(I know there short but I'll add to them as the role-play progresses). [center][img]http://i1070.photobucket.com/albums/u500/smileyjaws94/Character_zpsji9zqddd.png[/img] [h3]Jack Green[/h3] [i]17 Years Young[/i] [i][url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2-y9564ZC00]Theme Song[/url][/i][/center] Race: English, Caucasian Appearance: Jack stands around 6ft even, he has brown shaggy hair and dark brown eyes, he's a lean guy, edging on the slim side. He prefers dressing in darker colors although likes plain white t-shirts and brown skate shoes or trainers. That's not to say it's all he wears but he definitely shows a preference to it. His teeth aren't perfect but not in bad shape either as stereotypes would suggest. As he's more often stoned than not, heavy eyelids, glassy and slightly bloodshot eyes are common. Sexuality: Straight Marital status: Single Personality: Jack is an out and out stoner, he's relatively quiet until provoked but is well able to make and keep up conversation. Around friends is when he's happiest. Jack makes no effort to be the center of attention because it's of no interest to him. He's also the type of person to keep things to himself, not only making him a great person to tell a secret but tends to lead him to bottling things up, anger, sadness. While Jack wouldn't necessarily refer to himself as a party-animal it hasn't stopped him attending stuff in the past. However, you'd be more likely to catch him at a pub with a couple of the lads and girls. A nice guy and the type to do anything for his friends has lead to incidents in the past of being used one way or another. Since then Jack's circle has been small, he keeps a handful of friends but plenty of acquaintances is the way he looks at it. After the death of his father two years ago Jack hasn't been the same as usual. He spends less time outside and around friends it seems, keeping to himself and smoking a lot more, often alone in his room accompanied by a spirit or liquor of some sort. Plays a lot of guitar and sings, going busking when he needs some money. Brief History: Jack was born in Dagenham and has spent his whole life in Dagenham, his father a soldier and his mother a nurse. Jack's early life was fairly normal, and relatively happy. As a kid Jack was a very outgoing person, always making new friends and generally just a bubbly person. It was in his early teen years that he began to develop more into the person he is today. At age fifteen, Jack lost his father, the memory of the soldiers at the door to explain to his mother, her being so distraught that she fell to her knees, weeping. However the feeling was short-lived as she re-married less than a year later to a electrician, Jamie Foster who then moved into Jack's family home with his daughter Lauren. After a lot of drama resulting from acting out and getting in more trouble, Jack left his home and was homeless on the streets for about two months as a runaway before being brought back by police. Since coming home family life has been unbearable for many in the house. His mother and Jamie argue all the time, about a lot of things and the family environment for many reasons is more dysfunctional than ever. Jack doesn't let it bother him too much, or at least he believes he doesn't planning on moving out as soon as he turns 18. Jack left school with no GCSE's and right now doesn't plan on going back. [hr] [center][img]http://i1070.photobucket.com/albums/u500/smileyjaws94/rp6_zpsnjxltswt.png[/img] [h3]Lauren Foster[/h3] [i]16 Years Young[/i] [i][url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4Fk3MVA4dWc]Theme Song[/url][/i][/center] Race: English, Caucasian Appearance: Lauren is 5"5 and has a thin build, dirty blonde hair and brown eyes with a pale complexion and pink lips. Lauren is a naturally pretty girl although many call her cute which is a word that makes her cringe. Sexuality: Bi-sexual Marital status: Single Personality: Lauren's personality leads her to being easily able to make friends, she sees people for what they are and is good at telling characters. Due to her airy way of speaking and acting at times, many think she is out of sync with reality at times but in reality she is probably one of the most philosophical people. Lauren loves deeply but can never seem to find anyone who can love her in the way she needs. The fact she loves so deeply and wants so much is perhaps why she is not the healthiest of those mentally. Brief History: Lauren's mother died of cancer at a young age, leading to her not having a mother-like figure in her life until her father married Jack's mother. For over a decade her father mourned for her mother and it was obvious to Lauren, perhaps having an effect on her personality and mental health. She's close to Jack's mother who sees her as her daughter. In her early life Lauren was bullied a lot at school and found it hard to make friends although this changed as she got into her teens. While still seen as an outcast she is very good at making friends, particularly with people older than her although she has friends her own age too.