[b][color=9e0039]RED[/color][/b] [color=9e0039]("Guess no one is comming after all,whew, false ala-")[/color] red's thought was cut short when she heared a familiar voice. [color=0072bc]"Let's go, you nerds! Frisk isn't gonna wait around while we mess around, let's get out of here and find 'em and then we'll have a BIG SPAGHETTI DINNER!"[/color] [color=9e0039]"Captain Undyne...?"[/color] red whispered as she peeked and saw the captain of the royal guard with other monsters she hasnt met yet and two also new humans. [color=9e0039]"(If they are looking for frisk,then I need to help them as well.)"[/color] red thought. Red then used a crosshair to get their attention. [color=9e0039]"Captain,its good to see you again."[/color] red said as she walked out of her hiding spot.