Its been a rather boring time. The rain pattering harmlessly on the windows, looking down at the streets below as humans shuffled through, shoulder to shoulder amongst strangers, head down, gaze glued to their screens, hopelessly oblivious to the fully shifted Succubus, tail holding a cup of over priced Starbucks. Hair tied back in neat little braids. A episode of the walking dead played behind her. Finger tapping at the warm cup, she gave a sigh. "Should go to work tonight, ladies must be missing me by now" "It takes a week to get the ladies to miss you?" brow raised, Damion looked over to see a handsome fellow sitting casually on her couch. Ebony hair slicked back, eyes of coal burning with boundless intelligence, a hint of secrets behind the lens that would pull the soul to dive into their desires. He was dressed in a neat pair of slacks, and comfortable shirt. A small stubble ebbing at his jaw that set as he watched the show before him. "Come on Damion really? Whats the point of the dead that can walk? I know its fun for a time but 4 seasons?" "Its cause of machone, okay? She's a lovely lady." Nodding his head in agreement. Not even speaking why he shown, the man leaned back. "Lovely lady indeed, I might have to stop by and see her face for myself." Tail flicking in rage, the succubus growled, flaring her wings before marching over to the male who shown no fear. "What do you want?" "I simply wanted to congratulate you on finally making some friends that you didn't sleep with. Good show Damion good show. Oh, and here she is now." Cool voice running over the words like a stream over smoothed stones, Lucifer began to stand. His gate that of a predator, elegant and lethal while he practically floated over the flat to the front door. The sound only then echoing through the rooms as if he called the visitor with a whispered word. Without hesitation he opened the door slightly. Staring down at a young woman while offering a gentlemanly smile. "Well hello there miss, are you one of Damion's friends?"