*Whispers* Here's my man. I actually would love to keep most of his past a secret from everyone but the GM Team. ;D If that's... alright. If not, I'm currently writing it up and once I PM the GMs for their okays, I'll put it in this should it be preferred. [hider=Garret Rogers][center][img]http://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjU0LmNjZjBlZS5SMkZ5Y21WMElGSnZaMlZ5Y3csLC4wAAAAAAAA/cagliostro.regular.png[/img] [img]http://h2o-online.net/uploads/posts/2013-08/1376225510_kinopoisk.ru-luke-mitchell-2015251.jpg[/img] [i][color=#b1b1b1]"[/color][color=ccf0ee]There must be quite a few things that a hot bath won't cure, but I don't know many of them.[/color][color=#b1b1b1]"[/color][/i] [color=#cccccc]- [b]Sylvia Plath[/b][/color] [hr][color=#cccccc]⌘[/color] [color=ccf0ee]⌘[/color] [color=#cccccc]⌘[/color][hr][/center] [sub][color=#cccccc][[/color][color=ccf0ee]⟐[/color][color=#cccccc]][/color][color=#b1b1b1] F U L L N A M E[/color][/sub][hr][indent][color=#cbcbcb]Garret Becket Rogers[/color][/indent] [sub][color=#cccccc][[/color][color=ccf0ee]⟐[/color][color=#cccccc]][/color][color=#b1b1b1] A L I A S[/color][/sub][hr][indent][color=#cbcbcb]Songbird[/color][/indent] [sub][color=#cccccc][[/color][color=ccf0ee]⟐[/color][color=#cccccc]][/color][color=#b1b1b1] A G E[/color][/sub][hr][indent][color=#cbcbcb]18[/color][/indent] [sub][color=#cccccc][[/color][color=ccf0ee]⟐[/color][color=#cccccc]][/color][color=#b1b1b1] C O U N T R Y O F O R I G I N[/color][/sub][hr][indent][color=#cbcbcb]United States of America[/color][/indent] [sub][color=#cccccc][[/color][color=ccf0ee]⟐[/color][color=#cccccc]][/color][color=#b1b1b1] A P P E A R A N C E[/color][/sub][hr] [indent][color=#cbcbcb]Physcial Evaluation of Subject Garret Rogers: [indent][sub]Subject stands at an average male height of 5'10" and weighs in at 177lbs. Blonde hair, blue eyed male; slightly sloe eyed. Eyelids peak near the center of his nose giving him the appearance of perpetual drowsiness. ([i]Colleague called them 'bedroom eyes'; needed a reminder that subject is [b]eighteen[/b], an entire decade and a half younger than the good doctor[/i]) Like many of his fellow peers, subject Garret Rogers has reached peek physical condition for an individual of his age. Muscles are evenly distributed, though heavier set in his arms and shoulders; torso requires more work for the task he's set to. Cheek bones rest slightly higher on his face with a wider, more impactful look that aid in the slight 'drowsy' complexion he seems to wear. Subject seems to be of Irish-German decent, though more evaluation is needed to determine exact genetics. Mostly, your subject is an average teenager in every aesthetic aspect - the disenchanted looks, the sleep deprivation inherent in the bags of his eyes, the need for contacts due to constant exposure to blue light, and an ever apparent need to maintain some kind of societal standard. Overall, subject remains incredibly healthy with minimal scarring due to scuffles and general teenage hooliganism. Nothing abnormal to note, other than the bad posture (very, very subtle lean to his left side, which he favors most) indicative of scoliosis. Will check regularly on the curvature of his spine to combat any abnormal bends before it happens. Mr. Stark would proudly replace said spine with cybernetics - subject has refused on numerous occasions... as have I. ([i]You often learn the hard way with Mr. Stark and his penchant for fixing everything[/i]) I have suggested other methods to which Mr. Stark might be privy to. Here's hoping.[/sub][/indent][/color][/indent] [sub][color=#cccccc][[/color][color=ccf0ee]⟐[/color][color=#cccccc]][/color][color=#b1b1b1] C O S T U M E[/color][/sub][hr] [indent][color=#cbcbcb]"I'm not stealing anything. Who said a guy can't wear a jacket over some weird jumpsuit thing? [sub]Friggin' costume police[/sub]" Garret's entire ensemble consists of multiple parts mostly inspired by [url=http://vignette3.wikia.nocookie.net/disney/images/2/2f/BlackWidow-Avengers.png/revision/latest?cb=20131111190730][color=ccf0ee]Natasha[/color][/url] and [url=http://images-cdn.moviepilot.com/images/c_fill,h_1080,w_1920/t_mp_quality/zjat2w3qk5kfncidtzlf/why-has-marvel-not-given-clint-barton-a-hawkeye-tv-show-hawkeye-could-front-his-own-show-375549.jpg][color=ccf0ee]Clint's[/color][/url] outfits (and maybe a bit of Bucky Barnes). He enjoys the feel of 'covert ops' while also still being as colorful as he wants to be. It comes in a few parts, all of which are rather sleek and form fitting. The entirety is just an all black jumpsuit with blue stripes up the side of his legs and down his forearms. Over the torso of the suit is a snug black and blue vest with a utility belt snug beneath it. Pads of armor come over the knees, thighs, and generally just most of his legs. More armor pads clasp onto his shoulders and arms, all of which are a combo of blue and black, mostly jagged lines — the armor pads themselves, at least on his torso, look thin and unobtrusive as they fit around his limbs. The jumpsuit itself is covered in a hexagonal pattern with lines traced in faint blue. Over top the entire costume is a leather jacket fitted perfectly over every piece of armor and metal on Garret's torso.[/color][/indent] [sub][color=#cccccc][[/color][color=ccf0ee]⟐[/color][color=#cccccc]][/color][color=#b1b1b1] S K I L L S[/color][/sub][hr] [indent][color=#cbcbcb]▣[/color] [color=#cbcbcb][u]Expert Marksman[/u][/color] [indent][sub][color=#b1b1b1]Any kind of firearm Garret can get a hold of he can pretty much use. Well, maybe not at an expert level for some of them, but when it comes to pistols and sniper rifles, he's among the best. If Garret goes anywhere, it's likely with a concealed pistol somewhere on his person. He's a particularly quick draw and has pinpoint accuracy when it comes to pistols (as well as snipers, but it definitely does not compare to Garett's prowess with a pair of heavy colts in his hands; he's a fan of westerns, though, so revolvers are definitely his favorites. He's still learning how to effectively fan a hammer and keep his accuracy above average. If he ever asks you to hold a number of things and stand still, don't do it... you'll likely end up with a gun shot wound).[/color][/sub][/indent] [color=ccf0ee]▣[/color] [color=#cbcbcb][u]CQC [Hand-to-Hand Combat][/u][/color] [indent][sub][color=#b1b1b1]Having heavy training in most forms of combat, Garret excels most at grapple take downs. As well, he's a bit of a wildcard when it comes to improvisation in sticky situations. He loves grabbing whatever he can and turning it into a weapon - surprise and unpredictability are definitely a core aspects to Garret's fighting style. Once he's got an opponent reeling, he'll go in for the kill to knock the enemy out cold. There's not a lot to his style other than what he knows in martial arts and his spontaneity. If anything, that's mostly what gives him the upper hand. It likely a crutch that he's trying to get out of, despite the fun of seeing utter shock when a bar of soap is utilized to its utmost efficiency.[/color][/sub][/indent] [color=ccf0ee]▣[/color] [color=#cbcbcb][u]Martial Arts [Krav Maga, Karate, Taekwondo][/u][/color] [indent][sub][color=#b1b1b1]Most of his childhood could very well be spent taking care of his body, doing what he can to learn anything he could. School didn't mean much to him when he could simply mine a database for any information and knowledge he wanted. Mostly, though, he trained himself physically. With the help of two well trained fathers, that meant learning what he could and mastering some of them didn't seem such a daunting task. It was hard work, yes, but it was well worth it. Thus, Garret is exceptional in the art of Krav Maga and closely approaching in skill with Karate. Taekwondo is the weakest of the three, but out of what he knows, it's still an exceptional skill to use.[/color][/sub][/indent] [color=ccf0ee]▣[/color] [color=#cbcbcb][u]Foreign Languages[/u][/color] [indent][sub][color=#b1b1b1]Lacking much in flashy powers, Garret likes to make up for it in sheer knowledge. Energy projectiles can only do so much in a diplomatic situation, where getting to the objective quickly and cleanly means speaking to the locals in whatever dialect and language is necessary. Garret is extremely fluent in Russian and German (they're second only to English); knows enough a few words in French, Spanish, Romanian, Mandarin, and Japanese to get around; and is quickly learning his way around Tagalog, Afrikaans, Cantonese, and Korean, but can't yet speak them well enough to be confident. He sucks dick at Swedish and please don't ask him to speak Dutch.