[centre][h1][color=aba000]James Harris[/color][/h1][/centre] [centre][hider=James] [img]http://50shadesofgray.ru/wp-content/uploads/2013/09/Charlie-Hunnam3-1024x700.jpg[/img] [/hider][/centre] James got out of Nikki's room, not wanting to bother her sleep and imidieatly noticed a woman with a baby shouting for Matt and Nikki. The woman came close to him saying that they have intruders. Then all of a sudden three men came from around the corner. James imidieatly pulled the woman behind him and pulled out his kukri, pointing it towards them. [color=aba000]"You boys are not from around here are you?"[/color] Said James in a threatening manner. Just as he was ready to pull out his gun Nikki comes out hellbent on destruction and after a couple of exchanges of words she kicks their asses hard with only one surviving. James put his kukri back in the sheath as Nikki proceeded to call for Matt through a walkie then told him to look after the one guy that survived as she continued to play with Grace. Then Matt came and took the dead bodies after Nikki told him what happened and gave him instructions on what to do next. After Nikki went away to check the doors James remained with the surviving guy. As everyone went away James leaned next to him and slapped him over the head. [color=aba000]"I bet it sucks dosen't it. To get your ass kicked by a woman. SIT DOWN!"[/color] Said James as he grabbed the guy on the shoulder and planted him on the ground because he wanted to get up. Then Matt returns with a couple of chains and locks and tells him to go chain some doors, slapping him on the back, as James was leaving Matt stopped him, telling him that Nikki wants to see him in the gym. James nodded and went away as he chained the doors that needed to be locked and went to the gym, seeing Nikki playing with the baby there. [color=aba000]"You wanted to see me?"[/color] Said James startling Nikki as she was concentrated on the baby. [centre][h1][color=0054a6]Zachary Harris[/color][/h1][/centre] [centre][hider=Zach] [img]http://i48.servimg.com/u/f48/11/68/70/61/52588910.jpg[/img] [/hider][/centre] The good athmosphere that Matt and Zach created was broken all of a sudden as Matt took a walkie and followed the instructions of a woman that called him out. As Matt was walking away he suddenly turned around and told him that he needs to come too. Zach followed him but stopped in front of the door after seeing the dead guards. "Oh man what the hell is going on in here." He said as he pulled out his bowie knife and got inside the school. As he was climbing some stairs, he sees Matt together with another guy he hasn't seen before. He put his bowie back in the sheath and takes the dead bodies outside one by one as Matt instructed him to do. Then after taking out the last body he sees a woman coming, handing him a walkie, telling him that it's for communication. [color=0054a6]"Thanks darling!"[/color] Said Zach smiling as the woman walked away.