Undyne just barely restrained a snort of laughter at the pun Sans had made. As groan-inducing as they were, not to mention this one being made at her expense, there was something about Sans' horrible yet oddly charming puns that always made things a little...lighter. Sure Papyrus would probably chew her out for being involved in such a horrible pun, a little brevity was more then welcome in between all the talks of lost friends and sharp knives. Besides, Frisk liked making bad puns too. It...made it feel like they were still here... Rolling up her sleeves, Undyne felt more determined then ever to find her best friend and commence with more cheesy wordplay and started her march towards the end of the corridor, breezing past a column where absolutely definitely no one was hiding behind. Seeing Papyrus' meandering gait going far too slow for her tastes, she placed Chen's tiny hands on the square of his back and started to push him forward. [color=0076a3]"Let's go, you nerds! Frisk isn't gonna wait around while we mess around, let's get out of here and find 'em and then we'll have a BIG SPAGHETTI DINNER!"[/color] --- To say that Sethlan was relieved at the human girl's apology would have been something of an understatement. The clumsy pangolin monster was no stranger to mishap and disaster, and it was a welcome respite when things went horribly wrong but got resolved before they blew up in his face. Sure he got chewed out by a monster, gently threatened by the King himself to apologize, demeaned himself in front of a bunch of strangers, and got insulted by ANOTHER monster forcing him to swallow his pride and ignore a blatant challenge, but compared to most of the other times things went wrong that was practically a cakewalk. Things going wrong was an old story for Sethlan, to say the least. What wasn't old and familiar was the news that there were monsters underground trying to find Frisk too. Quietly listening to the conversation play out, he waited patiently for Alphys to explain the situation before she started dialing for Mettaton on her cell phone. Two famous monsters in one day, Sethlan said to himself as he pondered the situation. Three actually, counting Dr. Alphys. Could this day get any stranger?