk, taking twists and turns through the modern home of a laboratory. You noticed several other trainers around you being led by clones of ERIC. It appeared that the intelligence system was not limited to just one appearance at a time, and was capable of communicating with multiple individuals. In addition, it appeared to be operating many of the automatic functions of the laboratory. ERIC could take orders and respond in real time, without any input or coding system required. You weren’t quite sure how it all worked, or how advanced ERIC really was in terms of conversation and answering questions. ERIC led you into a room much like the populated counters, stark white but much more barren than the rest of the laboratory. This room was covered, floor and all, with large white tiles and black glass in-between. Being the first there, ERIC led the two of you into a back corner, motioning for each of you to face against one of the white tiles on the wall. Once you were in position, a light blue ring formed around you. It traversed your body once, twice, before fading as pixels in an explosion. The pixels reformed, piece by piece, to create letters on the white tile in front of you. [@Turbine] [color=6ecff6][REGISTER][/color] Read on the screen, just above a thumb print. There was no turning back from here. Did you accept? [i]Assuming you accept...[/i] Blue lines traversed the screen. In patterns, sporadically, dashing in their inconsistency. The cogs in the terminal whirred as the lasers performed their show, before they came to form words on the screen. [color=6ecff6]GARRET BELEAU AGE: 16 SEX: M HEIGHT: 6’ 0” WEIGHT: …RECALIBRATING… [IS THIS CORRECT?] [/color] [i]Assuming you pressed the button, after making any changes you wished...[/i] [color=6ecff6]CALCULATING...[/color] First, a hex grid of wireframe. Black in the inside, green as the structure, a Poké Ball formed in a pocket below the screen, held by a sort of basic upholder apparatus. A green laser, in the fashion of a 3D printer, began to bring the Pokéball to life. Layer by layer, the second dimension gained another perspective. First green, then a white bottom, a black, middle rim, a white button on the front, and finally the cherry red top. The button glowed a dark pink and hummed a synthetic tune before fading. [color=6ecff6]YOUR POKÉMON IS... VULPIX [WILL YOU GIVE VULPIX A NAME?] [/color] The screen asked you. [@samreaper] [color=6ecff6][REGISTER][/color] Read on the screen, just above a thumb print. There was no turning back from here. Did you accept? [i]Assuming you accept...[/i] Blue lines traversed the screen. In patterns, sporadically, dashing in their inconsistency. The cogs in the terminal whirred as the lasers performed their show, before they came to form words on the screen. [color=6ecff6]DERRIK SCULLER AGE: 17 SEX: M HEIGHT: 6’ 2” WEIGHT: …RECALIBRATING… [IS THIS CORRECT?][/color] [i]Assuming you pressed the button, after making any changes you wished...[/i] [color=6ecff6]CALCULATING...[/color] First, a hex grid of wireframe. Black in the inside, green as the structure, a Poké Ball formed in a pocket below the screen, held by a sort of basic upholder apparatus. A green laser, in the fashion of a 3D printer, began to bring the Pokéball to life. Layer by layer, the second dimension gained another perspective. First green, then a white bottom, a black, middle rim, a white button on the front, and finally the cherry red top. The button glowed a dark pink and hummed a synthetic tune before fading. [color=6ecff6]YOUR POKÉMON IS... GASTLY [WILL YOU GIVE GASTLY A NAME?][/color] The screen asked you.