[color=#FFFACD][url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/posts/3625497][h3]Rowan Branchers[/h3][/url][/color] _____ [i]Dewmeadow[/i] It was quite the sight, seeing all the Taillows gathering to pick up the string shot web. Of course, so was the sight of people approaching to just watch and picnic around it. Rowan was used to this kind of behaviour. In fact, hadn't he been on the beginning of his Pokémon journey, he'd totally have run home and brought his parents. Oh, this is too early to feel homesick! Let's get this going! [color=#FFFACD]”Professor!”[/color] Rowan blinked in a bit of realization when Dogwood appeared. When the potions came out, Rowan held forward his fainted Purrloin, and the magic of the potions did their wonder. Purrloin blinked upwards a bit as she regained consciousness, finding herself to be held in Rowan's arms. [color=#856B90]”... Rloin!”[/color] She made a noise and pulled herself out of Rowan's grip, getting down to the ground and taking a few steps, calming down from her ordeal before regaining her grace, looking upwards at Rowan and Dogwood before starting to lick her paw. [color=#FFFACD]”Th-thank you, Professor!”[/color] Rowan said, listening to his lesson about learning at well. [color=#FFFACD]”W-we'll do our best!”[/color] He'd answer his speaking about learning from one another, feeling rather proud of him praising their battling. Yupp. It was time for their journey to begin. Rowan couldn't wait! He'd catch all the Pokémon! But first, he needed to buy a lot of Pokéballs, and- Oh, yeah. The merchant isn't in town. Rowan was holding up an excited fist when he suddenly realized this. … Guess he'd have to limit himself to only catching one Pokémon until reaching the next town? … Huh. Very well, then. [quote=@hatakekuro][color=6ecff6]"Hey y'all, maybe we should go find the professor's assistant to repay him?"[/color][/quote] Um. Rowan blinked a little. That wouldn't be THAT necessary, right? She probably just overslept, or got caught up in a different matter so she couldn't come today. Er. [quote=@Morose][color=#9900cc]"That might be a good idea, actually. Perhaps some criminal has abducted her...It could be interesting. I can't imagine she could have gotten very far..."[/color][/quote] Eh? Rowan blinked more. Abducted... by criminals? And they'd go after them? So soon? Rowan felt a little cold all of a sudden, apprehension and a bit of fear in him. He'd been hoping to be going on this trip as a happy Pokémon trainer, a positive trip bathed in light. Sure, he could defend the injured from wild Pokémon, but... actually going up against a real criminal? Who probably has years of experience on him? Rowan very much considered himself still a fledgeling sprout on this matter, and the implications of someone actually having been kidnapped, and the consequences of challenging the kidnapper... It frightened him. But, Yasha and Mara both seemed intending on looking, and now Mara looked at him... Whelp. He didn't want to look uncool. He didn't want to seem pathetic. The colours drained a little from his face. Eh, um... Purrloin looked up at him curiously, sensing something was up with her trainer. A-ah, that wasn't helping, actually. [color=#FFFACD]”Sh-she probably just overslept! Haha! B-but, sure! If the Professor wants us to, we could check up on her!”[/color] He laughed a bit, before running a bit after Professor Dogwood, his current symbol of absolute safety, respect and confidence. [color=#FFFACD]”H-hey, Professor! Y-your assistant didn't show up when she should have, right? Do you have any idea why? Do you, um, we could check up on her! Where does she live? How does she look like?”[/color] The fact Rowan didn't know where she lived likely meant she lived outside of town, but maybe she was one of those secluded in town, because there were those, too. Purrloin looked after Rowan where he had run off before actually asking the others if they should ask him first, the cat-Pokémon somehow sensing what it was that her trainer had just felt. … Eh. Purrloin's face grew somewhat disinterested, and she continued to groom herself for the moment. He'd be back. [Potential action because saving time] Assuming Rowan would get the information about where Cass lives, Rowan would return and be like [color=#FFFACD]”Turns out, Cass lives outside Dewmeadow for research purposes, and was supposed to report to Dogwood, but she hasn't shown up in time. It's about at [/color][color=#FFFACD]. She looks like [/color][color=#FFFACD]. Suppose we'll check between here and there, then?”[/color] Rowan would suggest, before they'd head out. [i]Assuming he arrives at Route A...[/i] Owah. Just out of Dewmeadow, and the world already felt so much larger than Rowan had imagined. On the way, Purrloin had been walking about the feet of all the present individuals, inspecting them and making an expression of an attentive and happy cat that was as excited as they were, every once in a while sounding out a [color=#856B90]”Purr~!”[/color] to make people feel she was adorable. In any case. [color=#FFFACD]”Alright! Route A!”[/color] Rowan raised his excited fist, his other fishing out his Dogwood ball, looking at it intently. [color=#FFFACD]”Alright, Purrloin. We need to find the rarest and coolest Pokémon in Route A, and we'll only have one shot at catching it. All the while, we'll be looking for any sign of Cass and possibly ask any people we see if we've seen someone who looks like Cass. Let's do this!”[/color] [color=#856B90]”Purr!”[/color] Purrloin answered, somewhat excited herself, as they made their way to find Pokémon to catch. [1) Catch Pokémon. … Though, not just any Pokémon. Rowan will specifically be seeking after something that his eyes consider amazing or at least eye-catching, so just basic Taillows or other common Pokémon might not qualify. But, if he doesn't find anything else, maybe he'll settle for one. He'll also have Purrloin use her cat-senses to possibly locate the more uncommon Pokémon that might exist out here, for the sake of possibilities, if that'd help. Yupp, that's about that. ________ [hider=Pokémon][url=http://cdn.bulbagarden.net/upload/4/46/509Purrloin.png][img]http://i.imgur.com/rAs23Id.png[/img][/url] [url=http://bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net/wiki/Purrloin_(Pok%C3%A9mon)][u]Purrloin[/u][/url] [i]Level:[/i] 7 [i]Moves:[/i] Scratch, Growl, Assist [i]Ability:[/i] Unburden [i]Nature:[/i] Naughty [i]Held Item:[/i] --- [/hider] [i]Key Items: Dogwood Pokédex[/i] [i]Items: 1 Potion, 1 Dogwood Ball[/i] [i]678 P[/i]