[@Wade Wilson] AHHH I love love love your avatar/siggy! I discovered Panic! like 2 weeks ago, and they're my new favourite band. And Brandon is a smexy little shit <3 [@tenebrae16] I see what you mean, sure! I put in the youtube link to explain how her speed relates - her max speed would be Quicksilver in that, since I think it's reasonable. I'm not entirely sure what his exact top speed is, but it's quicker than a bullet or an explosion. [hider=Rain du Toit] [center][img] https://lh5.googleusercontent.com/-nyBHrC5jQkw/UGCL3axjRmI/AAAAAAAAAvY/XtCn8PmRiaY/w800-h800/alexis-bledel-blue-eyes-wallpaper.jpg[/img][/center] [b]Full name:[/b] Rain du Toit [b]Alias/Codename:[/b] N/A – Still needs one [b]Age:[/b] 18 [b]Country of origin:[/b] United States of America (New York) [b]Basic appearance:[/b] Rain has long, curly brown hair to her waist and bangs swept to the side. Her eyes are a light, piercing blue color and she stands at 5,3". She’s quite slim and petite, suiting to her power. Her facial features are delicate and 'sweet' – much like a, ‘girl next door.’ Costume: She hasn’t really made a proper costume yet, but she prefers to wear black exercise leggings and a black t-shirt, along with goggles – she’d learned about bugs the hard way, and the leggings offer her freedom of movement. [b]Skills:[/b] ~ Unassuming. People tend to think that she’s not a threat, and she doesn’t exactly [i]look[/i] like a superhero. She’s sort of a fan of Natasha, since she’s also on the short side and is often underestimated too (from the stories she’s read, anyway). It can be an advantage for infiltration and combat. ~ Perception. Rain tends to notice things other people might not when it comes to emotions and body language. She’s a good reader of how people are feeling, and although she’s often in the background, she tends to hear a lot more than those who always talk. This is a result of her being quite sensitive, and having a high EQ. [b]Powers:[/b] ~ Super speed. Rain can run really, really fast. It's to the point where the world seems to almost stop around her. Her body is reinforced to stand the forces that super speed creates. Her mind is also adjusted to make up for this change in perception - she thinks on an accelerated rate compared to normal people, so that she can adapt while running (which sometimes leads to quiet impatience - see: sighs). She gets tired at her high speeds as a normal person would while running at a jogger's pace. [Example: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1NnyVc8r2SM ] [b]Brief bio:[/b] Rain grew up in a single parent household with her mother, who was the daughter of South African expats. She was never told who her father was, and the most her mother would say was that it was too dangerous to stay with him – although he wasn’t a bad man. She has always wondered who he was. She attended public school in New York, and gained her super speed at age 13. She didn’t use it for much, unsure and a little bit scared of what the authorities might do. When the Avengers came into the spotlight, she felt a little more accepted. However, that was also when her mother found out about her powers. For some reason, she freaked out and threw Rain out of the house for a few days. Eventually they reconciled, but their relationship was never the same. Rain felt lost and alone, and wanted to do something with her powers. She contacted SHIELD through a long process, and after some tests, they decided to take her on for the team. (For official use only) [b]Initial observation report:[/b] Super speed ability, similar to that of Quicksilver and the Flash. Experience has shown this ability to be extremely useful in the right hands. Subject is timid and will need encouragement as well as extensive physical training. [b]Training regimen/expertise:[/b] ~ Basic combat training. No experience. ~ Strength training. Subject can break walls at high speeds, but needs this for better combat skills. ~ Fitness training. Subject not terribly unfit, but greater cardio fitness and lung capacity will aid in longer bursts of speed. ~ Infiltration training. [b]Potential outlook:[/b] Potential for a very good de-escalator of hazardous situations and rescuing civilians in harm's way. [b]Best case scenario:[/b] Icon of safety for civilians. Disabler of enemies, infiltration. [b]Worst case scenario:[/b] Possibility of being too shy to be useful in combat. Relegated to saving civilians in the way of Avengers. Extreme unlikelihood of uncontrolled powers or villainous tendencies. [hider=CONFIDENTIAL] DNA tests showed paternal relation to [REDACTED].[/hider] [/hider]