[center][h3][color=maroon]Mallory Grimmoire[/color][/h3][@CloseEnough][/center] There were very few moments where Mallory's breath was taken away. Though, she was relatively certain that breathing was an entirely superfluous action for her. Her mouth dropped a bit, her eyes widening to the size of saucers, as she stared at the Prince of Darkness. Evil Incarnate. Lucifer. Satan. The Light Bringer. It didn't matter what he was called -- Mallory knew him. [color=maroon]"Uh...Er....No, not really,"[/color] Mallory stuttered, blinking rapidly. [color=maroon]"I'm here to...Well...."[/color] She mimed knocking in the air, careful to only do so twice. She didn't want to jinx things. Despite knowing perfectly well she had no ability to choose when death would come for someone, the superstition that ensnared most of the monsters in New York continued to dominate her mind. She chuckled nervously, a perfect drop of sweat rolling down her face. It was Lucifer, of all people! The one who was able to... to rebel! Mallory was helpless, unable to resist the divine dictation that she knock on the door of those fated to die in whatever city she resided in. She couldn't stop it. She couldn't rebel. But he could. [color=maroon]"The, erm.... The.... The mob is after Damien,"[/color] Mallory whispered, her eyes still wide. [color=maroon]"And erm...and... Victoria...Thalia...They....yeah...."[/color][hr][hr][center][h3][color=pink]Harley Quinn[/color][/h3][@svd927] [@BlueSky44] [/center] Harley brushed herself off, a few pieces of trash landing on the ground. Her head filled with fantasies and delusions, she grabbed the letters that Mister J had instructed her to deliver. She giggled a bit, a stray tear falling from her eye. [color=pink]"I'll get the joke next time, puddin'!"[/color] Harley promised to no one in particular. The letters went into the mailboxes of the two in question: the vampire and the dragon. She giggled a bit, excited to return to Mister J, and see what he had for her to do next... [color=pink]"I'm coming, puddin'! I'm coming, Mister J!"[/color] Harley shouted, before dashing off, vanishing from sight. [i]Assuming the letters are opened, they would read...[/i] HELLO. YOU ARE DUE TO DIE TONIGHT. IF YOU KILL THE PRINCE OF HELL, YOU WILL LIVE. THE SECRET TO SUCCESS IS SMILING X