[b]MATSUOKA MINORU[/b] Adachi Ruriko. I commit the short Japanese girl's name and face to memory, engraving her unique attire and appearance permanently into my mind like scrawls of graffiti upon Pompeii's preserved walls. She's intent on duelling me straight after she finishes up with the tracksuit-wearing white girl to my side, and while I can make no claims to being able to prophesise the victor of that particular skirmish, it's better to be safe than sorry and remember the name of somebody who is likely to utterly trounce me as if I were the Tigers in the Championship Series. Cloacina's interference has really, to use the American expression, screwed the pooch on this one for me - she must be my Curse of the Colonel. [color=00aeef]This will be a learning experience, Matsuoka![/color] My eyes glance towards the white girl and her old, antique-looking sword. What I have learnt so far today is that both of these upperclasswomen of mine are probably swordswomen of an especially high calibre, given their possession of sword-based Divine Gears. Those swords had names too, but I guess that's to be expected. They're using Ritual Technology, while my own weapon's ... perfectly mundane, illegal and a remnant of a rather unsavoury history. My right hand brushes over its hilt for a second, the texture of the wood tickling the surface of my fingers. I really hope that it'll help me out for the next several years. "[color=00a651]Sorry, my god's a wee bit irresponsible,[/color]" I admit to the blonde, my tone drier than the deserts of Aegyptus on a hot summer day. "[color=00a651]I'll be rootin' for ya, alright senpai?[/color]" [color=00aeef][i]Learning experience[/i]. How else will you be able to compare yourself to your peers without the thrill of combat?[/color] Likely in a less hodge-podge, rushed manner, to be perfectly honest, but sometimes situations tend to fly off the broomstick- [color=00aeef]I think it's 'handle', Matsuoka.[/color] -and you're left to adapt to the consequences. I take a large step back, the motion taking me a short distance away from the two girls readying themselves for battle. I'm actually a bit curious about the matchup, because wasn't Excalibur that English king guy's sword? I think I own the Disney movie on VCR, with it being shoved in a sword by a wizard and whoever pulled it out was granted royal favour. Not exactly sure on the specifics, but I really want to see how that antique-looking weapon of the white girl's fares against Adachi-senpai's frightening sword and its grandiose name. Don't people like comparing western and Japanese swords on the Internet? That hasn't particularly interested me before, but here and now I have the chance to watch two actual swordswomen fight. That will be an useful learning experience. [color=00aeef]See, what did I tell you?[/color] It is tainted by the possibility of me fighting against Adachi Ruriko soon after, but I suppose the best option I have right now is to hope for the best and await the white girl's victory. If that doesn't come through, then I'll just have to give my best and avoid too many serious injuries. [color=00aeef]That's the spirit I'm looking for![/color]