[color=f7941d][h1]Abigail Lowe[/h1][/color] [h3]Route 1[/h3] Abigail smiled as her Pokedex lit up. Sure, it wasn't that much money, but she wanted to see all the Pokemon anyway! What could be better than getting paid to find all the cool ones out in the wild. She squinted at the description, though. It's not like she was saying Professor Ficus was wrong - not out loud anyway, what if the professor heard her somehow and did the whole scary eyes thing again - just that you know, the Pidgey hadn't seemed that 'Docile' to start with. Or maybe Abigail was just bad at reading emotions. Nah, what could she say. Clearly the Pokedex was the one at fault here, she was great at talking. She was so good at talking that sometimes people got angry just listening to her! The mark of a true master. She was a bit shocked when Pidgey landed on her shoulder. This was not how she'd expected her first battle to go, and she looked incredibly confused until it started to peck at her cheek. Waffles, seeming worried that this was an attack on his trainer, seemed ready to charge down the other Pokemon until Abigail gestured for him to hold back. Eyes narrowing, the Deerling reluctantly obeyed his trainer, but still looked ready to attack if the Pidgey tried anything more aggressive. Speaking softly compared to her usual energy, Abigail reached into her pocket and pulled out one of the sweets, unwrapping it and placing it in her palm. [color=f7941d]"Hey there, Pidgey... Do you want one? They're safe for Pokemon, if you're hungry."[/color] she smiled gently. [color=f7941d]"All the best friendships start by sharing. C'mon, try it!"[/color] With a genuinely friendly look on her face, she raised her palm, holding it up for the Pidgey to easily see the sweet. Hopefully the Pokemon would like it! She really did hope that Pidgey could get along with her and Waffles. Waffles looked incredibly confused by his trainer's actions, trotting awkwardly in place on the path. If you looked closely, you might see an expression of slight jealousy on the Deerling's face. [hr] Pokedollars: 800 [hider=Bag] Potion x1 Ficus Ball x1 Ficus Pokedex x1 Assorted Candy x??? [/hider] [hider=Pokémon] Waffles (Deerling Summer Form) Lv. 7 Type: Normal/[color=007236]Grass[/color] Nature: Serious Ability: Sap Sipper Moves: [list] [*] Tackle [*] Growl [*] Camouflage [*] [color=a36209]Sand Attack [/color] [/list] [/hider]