[/color][/sub][/indent] [color=ccf0ee]▣[/color] [color=#cbcbcb][u]Hacking[/u][/color] [indent][sub][color=#b1b1b1]A very competent hacker, but certainly not the best. Garret can find his way in and out of a number of security systems, as well as regular web pages that circle the internet. It's a great skill to have, but he's still learning most of the basics. If asked to get through a door, sure, but find a vital piece of information in a heavily fortified server past a number of firewalls set up by none other than Tony Fucking Stark. Yeah, might as well ask a baby to assassinate the King of Wakanda. He's still learning, but has vast potential. (he's good at pranking via hacking, though, so need to slander a rival company? just ask garret!)[/color][/sub][/indent] [color=ccf0ee]▣[/color] [color=#cbcbcb][u]Covert Ops[/u][/color] [indent][sub][color=#b1b1b1]Espionage all around. Garret loves using stealth and politics to make his way around an objective. Loves the James Bond feel of donning a disguise, whispering over a concealed earpiece, getting in and getting out without once being seen. Certainly still needs a bit of training to be at an Avenger level, but that's why he's there in the first place, to improve. And improve he's more than willing to do. He's got a solid foundation, a good idea of how to be a good spy or agent, he just needs some experience built onto the inherent skill there.[/color][/sub][/indent][/indent] [sub][color=#cccccc][[/color][color=ccf0ee]⟐[/color][color=#cccccc]][/color][color=#b1b1b1] P O W E R S[/color][/sub][hr][indent][color=#cbcbcb]Set Evaluation of Subject Garret Rogers: [indent][sub]Of all the candidates, Rogers seems to be the least suited to being here. In all senses of the word, Garret seems to be a normal human being. However, upon closer inspection, there's small traces of super-soldier serum in his blood stream (much like Mrs. Romanoff herself) and something locking his amygdala from leaking some rather potent memories into his consciousness. I suspect such memories have been contained for a reason and the enhanced potential hidden from him for that very reason, as well. In so far, my studies indicate that Garret Rogers is exceptionally well tuned to his surroundings - a perception of an inhuman degree that allows him to hear even the lightest of footsteps. He often whistles (exactly how he earned his alias) to pinpoint the location of various targets without looking. A signature of his, if you will. It's a weird form of echolocation without actually having the inherent power. He's a very creative individual and I'm certain that will help increase his potential as a future Avenger. On top of that, Rogers contains inhuman reflexes and can react to quit a handful of things without thinking. He often surprises himself, though teenage standards tend to force him to act 'suave' about it. It's nothing to be fully alarmed about, as it's of the more subtle powers. It saves him from a numerous amount of situations, but certainly not all of them. Sometimes things are too fast or too surprising for Garret to catch, but he has the potential to. That's always there and always will be, it's just a matter of realizing it before it's too late. Other than that, his strength and speed are just enough above average to be considered inhuman for an individual his age. They're near Olympic level, but not quite there. It's right in that sweet spot that it's fairly safe to ignore it for now, until he realizes there's potential behind training both aspects of his body. Mental capacity is not of a genius level, however, he does learn quicker than most individuals. The low dose of serum he was given seems to have opened up pathways in his brain to allow for an exceptional learning capacity for languages, as well as a potential for exceptional computer skills. Other than that, he's a regular teenager and whatever he wishes to learn, then he will. Maybe not to a level of Tony Stark (which will likely never happen), but it's safe to say Mr. Garret Rogers can be quite the smart fellow. Enough to make a difference when it matters.