[hider=Vriella Rose] [center][img]http://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjYwLjZmMzQzYi5WbkpwWld4c1lTQlNiM05sLjA,/road-movie.regular.png[/img] [img]http://66.media.tumblr.com/5da2c1e95639f6fc6223a3533f2a5634/tumblr_inline_mpy91nQTyN1qz4rgp.gif[/img] [color=#4c0000][h2]"Hey there, now why in the world did you decide to talk to [i]me?"[/I][/h2][/color] Standing at 5'8", Vriella isn't too short and she isn't too tall. Her body is slender and well toned due to the fact that she works out and does boxing. Vriella's hot face attracts a lot of unwanted attention. Her eyes have a lazy eye effect and her bored expression tells people to fuck off pretty well. Vriella's hair is straight with light bangs that usually frame her face well. But she usually has one side of her bangs completely flipped to the other side. Her lips have a natural light pink tint to them. Her usual clothing consists of a lot of black. Combat boots, black tank tops, jeans, and the such. She doesn't dislike color or anything. It's just that black goes well with [i]everything.[/i] [hr][hr] [color=9e0b0f][u]Age[/u][/color] 17 [u][color=9e0b0f]Race[/color][/u] American, Ukrainian [u][color=9e0b0f]Sexuality[/color][/u] Pansexual [u][color=9e0b0f]Marital status[/color][/u] Single [u][color=9e0b0f][h3]Personality[/h3][/color][/u] Vriella comes off as a.. Bitch. And that isn’t very accurate. If she doesn’t want to talk to you, chances are, she won’t be starting up a conversation and she won’t be continuing one. Vriella is a big believer that the people in this world, most of them at least, are [i]shit.[/i] She won't smile for just anyone. At least not a non-seductive, genuine, sweet smile. However, if she meets someone that she thinks isn’t a piece of crap, mind you but she’ll go and start up a conversation herself. Vriella will decide if they're good or bad though. And this doesn't mean that she's a princess and thinks that others don't deserve her attention. Even if she doesn't want to admit it, it's because she doesn't like liars or people that are mean. She isn't welcome to getting herself hurt over things like that. She isn’t shy [i]at all[/i] and she can be seductive if she wants to. However, she might give someone a chance if they come up and talk to her. As long as they don't seem like shit to her. Honestly, getting on her good side isn't really that hard. She doesn't like to judge people since she doesn't have the time and gossip is just a joke. Nerds can easily get on her good side since they look so damn innocent. Vriella is sweet to the people that she likes. She doesn't want to be loved but she's welcome to love others. The idea of being loved scares her but since she loves her friends, that counts as loving others. Vriella is fine with being used by her friends sadly. She's do anything for someone that she loves and that is usually only one person at a time. Vriella is a tryhard girl that does what she wants. She isn't afraid of much things. Her fears are more emotional. Vriella wants to have a good time with her life. Sexretly, Vriella is a dreamer. A dreamer that sadly understands how the world works and how her dreams won't come true. She wants to be loved but she's afraid of being loved. She's really quite a sad person. She has a large wall up in front of her that is obviously evident. No matter how close you get to her, you might not ever actually be [i]close[/i] to her. She's kind to her friends even if she sometimes might have a bad way of showing it. But if she truly loves someone as a friend or a love interest, she'll be kinder to them than to others around them. Vriella is someone that can easily compliment her friends and such but not too much. However, she's a truthful girl about that kind of stuff and not about herself. Vriella can't handle to truth about a lot of things and she's afraid of someone actually [i]getting[/i] her. Looking past that usually cold attitude and getting that she's [i]broken[/i] to herself. [color=9e0b0f][u][h3]Brief History[/h3][/u][/color] Vriella grew up in a house where no one cared about her except for her sister. Her father was an alcoholic and her mother was a druggie. So in conclusion, it was your classic bad childhood that you'd see on the TV. Because of that she would never think that she deserved to pity herself or anything. She turned on the news from time to time and she knew that she wasn't special. There were other's struggling so she didn't believe that she deserved to cry. Every night when her father got violent, she would forcefully hide her brother inside of an unknown hole in the floor that could hide him. That way, he wouldn't get hurt and she would instead. However, sometimes that didn't work out very well. This went on until she was 14 years old and her father died by gunshot. The killer is unknown but she thanks them for that. Her mother was left traumatized and hated seeing Vriella because of the fact that it reminded her of the fact that she had allowed terrible things to happen to her. Even if she won't ever say it, Vriella hates her mother. However, she acts like she loves her because she knows that her mother went through things as well. [u][color=9e0b0f][h3]Other[/h3][/color][/u] -She'll allow her friends to call her Vri. -She has congenital analgesia [u][color=9e0b0f][h3]Theme[/h3][/color][/u] [youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2-8bMpIWiPM[/youtube] [hr] [img]http://66.media.tumblr.com/22cacac8b95267276e177a5387c03c7b/tumblr_inline_mpy99g4bif1qz4rgp.gif[/img][/center] [hr] [/hider]