[center][h2][color=0072bc]Dewmeadow[/color][/h2][/center] [@Morose][@hatakekuro][@PlatinumSkink] With the battle over, Patricia dashed to her Mareep and began to coddle the fainted Pokémon. She dove beside her and began to caress her cheek against the abundant wool of the Pokémon. The lass embraced the Pokémon so tightly, you thought cotton might explode in all directions. It was covered in all sorts of earthy minerals, not to mention the String Shot of Caterpie. The Mareep’s tiny, blunt limbs were flayed out in all directions. The wool Pokémon’s head bobbed in its dazed state, rolling pupils indicating unconsciousness. Her tongue stuck out, but by being placed on her back it rested on the tip of her nose. She mewed in a low tone, trying to communicate with Patricia even when fainted. [color=fff79a]“Reeeeeeeeep…”[/color] [color=f49ac2]“Fluffyyyy! I’m sorry!”[/color] Taillow had begun to swoop in from the edges of the meadow. They would land where the grass remained untouched, extending their necks to the sky and producing waivering calls. [color=9e005d]“TaAaAiillow!”[/color] They would hop along the ground for some time. When they had found a clump that sufficed their needs, they would gather the string shot in their beaks and carry it off into the distance. The quick bird Pokémon were as dots in the sky before you knew it. From what you knew about Taillow, you figured they could use the webbing as adhesive and supportive materials for their nests. Only a few remained by the time you’d reached the bottom of the hill, as most of the web had been gathered in a short amount of time. A few locals had gathered around to witness the Taillows and their nest gathering. They would sit on their stone porches and rock back and forth in rocking chairs. Others carried folded red and white checkered cloths on their shoulders, woven straw baskets in the other hand. They set out a small picnic to enjoy the gathering of wild Pokémon with something to munch on. A few youngsters ran after the Taillow, but their shoes gathered too much String Shot and their arms were a hair too short. You reached the bottom of the hill where the Pokémon lay, a mighty oak standing above them all. The lass had recalled her Mareep by this point. She stood in front of the other two young trainers, arms crossed and cheeks puffed. Jane dug the point of her shoe into the ground, eyes in the same spot. She momentarily glanced at the three of you before giggling and looking down once again. Wade preoccupied watching the Taillow, mouth wide and chuckling. [color=f49ac2]“Okay… you don’t have to play tag with us… but we’re gonna win next time!”[/color] Patricia said. A familiar face approached the collection of trainers, adjusting his golden goggles onto his forehead. He adjusted his ruffled mauve hair before reaching into a brown satchel latched around his shoulder. Pulling a number of Potions from the bag, he waved them into the air with a big grin on in his face. [color=0072bc]”Haha! I see you’ve been busy!”[/color] Professor Dogwood said. He would heal anyone’s Pokémon who required it, only requiring them to hold still so he could spray them with the quickly evaporating salve. When he was finished, he would place the remaining, unused Potions in his pack. Turning to Lulu, he would rub two fingers along the spine of the dragonfly-like Pokémon while frowning. He stretched out his arm to keep a maximized amount of distance between him and the Yanma. [color=0072bc]“Your Pokémon’s paralyzed, but I have something for that.”[/color] From another pocket of the bag, he produced a metal band that clasped at a certain point in the circumference. Placing that about the Yanma, the gadget began to whir as electrodes visibly exited the device and entered the Yanma’s body and wings. [color=0072bc]“It’s sort of like a muscle relaxer.”[/color] When the piece of technology died down, Lulu would appear rejuvenated and ready to move freely once again. Dogwood placed the ring into his pack before zipping all of his materials up securely. He’d pat the satchel and look over all of the kids, smiling and nodding his head. [color=0072bc]“I saw some impressive battling out there. I’m sure you can all learn a lot of techniques from each other! If there’s anything you ever need, I’m just a call away.”[/color] With that, and a hesitant glance in the direction of Espurr, the charismatic but kooky professor began to trot away back towards his lab, between picnic baskets and wild Taillow. It would be easy to catch up to him or yell a question if you needed something addressed. [i]~Assuming you continued to Route A…~[/i] You headed east for an extended amount of time, even wondering at some point if the Professor had misled you. Though eventually you reached it, a wide dirt road level with the low grass that surrounded it. The land before you was flat, much like Dewmeadow, but much drier. There were no droplets of water resting heavily on bent blades of grass. There were no drizzles when resting beneath any of the shady trees. You could see for miles in any direction, patches of tall grass and rogue oak trees being the only interruptions in the prairie-like landscape. For the first day of the annual Pokémon gathering, it was surprisingly… quiet. There were few if any trainers about, and they were all people you’d known from the village. Where were all of the trainers that were supposed to come from all around? And where was the merchant, who normally travelled in horse and carriage? He was the rural town’s source of trade, and it was odd that he hadn’t made it in today. Come to think of it, you remembered the Professor mentioning that his assistant Cass hadn’t come in yet either. Something, whatever it was, seemed amiss as your shoes kicked up the dust below you. [color=6ecff6][center][b]ROUTE A[/b] ENCOUNTER(S): 1 EACH TRAINER MAY CHOOSE THEIR OWN ENCOUNTER(S): [1) CATCH POKéMON (KNOWN POKéMON: TAILLOW) [2) TRAIN POKéMON [3) RANDOM EVENT [4) OTHER (PLEASE SPECIFY. IF ATTEMPTING TO CATCH A RARE POKéMON, STATE EXACTLY WHAT YOU ARE DOING.)[/center][/color]