[/sub][/indent][/color][/indent] [sub][color=#cccccc][[/color][color=ccf0ee]⟐[/color][color=#cccccc]][/color][color=#b1b1b1] B I O[/color][/sub][hr][indent][color=#cbcbcb][h3]S.H.I.E.L.D. CLEARANCE LEVEL 8 NEEDED FOR FURTHER INFORMATION[/h3][/color][/indent] [center][hr][color=#cccccc]⌘[/color] [color=ccf0ee]⌘[/color] [color=#cccccc]⌘[/color][hr][img]https://66.media.tumblr.com/a2f71963229db1002bd11dd0644a52c6/tumblr_o7dhw0D2yu1qhzql2o2_250.gif[/img] [img]https://66.media.tumblr.com/0eb50204828a6390a7e236e0fbeb874b/tumblr_o7dhw0D2yu1qhzql2o8_250.gif[/img] [img]https://66.media.tumblr.com/4d558820ada476a801799e7ead65f611/tumblr_o7dhw0D2yu1qhzql2o4_250.gif[/img] [hr][color=#cccccc]⌘[/color] [color=ccf0ee]⌘[/color] [color=#cccccc]⌘[/color][hr][/center] [sub][color=#cccccc][[/color][color=ccf0ee]⟐[/color][color=#cccccc]][/color][color=#b1b1b1] I n i t i a l O b s e r v a t i o n R e p or t[/color][/sub][hr][indent][color=#cbcbcb][i]"[color=ccf0ee]There's a lot of things that could go perfectly and a lot that could go terribly, terribly wrong. It's just a matter of... guidance.[/color]"[/i] At face value, everyone here knows exactly who's been responsible for a number of behavioral patterns associated to this kid. However, there's a deeper aspect to him that leave many, including myself, very wary of his presence. He's a lot of questions and not a lot of answers. Unfortunate that, even were we to get him to speak truthfully, he wouldn't know half of what we were asking, in the first place. However, there's more than enough potential there. He's young and full of bravado and more than welcome in a team designed for misfits. Wary or not, he's not a danger to the students or faculty members nor is he a time bomb. He is, however, something to look into.[/color][/indent] [sub][color=#cccccc][[/color][color=ccf0ee]⟐[/color][color=#cccccc]][/color][color=#b1b1b1] T r a i n i n g R e g i m e n[/color][/sub][hr][indent][color=#cbcbcb][color=ccf0ee]▣[/color] Covert Ops and Espionage [color=ccf0ee]▣[/color] Concentration Classes [color=ccf0ee]▣[/color] Firearms Training [color=ccf0ee]▣[/color] Hacking and Computer Sciences [sub]([i]Please, if Tony insists on teaching this class, don't let him convince anyone they need an upgrade for their equipment[/i])[/sub][/color][/indent] [sub][color=#cccccc][[/color][color=ccf0ee]⟐[/color][color=#cccccc]][/color][color=#b1b1b1] P o t e n t i a l O u t l o o k[/color][/sub][hr][indent][color=#cbcbcb]Essentially, anything espionage related. He'd be a wonderful field agent for specific retrieval mission of highly classified artifacts. However, he seems lacking in the solo ops department and is rather dependent on having at least one other person at his side. He'd be wonderful for co-op missions with one other agent, if not more. He seems to take a great liking to being lead and being given orders, something that definitely requires further analysis. Great individual for team dynamic (also seems to lift morale; very lighthearted, just don't let him tell jokes. they range from cringe worthy puns to very, very, very macabre humor. [i]I wonder who he gets that from...[/i])[/color][/indent] [sub][color=#cccccc][[/color][color=ccf0ee]⟐[/color][color=#cccccc]][/color][color=#b1b1b1]S c e n a r i o : B e s t[/color][/sub][hr][indent][color=#cbcbcb]He'd follow greatly in the footsteps of Black Widow and Hawkeye. Excellent marksman and has a very keen eye for espionage. A great addition to any team, regardless of his lack of inherent powers. Follows orders exceptionally well and to a fault.[/color][/indent] [sub][color=#cccccc][[/color][color=ccf0ee]⟐[/color][color=#cccccc]][/color][color=#b1b1b1]S c e n a r i o : W o r s t[/color][/sub][hr][indent][color=#cbcbcb]Unfortunately, his loyalties lie very closely to that of his parents and those he seems closest with. The threat of defection lies solely on who he intends to follow and that's very disconcerting. As well, in bigger, world breaking scenarios, he doesn't seem to be quite ready to face things larger than life itself. That doesn't worry us, as much, as we've seen people like Captain American, Black Widow, Hawkeye, and even our dear Doctor Jane Foster assist in saving the world from galactic threats and would be gods.[/color][/indent] [/hider]