After his quick correction of the dwarven lass and his simple introduction, if it could even be called one, Gereth was in the middle of returning his attention back to the young lady knight who had summoned him here only to have it called upon by another member of the little party that had gathered here. It was the elder of the group, a grizzled looking human who just by a quick observation Gereth could practically read the tales of his battled filled life from the man's battered expression. As the man spoke his intelligent and rather elegant way of speaking served as quite the contrast to his gruff exterior, which Gereth found quite appealing. Living among the Avvar Gereth learned to appreciate a person's ability to hold their own in the fight as well as being able to maintain a keen mind, the way the large tribesman viewed it a person's blade is only as sharp as their mind. But pushing aside this first impression Gereth focused more on the man's actual question, which Gereth had to take with a grain of salt seeing as it was about his statues and relation to those who refer to themselves as the Qunari, a topic that always managed to spur Gereth's ire. [color=00aeef][b]"I am told that the lowlanders who call themselves Qunari would refer to me as a Vashoth. But as far as it should be concerned I am of the Avvar, nothing more nothing less."[/b][/color] As Gereth gave the answer that he had given a countless times before he couldn't help but feel something from the man to whom he spoke. It was a odd sensation, but one that the Avvar mage was not unfamiliar with. He looked the man over for a second trying to focus in on what he felt and the more he tried the stronger the gnawing that the man emanated off the warrior became. Gereth couldn't help but recall the days of his youth and his training with his hold's Augur, he had spent months housing what lowlanders call a spirit within him in order to hone his skills with magic. The spirit's presence gave similar feeling of something not of this realm, but the aura that this man emitted was... hungry, as if a fire was given human shape.