[b][center]K Y O S H I S Q U A D 12 L I E U T E N A N T[/center] [/b] Kyoshi chuckled and looked away for a moment, rather happy that he would be her captain for a good while yet, as he had no intention to leave and in turn neither did she. Even death couldn't keep her away from this, even if she needed his help to make sure that she stayed alive long enough in order to keep enjoying these times. "Good to know captain..." She smiled softly before finally turning back at the mention of a mission that he did have in mind for her, which she was all too happy to accept. She always wanted to go out in the field more but the last time she did she kind of... died... [b]"So, what is the mission Juki? I am glad it is not another field test for the 'built in coffee machine you tried installing in me a while ago..."[/b] Giving off a chuckle she peered off to the surrounding area [b]"Of course that being said, we could hang around, laze and grab some snacks like you intended, you lazy captain. But what are these odd thigns you wanted us to investigate? If it is a metal eating hollow I would like a pass." [/b] [@Kurisa]