Irvine and Lance looked to one another. As they were greeted by a certain level of hostility. There was that which was expected, Volkran had inevitably attacked them, however thanks to Irvine's current situation that wasn't a threat to them. Then there was what they'd hoped not to encounter, hostility from the angel as well. [color=0072bc]"Mistrust... foreseeable... unfortunate."[/color] Irvine spoke softly as he shrugged at Irvine who looked back down the stairway with a heavy sigh. [color=39b54a]"Well it's simply a message for you, Allura. Due to obvious reasons they cannot relay the message themselves as they were unsure of whether you were being held against your will. Clearly that isn't the case, in which they asked us to state this. If you leave Volkrans side and return, your... insubordination would be overlooked, forgiven. Alternatively the offer still stands to turn Volkran over alive so that they can find a way to help him that is less dangerous. However that second one now only has a two day deadline rather than a week."[/color] [color=0072bc]"Lastly."[/color] Irvine spoke for the first time loud enough for anyone other than Lance to hear. [color=0072bc]"Your choice on the fated day will decide your guilt or lack there of."[/color] [color=39b54a]"About the fated day, fighting Volkran is pointless, as would be he fighting us. Everything has already up to then been decided in the scriptures. With a few minor anomalies of course."[/color] The hunter sighed at no sign of the pair heading up. [color=39b54a]"We're coming down... we'd appreciate it if you didn't shoot at us Volkran."[/color] Upon the finish of the hunters speaking the sound of their steps grew closer then stopped merely moments before Akira decided to fire yet another crossbow bolt. The situation merely ended the same way, the bolt clapping softly as it hit the stone steps. as the two hunters came into view Lance had his hands raised away from his waist where is sword was sheathed, Irvine's arms outward from his long cloak to signal they were unarmed. "So, you've finally caught up?" [color=39b54a]"I assure you it wasn't easy... going to lower the bow? Irvine stay there."[/color] Lance proceeded to the bottom of the stairs whereas Irvine remained just within view part way up. Lance bowed to Allura as Akira followed his every move with his crossbow before finally lowering it. [color=39b54a]"A pleasure to finally see you in person Allura. Your siblings hold you in high praise. I can assure you, you've no reason to be defensive."[/color] As he spoke Lance tried to catch her eye as if trying to match her line of sight. [color=39b54a]"Right well best be quick before my ancestor shows up and turns this all to hell."[/color] Lance lowered one hand to his side, clenching the blade of a unseen, unsheathed dagger. He turned his gaze to Akira. [color=39b54a]"Sleep..."[/color] Lance spoke softly as the demon then slumped back against the wall and the hunter quickly steeped back from Allura once more raising his hands. [color=39b54a]"I assure you, that was only for everyone's safety here."[/color] The was something strange about this, which was clearly blood magic, the lack of screams and wailing cries. [color=39b54a]"I can understand your hostility. After all you've only heard one side of the story, the corrupted side. Vol-... Akira's memories have been... manipulated you might say."[/color] Lance was so caught up in his explanation that he'd not immediately noticed the wound on the angels neck. [color=39b54a]"Irvine, salve!"[/color] Lance raised his hand a small metal container hit against it and he closed his hand over it. He held it out to Allura. [color=39b54a]"For the wound, trust me if that was dealt by one of those two you'll start to feel the corruption from the metal that caused it if you don't treat it soon."[/color] The situation was uncomfortable, but calm. It would be difficult to tell if the situation was one of sincerity or lies.