Jane’s eyes popped open at the sensation of Rob’s fingers ruffling her hair, and after pulling out her ear buds, she couldn’t help but smile at his question. 1) Because she couldn’t think of something she’d rather do than spend a whole day exploring a foreign city with Rob and 2) this must mean that he wasn’t too upset about the set last night, something she was worried about. But before she could reply, Austin and Sam interrupted, asking if they could come along. When Rob agreed, Jane just shrugged at him. A part of her really wished they weren’t, but what was she going to do? Tell them no? Of course not. “Let me just put something on and brush my teeth, yeah?” she smiled to the three before her. “I’ll be ready in five. While you’re at it, wanna see if Lyla and Aaron wanna tag along? “Sounds good,” said Austin, and he immediately darted outside to the parking lot to ask the two. “I’ll be outside,” Sam added, following Austin out of the door. This left Jane, Rob and their sleeping driver in the bus alone. She popped up immediately and headed towards the back of the bus, opting to brush her teeth before getting dressed in something more appropriate than a t shirt to go exploring. After pulling on a light pair of skinny jeans and a large, flimsy white shirt, she grabbed her black vans and brought them over to the couch Rob was still lounging on and plopped down next to him. But, as always, being so close to him made her want to do only one thing: be all over him. “Hey,” she spoke lowly as one leg swung over his lap and she sat down to face him. Her eyes scanned his face momentarily before continuing, causing her stomach to flutter, and as if to brace herself for it, she placed her hands firmly on his shoulders. “I don’t like repeating myself, but seriously, I’m sorry for last night.” She kissed him softly, letting a hand go up into his hair. “I give you full permission to kick me out of the band if I pull some shit like that again.” Her eyes landed back on his, and for a moment, she sat there in silence. Warm and fuzzy feelings began to bubble up inside of her, but instead of spilling her guts to Rob, Jane did what Jane did best. After her hands went to either side of his face, she pulled him towards her and kissed him deeply, and as she did, all of her senses lit up. “God, Rob,” she mumbled as she kissed him, “what are you doing to me?” Her hands began to travel south, down his chest and stomach, and soon they were fidgeting with his belt buckle that sat underneath her. It was as if she forgot everything happening around them and where they were, but she was soon reminded as the sound of the door whooshing open snapped her out of it. “Shit,” Jane mumbled as she stood up abruptly, almost falling over. “I’m sorry, I’m sorry,” Lyla said as she looked out of the windshield. “We’re, um, we’re ready when you are.” “Y-yeah,” Jane said as she began to work on her shoes. “Us, too.” Her cheeks had worked up to a bright red shade as Lyla exited the bus back to the group outside. She looked to Rob and winced as she whispered a “sorry,” then grabbed her bag and nearly stumbled out of the bus. He wasn’t joking about the lack of privacy they would have on this tour, but if the past two days were any inkling on how the rest of their trip was going to be, Jane felt like she might go crazy. With all the mental turmoil she was experiencing, if sex couldn’t be her vice, it would be drugs and booze, which she personally didn’t mind, but she knew it’d probably cause more tension between the bandmates if she was completely annihilated constantly. Maybe she could ask Harold to book them a hotel room soon. Jane stood with the rest of the group, wrapping her messy hair in a large bun on her head and slipping on her large sunglasses over her eyes. [center]*****[/center] Soon, the six of them were walking the streets of Copenhagen together, and Jane was puffing on a cigarette as she walked with Lyla behind the four men. After the initial awkward apology for what she had walked into, Lyla seemed to definitely be coming out her shell, at least with Jane, and the two were cracking up laughing as they talked about everything from high school to more crude topics. She was thankful to have another girl around that didn’t hate her, like Jane felt Zoe did. She was doing her best not to think of Zoe at all, but it was hard. It was one thing knowing from Andy that Zoe didn’t really like her to begin with, but now that she and Rob were getting closer, the thought of her made her uneasy. It didn’t help that she was attractive, too. They all settled on checking out the Tivoli Gardens, and although Jane hated amusement parks, she decided not to vocalize it and ruin the fun for everyone else. So instead, when everyone entered and broke off from the group, Jane opted to grab a beer from a stand and sit on a bench by herself. Once she pulled out her phone, she immediately saw a text from Andy. [i]Andy, 12:34 PM:[/i] [b]You free before the show later?[/b] Without responding, Jane tucked the phone back in her purse and sighed in frustration. She was so torn on how to handle the options in front of her. Seeing where things go with Andy could be fun, but it also felt like it could be regrettable, which she had never worried about until recently. But Rob was hanging out with Zoe, doing God knows what, so would it really be [i]that[/i] awful of her to hook up with Andy? Part of Jane wished that she knew what was really going on between the two, just so she could gauge how far would be [i]too[/i] far. Jane decided to grab her phone once again and reply to Andy. It wasn’t his fault she was so confused, and after all, he had been a really good friend to her during all of this madness. [i]Jane, 12:41 PM:[/i] [b]Not sure yet. I’ll let you know, yeah?[/b] [i]Andy, 12:44 PM:[/i] [b]Sounds good.[/b] After sticking her phone back in her purse, Jane scratched at her head and yawned as she people watched from behind the dark lenses. It was so easy to forget how big the world is, and now, she felt so tiny and insignificant as she sat on the bench by herself. It was both a great and awful feeling, and it gave her a sort of calmness that she had been missing that morning. Well, a calmness she had been missing for a long time. Jane missed a lot of things about herself lately, like being able to have fun wherever she was, her disregard for love and relationships, her inability to grow emotionally attached to someone. Now, she was almost a person she didn’t recognize: this needy, jealous, emotional wreck that she didn’t blame Rob for not wanting to be exclusive with. If she was honest, she had always been a mess. But when it was paired with such confidence and carelessness, it felt better than it did now. Jane took a sip of her beer as she pulled out her phone for the last time, now to text Rob. [i]Jane, 12:58 PM[/i]: [b]Hey, I was thinking maybe we could get a hotel room on our next night off. Check in early, enjoy some time alone.[/b] Next, she got on Spotify and scrolled through what felt like thousands of songs before she chose [url=https://youtu.be/Yj6V_a1-EUA]I Found by Amber Run[/url], a song that seemed to mirror all the things she was feeling inside. And Jane sat there, completely engulfed in her own emotions, as one song ended and another began, unconcerned with the world continuing around her.