Eloen stiffened again. Why was he laughing? Had what Colin asked really that funny? If anything Eloen interpreted it as a legitimate question in precaution. The only mages she had ever met were the magisters of Tevinter. Eloen swallowed the lump forming in her throat. Her shoulders tensed with anxiety. The other elfs tone had changed. He want from laughing nearly deafening loud to speaking in barely a whisper. He had clearly detected Eloens discomfort in the situation, much to the girls chagrin. She frowned slightly, her default neutral expression faltering for a moment. She wished desperately that she was standing behind Colin, or at least further away from the conversation herself. "I do not mind answering your questions." She said, quietly, but fearing exactly what he might be asking quickly added on "Perhaps we can continue this conversation elsewhere, as not to disturb conversation within the tent." She averted her eyes. She wondered why the man was so curious about her. Was it because she was an elf? Or was it because of her overall disposition. She could tell it annoyed the others, but did it interest him? She certainly hoped not. "Oh!" Eloen said with a little gasp, as if she had made an inconvenient mistake. "I have not even introduced myself to you, my good sir, I apologize." She tucked her arms behind her back, bowing forward slightly. A very clearly rehearsed introduction. "I am Eloen, at your service." She was sure her friend would find a good way to introduce himself, so she did not mention Colin's name to the other elf. Eloen allowed herself to watch the Elven man for longer then just quick glances. She had been conditioned to be able to detect changes in people's moods and body language. And something had changed in the other man, or at least something was strange about his demeanor. He spoke with a soft, nearly understanding, voice. But his body was tense. He was looking around nervously and standing stiffly. She took another instinctual step towards Colin, hoping to feel some sort of safety in her friend. She didn't feel afraid of the other elf, and really didn't mind him asking questions, but she was still worried.