[color=ed1c24]"The runes on this thing have no similarity to the ones I use for summoning, so Im kinda useless for this too."[/color] Jessie said, wandering over to where Nemo had laid down, and sat down a couple feet away from him. [color=ed1c24]"You guys have fun working on that though. I believe in you, don't fuck it up, rah rah, go team."[/color] Jessie waved her fist in the air as if she were holding a small flag. She then took her summoning tome out and opened it up to a random book early in. She tapped a summoning circle on the page, and it glowed before a small vulpine sprite appeared in the grass next to the book. Jessie closed the book and picked up the summon, setting it in her lap and petting it. The sprite let out a bit of a cooing noise as Jessie pet it's fur.