[h2]Ishimura Hiromi[/h2] "Hm? Yes, you are quite late," Hiromi said, inclining her head to one side. Oh, she had sort of expected some lateness, really. Not as much as it turned out to be, but, well... she hadn't hired Ushio for her skills. The girl was clearly lonely and shy, and as the fine, perfect, and upstanding young lady Hiromi herself was, she naturally had to assist in some way. And what better way then to hire her as a maid? After all, it lead to close contact with other people quite frequently, did it not? Of course it did. After a few moments of a worringly severe look, Hiromi smiled. "But it's not as if we were particularly pressed for time, is it?" she continued, placing a hand to her mouth briefly, "Ohohoho~ You worry too much, Ushio-chan." Hiromi rose to her feet, and approached her maid and friend.. "Now, I would quite like to purchase an after-school meal," she said, "Naturally, I'd enjoy it if you accompanied me. A perfect, wealthy young lady cannot be without her loyal maid, after all, wouldn't you agree?"