[h2][color=B22222][center][i][b]Lerraina[/b][/i][/center][/color][/h2] [center][color=B22222][i]Location:[/i][/color] On the road, nearing the caravan [color=B22222][i]Interacting with:[/i][/color]Cyneburg, Satilla, Cremwise, Keystone [/center] [hr][hr] Lerraina stifled a laugh as the scene unfolded in front of her. My, were they in a tough spot. Stuck in the mud, in the middle of the rain, on a route that is frequented by dangers untold and hardships unnumbered. And the anger displayed … she just wanted to smother the large man and give him a big fat kiss. She could see the rage boiling just below the surface. It wasn’t evil by any means, but it came from a place that she knew all too well. And how disciplined he was, that it was released only through harsh words and enough adrenaline that seemed sufficient enough to get them out of the mess they were in. They had all tried to put in their own two bits, making suggestions and goodness they were a mixed bunch. Some with magical abilities, a dainty young lady emerged from inside the wagon. And a wolf … she wasn’t sure if she trusted that or the orcs more. She wrinkled her nose a moment as she looked over the rabble before turning her attention back to Keystone. [color=B22222]”Seems my help wasn’t needed after all then, but it’s good to see such spirited young folk about the road in dreary times.”[/color] she winked, a sly grin plastered on her face, her words trickled off with a soft chuckle. She hadn’t meant to be rude, and her tone was to make light of the situation rather than be facetious. [color=B22222]”But I do thank you for the invitation. I can’t say for certain how I would fare on my own out here. And sometimes, just sometimes, it is nice to have company.”[/color] she shuffled up next to him, helping him square away the rest of the mess as they continued on. She wasn’t that comfortable with his next statement, but she felt obliged to give them something. [color=B22222]”There isn’t much to tell really … my name is Gretchin, I come from somewhere that is not here and I am never going back. [/color]. The discomfort was obvious enough, and it wasn’t a complete lie. She pulled her flask from her belt and stole a sip in between her words. [color=B22222]”Short and sweet, unless there is something else you’d like to know.”[/color]