(Victoria) Vampires don't actually need to sleep, but I still do it sometimes out of habit. Falling asleep is usually difficult without the use of drugs but waking up is so weird. Like, your body won't wake itself up. However, it's nearly impossible to sleep through a proper alarm unless some medication is keeping you under. Basically, if you forget to set an alarm, you'll never wake up. Luckily, I have an alarm that always goes off an hour before my classes start. I can't describe what it's like to wake up with a hangover and not be tired. I'm perfectly alert but my head hurts so bad I can't stand up. It's an odd feeling. How does a vampire go about curing a hangover? Blood. It's really a cure-all. It cures all basic human illness, including stomach flu, sinus infections, and headaches. Blood also speeds the healing process for most injuries. Unfortunately, it doesn't cure cancer (or any long term illness that comes from having a human body). Most vampires have a built up store of blood in their body, but I haven't had real blood in months. But this is why I volunteer in a blood bank. I have a couple bags stored in my fridge in case I ever got injured or sick. One sip of cold blood and I can feel the headache disappearing. [i]I forgot how good blood is[/i], I thought as I sucked down every drop. ~hours later~ I forgot how hard it is not drain humans when they're working side by side with you. But I didn't. So that's good. I put my books on my bed and turn on my computer and start checking on all my various websites. "Lucigoosi6" sent me a message? And followed me back?! Nice! I've been watching their blog forever! I clicked open the message and read "so I see you live in nyc. have you ever been to see the statue of liberty?" I reply with "actually, I haven't. surprising, I know." We kept chatting for a while until they had to go. That's when I finally pulled my homework out and got to work on my paper about how to tell if a patient has faked their drug tests. Absolutely riviting, I know.