[Center][h3][color=7F00FF]武 城 T A K E S H I S H I R O[/color][/h3] [sub][color=B3446C]S Q U A D 8 L I E U T E N A N T[/color][/sub][/center] Takeshi thought about what to do a bit longer until he heard a voice. He hadn't turned to acknowledge the person but instead decided to shrug before he spoke "[color=7F00FF]Both sound dull...however you've given me an idea! I'll go find that old git and give him a good ass kicking![/color]" Takeshi grinned a little, he was feeling a little more alive today! Takeshi still hadn't looked at the person who spoke and immediately turned away before shunpoing off to find [i]The Old Git[/i] who was due a good fight by now! After all that bastard hadn't given Takeshi any decent training in awhile and it seemed about the appropriate time to go get some form of training...if it involved sitting around drinking things again and [i]being one with your mind[/i] he'd kick off and kick ass! [@KabenSaal]