[hider=Roberts, The Spaniard][b]Name:[/b] Armand Robertos [b]Pseudonym:[/b] Roberts, The Spaniard [b]Age:[/b] 30 [b]Nationality:[/b] Spanish [b]Appearance:[/b] [hider][img]http://pre09.deviantart.net/686d/th/pre/f/2015/014/5/4/captain_henry_hartgold__silence_is_gold__by_sharandula-d8cwi3l.png[/img][/hider] [b]Height:[/b] 170cm [b]Weight:[/b] 85kg [b]Weapon(s):[/b] Pistol Sword and a Pistol [b]Fighting Style:[/b] In spite of his "profession", Roberts usually attempts to conduct himself with some manner of honor and dignity. Ergo, he will fight more or less honorably against most opponents, using fencing and swordsmanship training that one normally does not expect from a "lowly pirate". However, against opponents he has particular hatred for, or if the stakes for the fight are simply higher than usual, then Roberts relies less on honorable skill and more on dirty fighting or outright cheating to ensure his own survival and victory, or the death of whomever he is fighting. In general, Roberts' fighting is quick-footed and somewhat acrobatic, a near-requirement for one who spends a great deal of time living and fighting at sea. However, his unexpected level of formal training allows him to be far more precise and accurate with his attacks than the average sailor or pirate. [b]Searching For:[/b] Roberts is searching for Soul Edge, but that is merely a means to an end for him. He's only heard vague rumors of the sword's power, but seeks it anyway. His only true goal is reclaiming his ship, and if seeking out a supposedly demonic blade will lure out his real prey from hiding then so be it. [b]Personality:[/b] Roberts, despite being a pirate, conducts himself with a level of honor and integrity that one simply does not see in men of his profession. For one thing, even when raiding ships, he will not attack women or children, nor will he harm the sickly or elderly. Any man who sails with him is expected to follow the same conduct, or he will have them executed on the spot. His Spanish blood also tends to give Roberts an air of charisma, his speaking in Spanish or with an accent when using English has been found to be rather dashing by the majority of women who encounter him. [b]Background:[/b] Born Armand Robertos, he was the son of a minor noble in Madrid. In his youth, he was taught swordsmanship by a formal instructor, as well as educated in reading and writing in both Spanish and English, common for those of noble blood. He was obviously being groomed to inherit his family's estate and his father's job as a tax collector. People, however, have a tendency to revile tax collectors, assuming them all to be corrupt and greedy. It was no secret that Armand's father amassed a personal fortune from his work, and this earned him no small amounts of enemies both in the peasantry and in rival noble families who saw him as a threat. When Armand was barely old enough to be called a man, his parents' bodies were discovered dead in their bed one morning. Both had been brutally murdered, and with his father's small laundry list of enemies, potential suspects were near limitless. Unfortunately for Armand, who was still somewhat of a naive young man, forged documents and correspondences were found in a lock-box hidden in his room. The young Armand of course had no idea what they were, but soon found himself on the run for his father's murder. Armand wouldn't have gotten far if not for a stroke of luck. He managed to convince a ship captain to take him in as a crew member aboard his vessel which just so happened to be getting resupplied at one of the eastern Spanish ports. What Armand didn't know was that the man he had just employed himself to was Cervantes de Leon, an infamous pirate captain. Armand only sailed for de Leon for a couple of short years before he jumped ship, finding himself repulsed by the man's cruelty. This may have in fact saved his life once again, as Armand later learned of Cervantes slaughtering his own crew in madness. Eventually Armand managed to captain a ship of his own, The Neptune. By now Armand had all but abandoned his own name, instead introducing himself simply as Roberts. Those who knew him addressed him as such whilest strangers only knew him as The Spaniard. Even as a pirate captain, Roberts still retained some of that old honor from his previous life, and did everything he could to apply that to his conduct as a captain and even as a pirate. Any who sailed aboard his ship were ordered to do the same, or be executed by Roberts himself. If there could be Honor Among Thieves, then surely the same could be said of pirates. Unfortunately, not every pirate who sailed with him agreed with Roberts' policy. One in-particular was his own Quartermaster, a Frenchman called Henri Christophe. Christophe believed that sentiments such as honor had no place in a raid. He swayed much of the crew to his side and led a mutiny against Roberts. Roberts and the few who remained on his side were thrown overboard, and left to drown. And indeed, drown most of them did. Only Roberts himself survived, and even that was yet another stroke of luck, as he was spotted and rescued by a merchant vessel. After his rescue, Roberts had nothing, as if he'd been sent tumbling all the way back to the state he was in when he first went on the run. But he didn't give up, instead he swore vengeance upon Christophe and vowed to take back the ship that was rightfully his. Recently he learned that Christophe was in search a peculiar sword called Soul Edge, and so Roberts began to search for it as well, knowing it would lead him to Christophe and The Neptune.[/hider]