[@SmileyJaws] How does this look? [hider=Jackson Hunter] [center][colour=Crimson][h1]Jackson Hunter[/h1] "Your dad was killed in 9/11? Sorry, I must have left the stove on..."[/colour][/center] [center][url=https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=SJkj3DgW8Y0]Theme song (probably doesn't fit that well xD)[/url][/center] [hr] [b]Name:[/b] Jackson "Kat" Hunter (Only his closest friend calls him Kat. No one actually knows he has that moniker, though. It's sort of like a tease ^~^) [b]Age:[/b] 16 [b]Race:[/b] White? English? Both of the above? [b]Appearance:[/b] Jack stands at about 6'4, with dark brown, almost black hair and dark hazelnut eyes. He wears a pair of [url=http://www.visionexpress.com/images/products/glasses/jpg/900/152512_3Q-2x.jpg]glasses[/url] with lenses that cover the entirety of his eyes, which have simple, black frames. He is built rather well - being thin and well defined. It directly reflects his chosen sport; swimming. His face still has some of the spots that just refuse to leave, and his hair is cut short. Just enough so that it doesn't get in his eyes when wet, but long enough to where it can be brushed off to the side without having any product used. [hider=Sort of what I'm thinking, but not exactly. I couldn't find anything better, though...] [img]http://www.coolmenhairstyles.com/wp-content/uploads/Features-of-a-Caesar-cut53.jpg[/img][/hider] [b]Sexuality:[/b] [s]Attack Helicopter[/s] Demisexual. [b]Marital status:[/b] He's always been single. Lonely.. :/ [b]Personality:[/b] How to sum up his personality, oooo, this is gonna be tricky... For starters, Jack is a sadist who hurts people for the shits and giggles. He has quite a close knit group of friends, though he does venture out in certain cases. The way he acts around people, though, has developed him a reputation; one that should very well be heeded. This reputation is essentially as follows: you should be afraid of Jackson Hunter, because he will fuck you up. Now, the basis comes from the fact that he, without worry, will hurt people in whatever way he wants to. People slowly twisted that personality trait into a rumour and it has spread like wildfire. Another thing to note is that Jackson is a very, very blunt individual. He doesn't sugar coat things. He says what he thinks, when he thinks it, and will go out of his way to make offensive jokes; usually involving large incidents like 9/11, or pedophilia and rape. Behind that tough exterior, Hunter is quite relaxed. He puts hardly any work into studying and school (though always gets great grades) and is a lazy sod most of the time. In his spare time, he doesn't socialise. It's usually spent writing fictional stories, role playing on a site such as this, playing video games, etcetera. Jack finds it hard to trust people. Well, no, it's just that he doesn't trust people. Very few are likely to ever get past the first coating of his personality, so don't even try. But, if you are one of the few, you will find a slightly nice, sweet and moderately kind individual who has developed into a demon. (Thats like a baseline of what I need to put down. There is more, but you'll see that as he develops.) [b]Brief History:[/b] For the majority of his life, Jack's life his been uneventful. But as always, it's the moments where it isn't fine that define you. Despite his father being a serial cheat (currently in prison for armed robbery) and his mother an alcoholic, he never got the flak nor the arse end of it all. That went to his younger brother. Maybe it was because that, despite his young age, people were already afraid of him... Though, at the age of 8, Jackson was moved into foster care after his mother stabbed his father repeatedly (although he survived). Apparently she found out about some stuff other than the whole cheating thing, and things went south pretty quickly. At least, that's what he was told by his foster parents. For some reason, they thought it a good idea to separate the two siblings, and so they haven't seen each other since. For a few years, Hunter lived a normal life bar some anger issues and Autism. That was, until he was 11, where he got into a fight at school. Apparently some kids had been making fun of not only his glasses, but also his learning disability. By the end, the other kids stood around in fear as a boy from their class beat three others half to death with a tennis racket. It took 4 teachers to stop him in the end... That was where the more psychological part came in. From age 12 he was going to anger management classes and therapy sessions. For a year it looked like it was working, except he managed to get into another fight. But it was much more serious. That fight ended with a hospital bill and a sentence back into the foster system. Some people from his school thought they'd teach him a lesson after school; by stabbing him oddly enough. The hospital bill wasn't for Jackson, though, it was from the families of the kids he disabled. He left one paralysed from the waist down, gave a second a handicap and shattered the skull of the third. It was amazing he hadn't been tried for assault yet. At age 14 he was fostered, somehow, by a family in London, Dagenham. For two, uneventful years, he has lived there, though he may or may not be planning to do something and get out of this shithole. [b]Other:[/b] These apples have crabs? Well, thank you for that information, because as soon as I got home I planned to fuck the shit out of them. SOME NOTES!: - He actually lost his anger management a while ago. Or, rather, it turned into a simple way for him to enjoy himself - His Aspergers Syndrome and insomnia. [/hider]