[hider=Eddie Dryden/ Joshua] Full Name: Edward Philip Dryden Alias: Joshua Age: 20 Gender: Male Occupation: Unemployed Appearance: Eddie Dryden is a Caucasian male of average height and a bit on the thin side. He dyes his naturally blond hair black and has particularly pale skin (he rarely goes out in daylight hours). Eddie tends to prefer Goth fashion. Personality: Eddie Dryden is self-centered and narcissistic to sociopathic extremes. If he believes something, it is objectively true, since he is smarter and better informed than anyone else as well as more physically capable. He has very little patience for the thoughts, opinions, feelings, or welfare of others. As such, he is markedly antisocial and uninterested in making friends. Biography: Eddie Dryden has had an entirely unexceptional background. A WASP from an upper middle class family in Greenfield, there has been no tragedy or misfortune in his short life, lived entirely in Jericho. He did well in school, though he was shunned by other students for his generally rude behavior and superior attitude (this resulted in more than one fight). Upon graduating from Greenfield, he sought no employment or higher education, instead living in the home of his doting parents who provide for him and ask few questions. For the past couple of years, Eddie could be described as a “netizen”. Aside from rushed and infrequent interactions with his parents and more successful older siblings, his only real link to the outside world has been through the Internet, learning about subjects that interest him. Radicalization might be a strong word for what has happened to the young man, but Eddie has become convinced that Jericho is some sort of fascist police state and RedWatch are a gang of jackbooted thugs- an opinion that fits in well with his anti-authority leanings. As a natural consequence, Eddie believes that the vigilantes of the past are the best answer to this issue. He has obsessively studied the famous vigilantes- Boston's Cleaver, Atlanta's Scream Queen, Louisville's Slugger, San Francisco's Candlewick, St. Louis' Freefall, and of course the hometown favorite The Shepherd. And the more Eddie think about it, the more it seems like he's the perfect person to carry out a one-man revolution. Eddie has been preparing for months now- using the power of the internet to learn basics of bombmaking, hacking, and martial arts (he vastly overestimates his skill in these areas) as well as purchase tools and weapons (mostly knives, batons, bats, and other melee weapons). Though not a religious man by any means, Eddie has chosen Joshua as his [i]nom de guerre[/i]- the Biblical figure who sacked and destroyed the original Jericho. Now, Eddie waits and plans for the right time to make his debut. Miscellaneous: Eddie has chosen the Sidney Bechet version of the old spiritual [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=73IB2oPh7SU]Joshua Fit the Battle of Jericho[/url] as his personal theme song- any online communications he makes will inevitably have it playing. [/hider]