The brief spell of panic was broken when the snake... talked back. Snakes didn't talk. That was one of reality's normal rules: snakes hissed at you at most, maybe poisoned or choked you if things went really bad, but they didn't strike up a conversation and tell you that you were small. Wait, she was small... she was... At this point, Saffron's attention was turned to her new body. Those... odd feeling things... they were wings and a tail now that she looked. Well... with how many monsters were around, that didn't seem like too big a step down. But... her hair... her fashion... why was she all cute and [i]innocent[/i]? With her size, how was she going to cultivate her awesome metal reputation again if she was this tiny cute thing! At least part of her stage name would work... she could hardly use her original one now, and she'd have to build up an impressive monster reputation instead! Hopefully find some dolls with better clothing, too. "You can call me Saffron!"