[color=6ecff6][b]SUZUKI YASHA[/b][/color] Pokedollars: 500 [hider=Bag] Dogwood Pokedex Dogwood Pokeball 1x Potion [/hider] Team: Lulu the Yanma Level 7 Moves: Tackle, Foresight, Quick Attack Status: Normal [img]http://orig11.deviantart.net/3036/f/2015/344/7/f/yanma_by_pokemon3dsprites-d9jn6d9.gif[/img] ...In hindsight, having a Yanma tackling a juggernaut of a boulder was probably not a very good idea. In the end, Lulu was caught in mass of webs, fluff, and claws until it had exploded into a wild messy that covered the landscape. [color=6ecff6]"Lulu!"[/color] Yasha rushed over to his Yanma's side and saw that her eyes were just swirls from rolling around so much. [color=007236]"Yaaaaaaaaaaan."[/color] Lulu groaned in her dazed state. The poor bug-type pokemon had a really big day; she was selected to become this country boy's starter and she had her fast battle, which ended extremely disastrously. Seriously, there was no calculable way that anyone could've known that Fluffy would tumble through the webs laid out on the field, lose footing, and tumble into what would become a ball of fluff, claws, and webs. Yasha picked up the massive bug with ease despite it weighing 83 pounds. This was nothing for him. He had done a lot of work back home to maintaining the farm, such as moving bales of hay, wrangling the Tauros and Milktanks, and so on. There was one time that he had to wrestle down another farm's pregnant Rapidash and calm it down so it could give birth without any further complications. Man, now that was something he really didn't want to repeat again. The thrashing and the burns he got from that hurt like all hell. He sighed and smiled softly at the bug pokemon. [color=6ecff6]"Ya did good Lulu. Ya did good."[/color] Yasha was going to put her back in his pokeball, but the professor had walked out with a handful of potions to heal their pokemon. Not only that, he had used some strange contraption to cure Lulu of her paralysis! [color=6ecff6]"Thank ya kindly Professor Dogwood! I'll do my best to repay your kindness!"[/color] Soon the trio of trainers were left up to their own devices. They could go out on route one and head on to the next town! Still...something didn't seem quite right with this town. The professor's assistant was still missing and while he was making his way to the lab, he had heard people utter something about a merchant not arriving today.[color=6ecff6] "Hey y'all, maybe we should go find the professor's assistant to repay him?"[/color] He said to his new group of friends. Perhaps if they found the assistant then perhaps they'll also find the merchant?