The massive dire wolf turned to looked toward a tigress who asked of his name, he respectfully bowed to her as he got close, now three feet away from her. "I am called Alistar..." He said to her, he scanned her body momentarily, she was a fairly beautiful tigress, her stripes, pattern of fur, and coloring complimented her fire. He noticed her flames, a light blue in color, he noticed how she had set something aflame but it was unharmed. She was using holy flames, the bane of his own power, just his luck but it seemed they wouldn't be fighting anytime soon. "Might I ask who you are?" He asked the tigress. --- Axton sniffled and cried as the cheetah got in front of him, he was scared to speak but he managed to. "I-I-I'm f-from...the mountains.." He cried, hiccuping in between the words he spoke and even stuttering. he looked up, whimpering softly as he looked up at him. "I'm really sorry, it was an accident..." He whined, shaking from fear. --- Katan saw the green cloud and by the look of it he knew it wasn't safe, backed away from it and looked toward her. "Is it true? Has-..." He was cut short by the sound of a loud roar, once that worried him greatly, if that was who he thought then everyone needed to know. " can't, he can't be back..." He said in disbelief.